Background. The article is based on the analysis of the role of education in preserving the national and economic security of the state in modern society. The study is aimed at establishing the scientific and practical possibilities for strengthening the base of the future well-being of the nation and the security of the country on the substantiation basis of interdependence between the national security of the state and the development of education.
Objectives. The main goals include identifying the factors and features that outline the influence of educational quality on the formation of national security, as well as identifying ways of developing the scientific and educational potential of the country.
Methods. During the research, various methods such as logical reasoning, deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, formalization, abstraction, observation, as well as the monographic approach were used.
Results. A number of conclusions drawn from the study emphasize the role of the education sector in the improvement of national and economic security of the Russian Federation in the context of innovative development. In addition, a set of practical recommendations are presented on the development of education and the formation of the state's technological sovereignty.
Conclusions. Education plays a key role in strengthening the national security of the state. It forms qualified personnel capable of ensuring technological progress, economic stability and defense against external threats. The development of the education system should become a priority task of State policy, as it is through the education of literate, responsible and patriotic citizens that the long-term well-being and sustainable development of the country can be achieved.
national security of the state; economic security of the state; education; innovative development; personnel training; entrepreneurial university; technological sovereignty; human capital; knowledge economy; digital economy
Background. Teaching a general course of physics in a technical university is aimed at developing a holistic system of knowledge and skills in future engineers. Monitoring the quality of the educational process and checking the assimilation of physical knowledge in students are important components of the educational process. Distance testing as a part of distance education technologies has a significant potential for controlling knowledge in physics and mathematics disciplines, for improving acquired skills and abilities.
Objectives. The purpose of the study is to develop tests for effective and high-quality assessment to check the students' residual knowledge of the physics course and to check their application. The main attention is paid to the description of professional approach to the development of tests for monitoring students' mastery of the basic knowledge of the general physics course after graduation. Approbation of the tests is carried out in order to verify the materials necessary for a complete and systematic control of the level of residual knowledge.
Methods. The experience of developing tests for checking students' residual knowledge in parts of the general physics course is summarized based on a detailed analysis and selecting the necessary material. Testing as a method of knowledge control is used to check knowledge, skills and abilities, to control the characteristics of the process of knowledge assimilation. The effectiveness of the final tests for the second-year students' knowledge level is defined by the methods of comparing and analyzing the obtained data.
Results. An overview of the subject material is given, a structure of tests for assessment of residual knowledge on optics and quantum physics is developed. An analysis of the level of test tasks and options for their implementation at National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” using the intra-university system of distance testing is conducted. More than 500 second-year second-year bachelor's students studying in different specialties have been tested. It is shown that the created tests allow to determine the level of knowledge of basic physical definitions, phenomena, laws and can be used to monitor the formation of physical knowledge of technical university students.
Conclusions. The general structure of the resulting tests for checking residual knowledge in the physics course and variants of test tasks of different levels are discussed. The study lead to the conclusion on the effectiveness of using the selected testing material based on the testing results and computerized form of testing with automated assessment of knowledge. The obtained data on the level of learning material assimilation can be used in the development of test tasks for the general physics course in technical universities.
physics education; distance learning; residual knowledge; students of technical specialties
Background. The presented study analyses modern approaches to teaching history in the system of higher education. The scientific search is due to the demand of the state and society to improve the quality of historical education, which acts as a resource for solving the problems of forming patriotic and civic consciousness among the younger generation.
Objective. The study analyses the didactic potential of applying the principle of historicism in the process of constructing the content of historical material and in the course of teaching historical knowledge. In its applied aspect, the study involved the development and experimental implementation of maps for constructing the content of historical material based on the leading imperatives of historicism, as well as the analysis of the implementation results.
Sample. The empirical study involved 207 first-year undergraduate students of full-time and part-time education aged 17 to 43 years.
Methods. The study was conducted in the context of the introduction of the updated academic discipline “History of Russia” in accordance with the Concept of Teaching the History of Russia for Non-Historical Specialties and Areas of Education. Research activities were carried out based on systemic, activity-based, and personal approaches. The methods of theoretical analysis, observation, pedagogical experiment, measurement, comparison, and analytical description of the data obtained were used.
