Background. The article is based on the analysis of the role of education in preserving the national and economic security of the state in modern society. The study is aimed at establishing the scientific and practical possibilities for strengthening the base of the future well-being of the nation and the security of the country on the substantiation basis of interdependence between the national security of the state and the development of education.
Objectives. The main goals include identifying the factors and features that outline the influence of educational quality on the formation of national security, as well as identifying ways of developing the scientific and educational potential of the country.
Methods. During the research, various methods such as logical reasoning, deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, formalization, abstraction, observation, as well as the monographic approach were used.
Results. A number of conclusions drawn from the study emphasize the role of the education sector in the improvement of national and economic security of the Russian Federation in the context of innovative development. In addition, a set of practical recommendations are presented on the development of education and the formation of the state's technological sovereignty.
Conclusions. Education plays a key role in strengthening the national security of the state. It forms qualified personnel capable of ensuring technological progress, economic stability and defense against external threats. The development of the education system should become a priority task of State policy, as it is through the education of literate, responsible and patriotic citizens that the long-term well-being and sustainable development of the country can be achieved.
national security of the state; economic security of the state; education; innovative development; personnel training; entrepreneurial university; technological sovereignty; human capital; knowledge economy; digital economy
Background. Teaching a general course of physics in a technical university is aimed at developing a holistic system of knowledge and skills in future engineers. Monitoring the quality of the educational process and checking the assimilation of physical knowledge in students are important components of the educational process. Distance testing as a part of distance education technologies has a significant potential for controlling knowledge in physics and mathematics disciplines, for improving acquired skills and abilities.
Objectives. The purpose of the study is to develop tests for effective and high-quality assessment to check the students' residual knowledge of the physics course and to check their application. The main attention is paid to the description of professional approach to the development of tests for monitoring students' mastery of the basic knowledge of the general physics course after graduation. Approbation of the tests is carried out in order to verify the materials necessary for a complete and systematic control of the level of residual knowledge.
Methods. The experience of developing tests for checking students' residual knowledge in parts of the general physics course is summarized based on a detailed analysis and selecting the necessary material. Testing as a method of knowledge control is used to check knowledge, skills and abilities, to control the characteristics of the process of knowledge assimilation. The effectiveness of the final tests for the second-year students' knowledge level is defined by the methods of comparing and analyzing the obtained data.
Results. An overview of the subject material is given, a structure of tests for assessment of residual knowledge on optics and quantum physics is developed. An analysis of the level of test tasks and options for their implementation at National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” using the intra-university system of distance testing is conducted. More than 500 second-year second-year bachelor's students studying in different specialties have been tested. It is shown that the created tests allow to determine the level of knowledge of basic physical definitions, phenomena, laws and can be used to monitor the formation of physical knowledge of technical university students.
Conclusions. The general structure of the resulting tests for checking residual knowledge in the physics course and variants of test tasks of different levels are discussed. The study lead to the conclusion on the effectiveness of using the selected testing material based on the testing results and computerized form of testing with automated assessment of knowledge. The obtained data on the level of learning material assimilation can be used in the development of test tasks for the general physics course in technical universities.
physics education; distance learning; residual knowledge; students of technical specialties
Background. The presented study analyses modern approaches to teaching history in the system of higher education. The scientific search is due to the demand of the state and society to improve the quality of historical education, which acts as a resource for solving the problems of forming patriotic and civic consciousness among the younger generation.
Objective. The study analyses the didactic potential of applying the principle of historicism in the process of constructing the content of historical material and in the course of teaching historical knowledge. In its applied aspect, the study involved the development and experimental implementation of maps for constructing the content of historical material based on the leading imperatives of historicism, as well as the analysis of the implementation results.
Sample. The empirical study involved 207 first-year undergraduate students of full-time and part-time education aged 17 to 43 years.
Methods. The study was conducted in the context of the introduction of the updated academic discipline “History of Russia” in accordance with the Concept of Teaching the History of Russia for Non-Historical Specialties and Areas of Education. Research activities were carried out based on systemic, activity-based, and personal approaches. The methods of theoretical analysis, observation, pedagogical experiment, measurement, comparison, and analytical description of the data obtained were used.
Results. The results obtained made it possible to establish the didactic potential of maps for constructing the content of historical material developed taking into account the leading imperatives of historicism. The use of the developed maps had a positive effect on the results of students' mastering of the historical material, and showed a dynamic increase in the levels of knowledge quality in respondents by 4.7%. A significant increase in the indicators of such characteristics of historical knowledge in subjects as efficiency, strength, and concreteness was established.