Results. The results obtained made it possible to establish the didactic potential of maps for constructing the content of historical material developed taking into account the leading imperatives of historicism. The use of the developed maps had a positive effect on the results of students' mastering of the historical material, and showed a dynamic increase in the levels of knowledge quality in respondents by 4.7%. A significant increase in the indicators of such characteristics of historical knowledge in subjects as efficiency, strength, and concreteness was established.
Conclusions. The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of the maps for constructing the content of historical material. The positive impact on the quality of students' acquisition of historical knowledge was achieved through the systematic implementation of the principle of historicism both in constructing educational material and in the process of teaching historical knowledge. The main scientific provisions of the study, didactic developments can be used in the practice of teaching history.
historical education; higher education; the principle of historicism; the content of education; the quality of education
Background. Psychological well-being is a criterion for assessing the type of adolescent's socialization processes. According to EPOCH model, the psychological well-being includes the adolescent's engagement, perseverance, optimism, connectedness, happiness. The correlation of psychological well-being and prosocial behaviour forms four types of socialization processes: positive, deviant, traumatic and negative socialization.
Objective. The purpose of this article is to study the components of adolescents’ psychological well-being as related to different types of socialization.
Methods. The diagnostic complex of the study included the 20-item version of the EPOCH questionnaire (Kern et al., 2016) and the prosocial behaviour scale from the Success and Difficulty Questionnaire for Children 11–17 years old (SDQ, Goodman et al., 2005), adapted for Russian-speaking sample.
Samplе. The study sample included 312 adolescents, 13–16 years old (M = 14.50, SD = 1.01), students of secondary schools, 141 boys (45.2%), 171girls (54.8%).
Results. The general level of psychological well-being and the expression of its main domains differ among adolescents with prosocial or asocial types of behaviour. Adolescents with positive socialization (46.8%) are distinguished by a high level of development of all domains of psychological well-being and prosocial behaviour. Adolescents with deviant socialization (15.7%) also have high levels in all the domains of psychological well-being, but asocial orientation of behaviour. Adolescents with traumatic socialization (19.2%) are characterized by low levels of psychological well-being, especially the characteristics of engagement and persistence. Adolescents with negative socialization (18.2%), also have a low level of psychological well-being, especially the characteristics of connectedness, and are prone to social nihilism.
Conclusions. The key factor of psychological well-being of adolescents with different types of socialization is the quality of interaction and relationships of the adolescent with other people, especially with peers. Constructive relationships both in case of positive socialization and in case of traumatic and even deviant socialization determine the success of socialization processes or possibilities of successful socialization, while violation of relationships and interaction blocks the positive development of sociality and attitude to oneself.
psychological well-being; adolescents; types of socialization
Background. Currently, the issues of religion and the attitude of society towards it occupy an important place in scientific discourse. The principles of implementing the axiological approach in the modern educational process are based on intercultural interaction, dialogical forms of communication, and giving meaning to various value aspects. In the context of globalization of higher education, the issue of preserving and developing national educational systems arises. In this regard, the process of forming students' value-semantic attitude to the problems of studying national culture and preserving the cultural and religious heritage of the country is becoming relevant.
Objectives. The goal is to consider the scientific and pedagogical experience in studying the issue of forming students’ value-meaningful attitude of to the socio-cultural heritage of religion in the educational process and public life.
Methods. The methodological basis is the analysis of normative documents in the field of education, scientific, pedagogical, historical and philosophical works of Russian and foreign authors. In addition to general scientific methods, comparative analysis is used to compare approaches to the study of the presented issues.
Results. The key notions of the concept of “value-meaningful attitude of students to the socio-cultural heritage of religion” are identified and defined. Based on the reviewed scientific and pedagogical works and materials, the author offers an original interpretation of this concept.
Conclusions. It is noted that the value-meaningful attitude of students to the socio-cultural heritage of religion is expressed in the active, selective position of the student, manifested in the need for getting familiarized with culture, knowledge and understanding of religion, a positively colored emotional response to religious and cultural values, the ability to comprehend and realize spiritual needs.
value-meaningful attitude; students; socio-cultural heritage of religion; pedagogical approaches; cultural values
Background. The article highlights a relevant problem of upbringing students within modern school education as considered in the context of the role of interaction between psychology and pedagogy. The education system needs scientific psychological knowledge, since educational standards pay much attention to the issues of mental development of a growing person.
Objective. The article attempts to return the original meaning to the phenomenon of “psychological service in the education system”, which is currently understood in different ways.
Methods. The article uses theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific literature on the interaction between psychology and pedagogy in the context of students’ education
Results. Psychological service should be understood as psychological support for the continuous education system, as an integral phenomenon representing the unity of scientific, applied and practical aspects. This is achieved on the basis of scientific and practice-oriented cooperation between psychology and pedagogy, educational psychologists and teachers.
Conclusions. The activity of an educational psychologist is key in the psychological support of the continuous education system, since it is the educational psychologist who constructs the social situation of children's cultural development in cooperation with teachers (L.S. Vygotsky). The stated approach means increasing the requirements both to the level of professional training of educational psychologists and to the level of their personal and cultural development.
Background. In Russian speech therapy, face-to-face classes with participants in the correctional process were traditional. However, due to the improvement of technical means and digitalization of communication processes in general, in recent years it has become possible to supplement the correctional process with distance learning in order to optimize the quality of work in various fields of activity, including speech therapy. Currently, remote interaction of patients, their family members and logotherapists is actively implemented as an additional type of group work at different levels of the family rehabilitation course for stuttering people of different ages. This article describes practical experience of working in a mixed format (face-to-face/online) with stuttering people. Practical recommendations on the organization of remote interaction for the participants in the correctional process are given, its various forms are described at each level of the family rehabilitation course for people suffering from stuttering.
Objectives. The purpose is to describe and systematize types and forms of remote interaction of participants in the correctional process in accordance with the levels of the family stuttering rehabilitation course. The methodological basis of the study consists of scientific and theoretical provisions on the definition of stuttering as a communicatively significant phenomenon; the concept of combining and interpenetrating techniques of speech therapy and psychocorrection in eliminating stuttering; ideas about family logopsychocorrection in the system of overcoming stuttering.
Results. This article describes such remote events as online consultations, collection of diagnostic material, consultations of logotherapists, online meetings with participants who have previously completed a family rehabilitation course, a series of control events with feedback from logotherapists, mentors, working with checklists and creating their own creative audio products, online classes at the final level of the family rehabilitation course for stuttering people.
Conclusions. The problem of organizing remote interaction of participants in family rehabilitation for the correction of stuttering is introduced and revealed. Remote interaction is organically woven into each level of the family rehabilitation course using the E.Y. Rau method, starting with preparatory (diagnostic) stage and ending with additional micro-support. The practical experience of recent years indicates that the distance format is an additional effective tool in correctional work with stuttering people of different ages. The remote format allows us to remove restrictions related to the location of course participants, as well as to optimize the function of monitoring the implementation of recommendations by logotherapists.
remote interaction; family rehabilitation for stuttering people; types of remote work; speech therapist; mentoring
Background. The relevance of the study is determined by the development of performative foreign language didactics in both Russian and foreign pedagogical science. Performative didactics offers a comprehensive approach to teaching, integrating communicative, aesthetic, and creative aspects.
Objectives. The goal of the study is to characterize a series as a large performative form from the perspective of performative foreign language didactics and to investigate the potential of filming a series as a performative method of foreign language learning, analyzing its potential in overcoming the language barrier and developing communicative and intercultural competences in students.
Study Participants. The study is based on the analysis of a student project — a six-part series in German, “Leben mit Akzent”. The series was created by students of the Faculty of Journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2016–2018 as a part of an extracurricular German language project. The project was implemented under the guidance of a teacher and with the involvement of relevant technical specialists and native speakers.
Methods. The study uses a comprehensive approach, combining elements of historical, descriptive, and didactic types of analysis. The research methodology is based on the key principles of performative didactics: active learner involvement, performativity as a focus on physical action with an aesthetic component, contextuality, dialogicity, unpredictability, and reflection.