Conclusions. The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of the maps for constructing the content of historical material. The positive impact on the quality of students' acquisition of historical knowledge was achieved through the systematic implementation of the principle of historicism both in constructing educational material and in the process of teaching historical knowledge. The main scientific provisions of the study, didactic developments can be used in the practice of teaching history.
historical education; higher education; the principle of historicism; the content of education; the quality of education
Background. Psychological well-being is a criterion for assessing the type of adolescent's socialization processes. According to EPOCH model, the psychological well-being includes the adolescent's engagement, perseverance, optimism, connectedness, happiness. The correlation of psychological well-being and prosocial behaviour forms four types of socialization processes: positive, deviant, traumatic and negative socialization.
Objective. The purpose of this article is to study the components of adolescents’ psychological well-being as related to different types of socialization.
Methods. The diagnostic complex of the study included the 20-item version of the EPOCH questionnaire (Kern et al., 2016) and the prosocial behaviour scale from the Success and Difficulty Questionnaire for Children 11–17 years old (SDQ, Goodman et al., 2005), adapted for Russian-speaking sample.
Samplе. The study sample included 312 adolescents, 13–16 years old (M = 14.50, SD = 1.01), students of secondary schools, 141 boys (45.2%), 171girls (54.8%).
Results. The general level of psychological well-being and the expression of its main domains differ among adolescents with prosocial or asocial types of behaviour. Adolescents with positive socialization (46.8%) are distinguished by a high level of development of all domains of psychological well-being and prosocial behaviour. Adolescents with deviant socialization (15.7%) also have high levels in all the domains of psychological well-being, but asocial orientation of behaviour. Adolescents with traumatic socialization (19.2%) are characterized by low levels of psychological well-being, especially the characteristics of engagement and persistence. Adolescents with negative socialization (18.2%), also have a low level of psychological well-being, especially the characteristics of connectedness, and are prone to social nihilism.
Conclusions. The key factor of psychological well-being of adolescents with different types of socialization is the quality of interaction and relationships of the adolescent with other people, especially with peers. Constructive relationships both in case of positive socialization and in case of traumatic and even deviant socialization determine the success of socialization processes or possibilities of successful socialization, while violation of relationships and interaction blocks the positive development of sociality and attitude to oneself.
psychological well-being; adolescents; types of socialization
Background. Currently, the issues of religion and the attitude of society towards it occupy an important place in scientific discourse. The principles of implementing the axiological approach in the modern educational process are based on intercultural interaction, dialogical forms of communication, and giving meaning to various value aspects. In the context of globalization of higher education, the issue of preserving and developing national educational systems arises. In this regard, the process of forming students' value-semantic attitude to the problems of studying national culture and preserving the cultural and religious heritage of the country is becoming relevant.
Objectives. The goal is to consider the scientific and pedagogical experience in studying the issue of forming students’ value-meaningful attitude of to the socio-cultural heritage of religion in the educational process and public life.
Methods. The methodological basis is the analysis of normative documents in the field of education, scientific, pedagogical, historical and philosophical works of Russian and foreign authors. In addition to general scientific methods, comparative analysis is used to compare approaches to the study of the presented issues.
Results. The key notions of the concept of “value-meaningful attitude of students to the socio-cultural heritage of religion” are identified and defined. Based on the reviewed scientific and pedagogical works and materials, the author offers an original interpretation of this concept.
Conclusions. It is noted that the value-meaningful attitude of students to the socio-cultural heritage of religion is expressed in the active, selective position of the student, manifested in the need for getting familiarized with culture, knowledge and understanding of religion, a positively colored emotional response to religious and cultural values, the ability to comprehend and realize spiritual needs.
value-meaningful attitude; students; socio-cultural heritage of religion; pedagogical approaches; cultural values
Background. The article highlights a relevant problem of upbringing students within modern school education as considered in the context of the role of interaction between psychology and pedagogy. The education system needs scientific psychological knowledge, since educational standards pay much attention to the issues of mental development of a growing person.
Objective. The article attempts to return the original meaning to the phenomenon of “psychological service in the education system”, which is currently understood in different ways.