Results. The research results show that the performative approach in foreign language teaching, which has emerged in both Russian-speaking and foreign pedagogy, is closely linked to the communicative approach. It integrates aesthetic elements and into the educational process. The study demonstrates that performative and project-oriented approaches share many similarities, as both are based on active learner engagement in the educational process. Unintentional memorization plays a key role in this process. The study comprehensively examined the structure of work on the student series “Leben mit Akzent”, highlighting the stages of the process and emphasizing the importance of each stage for learning German.
Conclusions. A series represents a large performative form, the realization of which is only possible within the framework of extracurricular project activities. Creating a series in German is a multi-step process that not only involves students but also contributes to the development of various language skills in learners. Successful implementation of the project requires a high level of language proficiency from students as well as the involvement of a team of experienced technical specialists.
performative approach; performative methods; project work; German as a foreign language; foreign language teaching; series
Background. A comprehensive study of the nature and results of the pedagogical activity of Professor of Physics N.A. Umov at the Imperial Moscow University (IMU) in 1893–1911 is necessary to ensure the possibility of recreating a holistic picture of the history of development of physics teaching at Moscow University.
Objective. The goal is to characterize various aspects and to identify the main results of N.A. Umov's pedagogical activity during his service at the IMU.
Methods. General theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization) and historical methods (studying diverse historical and pedagogical sources, historical-genetic and biographical) were used to conduct the research.
Results. Three main aspects of N.A. Umov's pedagogical activity at IMU have been identified. 1) Teaching an experimental (general) physics course. 2) Management of the design, arrangement and equipment of educational devices for the new building of the IMU Physics Institute. 3) Participation in the processes of modernization and reform of the physical education system in Russian secondary school, including the education of future teachers and researchers. For the first time, the educational and methodological materials used by N.A. Umov to support teaching experimental physics at the IMU was analyzed. The relevance of conducting research on the influence of N.A. Umov's pedagogical ideas on the initial stage of the formation of the national scientific school of physics teaching methods in secondary school was noted. A number of previously unpublished photographic documents have been introduced into scientific circulation.
Conclusions. N.A. Umov was a follower of the pedagogical traditions founded by A.G. Stoletov. Guided by the programme he proposed, N.A. Umov created an original richly illustrated textbook on experimental physics. In the process of lecturing, he developed a visual method of teaching physics at IMU, for which he actively used demonstration experiments, a number of which he himself developed and implemented into pedagogical practice. N.A. Umov played a leading role in the creation of the physical Institute at IMU and in its establishment as the largest center of Russian physical education of that period. The activity of N.A. Umov, aimed at improving school physical education, had a significant impact on the formation of methods of teaching physics in secondary schools in our country as an independent branch of pedagogical science.
Umov Nikolay Alekseevich; Imperial Moscow University; general physics; physics institute; history of education
Background. A significant problem in studying the current situation with the provision of academic services to foreign students in Russia is the lack of access to information on the composition of the international students in separate educational institutions. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia annually publishes open data on the number of foreign students, their citizenship and academic preferences. However, offers of educational services in Russia are very diverse. The average indicators for the country do not fully reflect the realities of both leading universities with high tuition fees and regional universities with more affordable prices.
Objectives. The goal of the conducted research is to create a basic understanding of the MSU’s international students’ composition within the scientific community. Analysis is mostly conducted from the points of the areas of immigration and the choices of educational trajectories available at Moscow University. The authors see an additional purpose in identifying similarities and differences between foreign students of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the nationwide trends in interstate inbound academic mobility.
Study participants. This article presents the results revealed in the process of exploring all MSU’s undergraduate and graduate international students (5184 people) who are obtaining degrees based on the data for 2023.
Methods. Quantitative and comparative analyses were used as methods to process the empirical material; comparative analytics was used both at the stage of working with initial data and at the stage of working with secondary data.
Results. Among the main results, it should be noted that a significant dominance of Chinese students at MSU (82.2%) is observed along with absence of students from India (0.06%), which differs strongly from Russian median indicators. It is also important to mention the steady trend of interest in the humanities among foreign Bachelors and Masters of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In terms of numbers of admission of international students, the leading departments are the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, the Faculty of Journalism, and the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies.