Methods. The article uses theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific literature on the interaction between psychology and pedagogy in the context of students’ education
Results. Psychological service should be understood as psychological support for the continuous education system, as an integral phenomenon representing the unity of scientific, applied and practical aspects. This is achieved on the basis of scientific and practice-oriented cooperation between psychology and pedagogy, educational psychologists and teachers.
Conclusions. The activity of an educational psychologist is key in the psychological support of the continuous education system, since it is the educational psychologist who constructs the social situation of children's cultural development in cooperation with teachers (L.S. Vygotsky). The stated approach means increasing the requirements both to the level of professional training of educational psychologists and to the level of their personal and cultural development.
Background. In Russian speech therapy, face-to-face classes with participants in the correctional process were traditional. However, due to the improvement of technical means and digitalization of communication processes in general, in recent years it has become possible to supplement the correctional process with distance learning in order to optimize the quality of work in various fields of activity, including speech therapy. Currently, remote interaction of patients, their family members and logotherapists is actively implemented as an additional type of group work at different levels of the family rehabilitation course for stuttering people of different ages. This article describes practical experience of working in a mixed format (face-to-face/online) with stuttering people. Practical recommendations on the organization of remote interaction for the participants in the correctional process are given, its various forms are described at each level of the family rehabilitation course for people suffering from stuttering.
Objectives. The purpose is to describe and systematize types and forms of remote interaction of participants in the correctional process in accordance with the levels of the family stuttering rehabilitation course. The methodological basis of the study consists of scientific and theoretical provisions on the definition of stuttering as a communicatively significant phenomenon; the concept of combining and interpenetrating techniques of speech therapy and psychocorrection in eliminating stuttering; ideas about family logopsychocorrection in the system of overcoming stuttering.
Results. This article describes such remote events as online consultations, collection of diagnostic material, consultations of logotherapists, online meetings with participants who have previously completed a family rehabilitation course, a series of control events with feedback from logotherapists, mentors, working with checklists and creating their own creative audio products, online classes at the final level of the family rehabilitation course for stuttering people.
Conclusions. The problem of organizing remote interaction of participants in family rehabilitation for the correction of stuttering is introduced and revealed. Remote interaction is organically woven into each level of the family rehabilitation course using the E.Y. Rau method, starting with preparatory (diagnostic) stage and ending with additional micro-support. The practical experience of recent years indicates that the distance format is an additional effective tool in correctional work with stuttering people of different ages. The remote format allows us to remove restrictions related to the location of course participants, as well as to optimize the function of monitoring the implementation of recommendations by logotherapists.
remote interaction; family rehabilitation for stuttering people; types of remote work; speech therapist; mentoring
Background. The relevance of the study is determined by the development of performative foreign language didactics in both Russian and foreign pedagogical science. Performative didactics offers a comprehensive approach to teaching, integrating communicative, aesthetic, and creative aspects.
Objectives. The goal of the study is to characterize a series as a large performative form from the perspective of performative foreign language didactics and to investigate the potential of filming a series as a performative method of foreign language learning, analyzing its potential in overcoming the language barrier and developing communicative and intercultural competences in students.
Study Participants. The study is based on the analysis of a student project — a six-part series in German, “Leben mit Akzent”. The series was created by students of the Faculty of Journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2016–2018 as a part of an extracurricular German language project. The project was implemented under the guidance of a teacher and with the involvement of relevant technical specialists and native speakers.
Methods. The study uses a comprehensive approach, combining elements of historical, descriptive, and didactic types of analysis. The research methodology is based on the key principles of performative didactics: active learner involvement, performativity as a focus on physical action with an aesthetic component, contextuality, dialogicity, unpredictability, and reflection.
Results. The research results show that the performative approach in foreign language teaching, which has emerged in both Russian-speaking and foreign pedagogy, is closely linked to the communicative approach. It integrates aesthetic elements and into the educational process. The study demonstrates that performative and project-oriented approaches share many similarities, as both are based on active learner engagement in the educational process. Unintentional memorization plays a key role in this process. The study comprehensively examined the structure of work on the student series “Leben mit Akzent”, highlighting the stages of the process and emphasizing the importance of each stage for learning German.
Conclusions. A series represents a large performative form, the realization of which is only possible within the framework of extracurricular project activities. Creating a series in German is a multi-step process that not only involves students but also contributes to the development of various language skills in learners. Successful implementation of the project requires a high level of language proficiency from students as well as the involvement of a team of experienced technical specialists.
performative approach; performative methods; project work; German as a foreign language; foreign language teaching; series
Background. A comprehensive study of the nature and results of the pedagogical activity of Professor of Physics N.A. Umov at the Imperial Moscow University (IMU) in 1893–1911 is necessary to ensure the possibility of recreating a holistic picture of the history of development of physics teaching at Moscow University.
Objective. The goal is to characterize various aspects and to identify the main results of N.A. Umov's pedagogical activity during his service at the IMU.
Methods. General theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization) and historical methods (studying diverse historical and pedagogical sources, historical-genetic and biographical) were used to conduct the research.
Results. Three main aspects of N.A. Umov's pedagogical activity at IMU have been identified. 1) Teaching an experimental (general) physics course. 2) Management of the design, arrangement and equipment of educational devices for the new building of the IMU Physics Institute. 3) Participation in the processes of modernization and reform of the physical education system in Russian secondary school, including the education of future teachers and researchers. For the first time, the educational and methodological materials used by N.A. Umov to support teaching experimental physics at the IMU was analyzed. The relevance of conducting research on the influence of N.A. Umov's pedagogical ideas on the initial stage of the formation of the national scientific school of physics teaching methods in secondary school was noted. A number of previously unpublished photographic documents have been introduced into scientific circulation.
Conclusions. N.A. Umov was a follower of the pedagogical traditions founded by A.G. Stoletov. Guided by the programme he proposed, N.A. Umov created an original richly illustrated textbook on experimental physics. In the process of lecturing, he developed a visual method of teaching physics at IMU, for which he actively used demonstration experiments, a number of which he himself developed and implemented into pedagogical practice. N.A. Umov played a leading role in the creation of the physical Institute at IMU and in its establishment as the largest center of Russian physical education of that period. The activity of N.A. Umov, aimed at improving school physical education, had a significant impact on the formation of methods of teaching physics in secondary schools in our country as an independent branch of pedagogical science.
Umov Nikolay Alekseevich; Imperial Moscow University; general physics; physics institute; history of education
Background. A significant problem in studying the current situation with the provision of academic services to foreign students in Russia is the lack of access to information on the composition of the international students in separate educational institutions. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia annually publishes open data on the number of foreign students, their citizenship and academic preferences. However, offers of educational services in Russia are very diverse. The average indicators for the country do not fully reflect the realities of both leading universities with high tuition fees and regional universities with more affordable prices.
Objectives. The goal of the conducted research is to create a basic understanding of the MSU’s international students’ composition within the scientific community. Analysis is mostly conducted from the points of the areas of immigration and the choices of educational trajectories available at Moscow University. The authors see an additional purpose in identifying similarities and differences between foreign students of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the nationwide trends in interstate inbound academic mobility.
Study participants. This article presents the results revealed in the process of exploring all MSU’s undergraduate and graduate international students (5184 people) who are obtaining degrees based on the data for 2023.
Methods. Quantitative and comparative analyses were used as methods to process the empirical material; comparative analytics was used both at the stage of working with initial data and at the stage of working with secondary data.
Results. Among the main results, it should be noted that a significant dominance of Chinese students at MSU (82.2%) is observed along with absence of students from India (0.06%), which differs strongly from Russian median indicators. It is also important to mention the steady trend of interest in the humanities among foreign Bachelors and Masters of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In terms of numbers of admission of international students, the leading departments are the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, the Faculty of Journalism, and the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies.
Conclusions. The analysis of data on the number of the Moscow university’s foreign students for the period from 2019 to 2022 allows us to say that the demand for MSU’s educational programmes is almost not affected by global or local socio-cultural and geopolitical events, due to the stable interest in the educational programmes of Moscow university on the part of Chinese citizens, and the sustainable development of international cooperation in the field of obtaining academic qualifications between Moscow and Beijing as well.
educational export; Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU); foreign students; internationalization of education; student migration; academic mobility
Background. The relevance of this study is explained by the fact that Russian system of higher teacher education is experiencing a historical turning point. Pilot projects conducted in order to reform the system of teachers raining at universities of different types (Moscow State Pedagogical University and Baltic Federal University) actualize the issue of the optimal path for the development of this system. In this context, the study of the historical development of teacher education is extremely important for understanding the current state of the national teacher training system.
Objective of this article is to provide a historical justification for the duality of the national pedagogical system, which influences its current state and the prospects for future development.