Conclusions. The analysis of data on the number of the Moscow university’s foreign students for the period from 2019 to 2022 allows us to say that the demand for MSU’s educational programmes is almost not affected by global or local socio-cultural and geopolitical events, due to the stable interest in the educational programmes of Moscow university on the part of Chinese citizens, and the sustainable development of international cooperation in the field of obtaining academic qualifications between Moscow and Beijing as well.
educational export; Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU); foreign students; internationalization of education; student migration; academic mobility
Background. The relevance of this study is explained by the fact that Russian system of higher teacher education is experiencing a historical turning point. Pilot projects conducted in order to reform the system of teachers raining at universities of different types (Moscow State Pedagogical University and Baltic Federal University) actualize the issue of the optimal path for the development of this system. In this context, the study of the historical development of teacher education is extremely important for understanding the current state of the national teacher training system.
Objective of this article is to provide a historical justification for the duality of the national pedagogical system, which influences its current state and the prospects for future development.
Data Sources. Reviews, regulatory and programme documents on the organization of Russian pedagogical education in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern periods, as well as scientific works on the history of the teacher training were considered.
Results. Methodological dualism was initially embedded in the methodology of pedagogical education in Russia, starting from the 18th century. It defined the long-term confrontation between the competence-based and fundamental approaches in teacher training. The history of teacher training demonstrates examples not only of the dominance of one of the approaches in educational practice, but also of a reasonable consensus between them in different historical periods.
Conclusions. In the history of teacher education in Russia, two leading trends can be traced in the creation and reform of teacher training institutions: the training of teachers in classical universities and the development of specialized pedagogical educational institutions.
teacher; history of education; classical university; pedagogical university; teacher training
Background. Modern education is a complexly organized system that is influenced by two opposing forces: modernization as a result of scientific and technological progress, and the preservation of the basic foundations of pedagogical thought. Education system is constantly facing new challenges, the solution of which is usually sought in innovations. However, the fundamental principles of education and upbringing, which form Russian pedagogy as an independent science and discipline, remain a potential resource for solutions, including those to modern problems. One of these areas is the shortage of qualified teaching staff in the institutions of school education. The difficulties of professional adaptation faced by young teachers at the beginning of their professional development are one of the reasons for this problem.
Objectives. The aim of this work is a theoretical analysis of K.D. Ushinsky's pedagogical ideas in the context of finding possible ways to overcome young specialists' problems of professional adaptation to pedagogical activity.
Methods. The main methods used in the work are the theoretical analysis of K.D. Ushinsky's pedagogical works, as well as modeling of the teacher's professional self-awareness based on the synthesis of the elements identified during the analysis.
Results. The article describes structural components of a teacher's professional self-awareness such as professional competences (knowledge in the field of didactics and psychology), a system of value orientations (humanism, traditionalism, and self-education). The main ideas of the implementation of pedagogical education, which contribute to the integration of a young specialist into the process of professional pedagogical activity, are presented.
Conclusions. K.D. Ushinsky's pedagogical ideas can be applied to the development of a pedagogical model of integrative personality quality, which determines teachers' readiness to carry out professional activity in modern conditions of the educational process. A pedagogical technology, which has a positive impact on the process of young specialists' adaptation to pedagogical activity can be developed on the foundation of these ideas.
professional education; teacher training; educational practice; issues of professional adaptation; K.D. Ushinsky
Background. The focus is on the potential of Russian scientific school for shaping the linguistic worldview of students in Russian schools when teaching the Russian language. This scientific school was created by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Mikhail Trofimovich Baranov. At the moment, the academic subject Russian language is considered from the ideological positions of socialization and personal identity, determining value priorities in the knowledge of Russian culture. The educational role of the Russian language as a meta-subject in personal development is being strengthened.
Objectives. The research aims at evaluating progressive ideas and trends in the methods of teaching the Russian language. Their importance in obtaining quality results in the educational process as well as positive connections between the scientific achievements of methodological scientists and the possibilities of their application in the present time are identified.
Methods. The study was carried out on the basis of a review of the works of the leader of the scientific school M.T. Baranov and analytical materials devoted to this scientist at different periods of time. A and analysis were carried out, assessing His contribution to Russian science is assessed in the analysis of selected publications of 2024.