Data Sources. Reviews, regulatory and programme documents on the organization of Russian pedagogical education in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern periods, as well as scientific works on the history of the teacher training were considered.
Results. Methodological dualism was initially embedded in the methodology of pedagogical education in Russia, starting from the 18th century. It defined the long-term confrontation between the competence-based and fundamental approaches in teacher training. The history of teacher training demonstrates examples not only of the dominance of one of the approaches in educational practice, but also of a reasonable consensus between them in different historical periods.
Conclusions. In the history of teacher education in Russia, two leading trends can be traced in the creation and reform of teacher training institutions: the training of teachers in classical universities and the development of specialized pedagogical educational institutions.
teacher; history of education; classical university; pedagogical university; teacher training
Background. Modern education is a complexly organized system that is influenced by two opposing forces: modernization as a result of scientific and technological progress, and the preservation of the basic foundations of pedagogical thought. Education system is constantly facing new challenges, the solution of which is usually sought in innovations. However, the fundamental principles of education and upbringing, which form Russian pedagogy as an independent science and discipline, remain a potential resource for solutions, including those to modern problems. One of these areas is the shortage of qualified teaching staff in the institutions of school education. The difficulties of professional adaptation faced by young teachers at the beginning of their professional development are one of the reasons for this problem.
Objectives. The aim of this work is a theoretical analysis of K.D. Ushinsky's pedagogical ideas in the context of finding possible ways to overcome young specialists' problems of professional adaptation to pedagogical activity.
Methods. The main methods used in the work are the theoretical analysis of K.D. Ushinsky's pedagogical works, as well as modeling of the teacher's professional self-awareness based on the synthesis of the elements identified during the analysis.
Results. The article describes structural components of a teacher's professional self-awareness such as professional competences (knowledge in the field of didactics and psychology), a system of value orientations (humanism, traditionalism, and self-education). The main ideas of the implementation of pedagogical education, which contribute to the integration of a young specialist into the process of professional pedagogical activity, are presented.
Conclusions. K.D. Ushinsky's pedagogical ideas can be applied to the development of a pedagogical model of integrative personality quality, which determines teachers' readiness to carry out professional activity in modern conditions of the educational process. A pedagogical technology, which has a positive impact on the process of young specialists' adaptation to pedagogical activity can be developed on the foundation of these ideas.
professional education; teacher training; educational practice; issues of professional adaptation; K.D. Ushinsky
Background. The focus is on the potential of Russian scientific school for shaping the linguistic worldview of students in Russian schools when teaching the Russian language. This scientific school was created by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Mikhail Trofimovich Baranov. At the moment, the academic subject Russian language is considered from the ideological positions of socialization and personal identity, determining value priorities in the knowledge of Russian culture. The educational role of the Russian language as a meta-subject in personal development is being strengthened.
Objectives. The research aims at evaluating progressive ideas and trends in the methods of teaching the Russian language. Their importance in obtaining quality results in the educational process as well as positive connections between the scientific achievements of methodological scientists and the possibilities of their application in the present time are identified.
Methods. The study was carried out on the basis of a review of the works of the leader of the scientific school M.T. Baranov and analytical materials devoted to this scientist at different periods of time. A and analysis were carried out, assessing His contribution to Russian science is assessed in the analysis of selected publications of 2024.
Results. The personal contribution of the scientist, whose ideas are continuously enriched by his successors, is of great importance. The objectivity of the assessment is based on the basic principles of the scientific school of M.T. Baranov and the prolonged and multidimensional nature of research in the development of the teacher’s ideas in science.
Conclusions. The study has shown the potential of the scientist’s methodological heritage in a number of relevant issues: systematic study of the Russian language in secondary school, active attention to children’s speech, its enrichment and content, theoretical understanding of spelling methods, reliance on the traditions of cognitive-aesthetic teaching of the Russian language and speech.
historical heritage; linguistic worldview; children's speech; Russian language; methods of teaching the Russian language; M.T. Baranov
Background. The need for reconstruction (and not modification, as it was previously done) of school mathematics education, due to the intensive development of information technology, requires the restoration of the foundations on which it is built. Discussions about what topic to include or exclude from a mathematics course based on arguments like “It is impossible to be an educated person without knowing...” on the one hand, or “Children cannot understand anything about...” on the other, clearly have no chance in obtaining productive solutions.
Objectives. This paper introduces a system of concepts and distinctions that provides the basis for solving the problem of constructing foundations for designing a school mathematics course.