Results. The personal contribution of the scientist, whose ideas are continuously enriched by his successors, is of great importance. The objectivity of the assessment is based on the basic principles of the scientific school of M.T. Baranov and the prolonged and multidimensional nature of research in the development of the teacher’s ideas in science.
Conclusions. The study has shown the potential of the scientist’s methodological heritage in a number of relevant issues: systematic study of the Russian language in secondary school, active attention to children’s speech, its enrichment and content, theoretical understanding of spelling methods, reliance on the traditions of cognitive-aesthetic teaching of the Russian language and speech.
historical heritage; linguistic worldview; children's speech; Russian language; methods of teaching the Russian language; M.T. Baranov
Background. The need for reconstruction (and not modification, as it was previously done) of school mathematics education, due to the intensive development of information technology, requires the restoration of the foundations on which it is built. Discussions about what topic to include or exclude from a mathematics course based on arguments like “It is impossible to be an educated person without knowing...” on the one hand, or “Children cannot understand anything about...” on the other, clearly have no chance in obtaining productive solutions.
Objectives. This paper introduces a system of concepts and distinctions that provides the basis for solving the problem of constructing foundations for designing a school mathematics course.
Methods. The study involves problematization (transition from a problem situation to a problem formulation), methodological analysis of the problem, introduction of conceptual distinctions, construction of a system of relations between concepts.
Results. A distinction has been introduced between the content and contents of mathematical education — both as a process and as a result. It is shown that functionally (substantively) mathematics exists in culture as a system of mental means necessary to represent the relationships between conceivable entities in a particular science or field of activity. Accordingly, the content of the process of mathematical education is the mastery of these mental means and methods of applying them, and the content of mathematical education as a result is the possession of these mental means and methods for representing the relationships between entities of a particular nature.
Conclusions. It is shown that mathematics functionally acts as a system of mental means and therefore the design of school mathematical education should be carried out precisely in the logic of mastering mental means, and not “topics”, “objects”, “tasks”, “skills”, “knowledge”, etc.
In the second part of the article, a developed system of ideas will be used to specify, on the one hand, the tempo-rhythmic structure of the educational process, and on the other, to provide a logical justification for the initial part of mathematical education (arithmetic) as a process of mastering mathematical thinking tools.
content of school mathematical education; form, content and contents; mental means; symbolic and ideal means of thinking; concepts; mental operations and relationships; system; tempo-rhythm; change and development
Background. A particularly wide choice of approaches and methods are characteristic of modern teaching practice. The growing popularity of implicit teaching techniques based on the concept of learning without awareness of what has been learned, is a bright example of this kind of approaches. Implicit teaching stipulates a more conscious awareness of learners’ characteristics and teaching process conditions which might significantly affect the effectiveness of the approach application.
Objectives. The aim is to identify characteristics of learners, namely, Russian-speaking students of a non-linguistic faculty, which proved to be significant for successful acquisition of specific grammar material when implicit and explicit approaches were used. The focus is on the pedagogical tools contributing to the effectiveness of the approaches.
Methods. The article describes the experience of teaching syntactic structures fronting (structures starting with something else but the grammatical subject) to Russian-speaking students using implicit and explicit approaches. The effectiveness of the material acquisition was evaluated on the basis of two control tests. To determine students’ characteristics which proved to be essential for the effectiveness of the approaches, as well as the useful pedagogical techniques the methods of survey, experiment, comparison and analysis of the data obtained were used.
Results. The principles of leading international concepts concerning the use of implicit and explicit approaches in teaching a second language are considered. Educational materials aimed at students’ implicit acquisition of the targeted grammatical structures have been developed. Texts have been selected and adapted; exercises have been constructed to develop the understanding of the texts. Educational materials have been compiled for the explicit introduction of grammar. A survey was developed and conducted to identify factors that influenced the effectiveness of educational materials.
Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was found that the effectiveness of the implicit approach is limited by such students’ characteristics as a high degree of explicit instruction expectation, trust in this approach, and the habit of relying on the rule formulated by the teacher. The combination of the implicit approach with subsequent Guided Discovery strategies and noticing techniques has shown high efficiency.