Methods. The study involves problematization (transition from a problem situation to a problem formulation), methodological analysis of the problem, introduction of conceptual distinctions, construction of a system of relations between concepts.
Results. A distinction has been introduced between the content and contents of mathematical education — both as a process and as a result. It is shown that functionally (substantively) mathematics exists in culture as a system of mental means necessary to represent the relationships between conceivable entities in a particular science or field of activity. Accordingly, the content of the process of mathematical education is the mastery of these mental means and methods of applying them, and the content of mathematical education as a result is the possession of these mental means and methods for representing the relationships between entities of a particular nature.
Conclusions. It is shown that mathematics functionally acts as a system of mental means and therefore the design of school mathematical education should be carried out precisely in the logic of mastering mental means, and not “topics”, “objects”, “tasks”, “skills”, “knowledge”, etc.
In the second part of the article, a developed system of ideas will be used to specify, on the one hand, the tempo-rhythmic structure of the educational process, and on the other, to provide a logical justification for the initial part of mathematical education (arithmetic) as a process of mastering mathematical thinking tools.
content of school mathematical education; form, content and contents; mental means; symbolic and ideal means of thinking; concepts; mental operations and relationships; system; tempo-rhythm; change and development
Background. A particularly wide choice of approaches and methods are characteristic of modern teaching practice. The growing popularity of implicit teaching techniques based on the concept of learning without awareness of what has been learned, is a bright example of this kind of approaches. Implicit teaching stipulates a more conscious awareness of learners’ characteristics and teaching process conditions which might significantly affect the effectiveness of the approach application.
Objectives. The aim is to identify characteristics of learners, namely, Russian-speaking students of a non-linguistic faculty, which proved to be significant for successful acquisition of specific grammar material when implicit and explicit approaches were used. The focus is on the pedagogical tools contributing to the effectiveness of the approaches.
Methods. The article describes the experience of teaching syntactic structures fronting (structures starting with something else but the grammatical subject) to Russian-speaking students using implicit and explicit approaches. The effectiveness of the material acquisition was evaluated on the basis of two control tests. To determine students’ characteristics which proved to be essential for the effectiveness of the approaches, as well as the useful pedagogical techniques the methods of survey, experiment, comparison and analysis of the data obtained were used.
Results. The principles of leading international concepts concerning the use of implicit and explicit approaches in teaching a second language are considered. Educational materials aimed at students’ implicit acquisition of the targeted grammatical structures have been developed. Texts have been selected and adapted; exercises have been constructed to develop the understanding of the texts. Educational materials have been compiled for the explicit introduction of grammar. A survey was developed and conducted to identify factors that influenced the effectiveness of educational materials.
Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was found that the effectiveness of the implicit approach is limited by such students’ characteristics as a high degree of explicit instruction expectation, trust in this approach, and the habit of relying on the rule formulated by the teacher. The combination of the implicit approach with subsequent Guided Discovery strategies and noticing techniques has shown high efficiency.
Background. In modern conditions of building a sovereign national system of education, the development of domestic higher education, the task of implementing a pilot project, with participation of MPGU. This task actualizes the problem of the quality of training of teachers-psychologists not only for current, but also promising demands of the labor sphere in the long run.
Objectives. Based on synthesizing of effective experience in the development and implementation of educational programs for professional training of teachers-psychologists by the departments of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, identify new approaches to the design of the educational standard of basic higher education and 5-year training programs.
Methods. The methodological basis of the research was the scientific concepts of the personal and professional development of the teacher by V.A. Slastenin, the theory of socialization of the personality by A.V. Mudrik, methods of analyzing normative, scientific and methodological sources and studying the needs of the field of work, modeling and designing educational programs for the training of teachers-psychologists were used.
Results. New approaches to the design of educational programs of basic higher education have been developed in accordance with the general standard of higher education of the Moscow Pedagogical State University in the field of "Psychological and pedagogical education". The models of combining specialist’s qualifications within the framework of five-year educational programs are proposed. The conditions for their effective implementation are outlined.
Conclusions. The article shows new approaches to the training of teachers-psychologists in the framework of a pilot project to improve the system of higher education in the Russian Federation, defines the principles of developing educational programs, resources and effective pedagogical technologies. The prospects for implementing the developed materials will be determined during the testing of the proposed model.
pilot project; teacher-psychologist training; basic higher education; educational program
Background. The teacher is the key to the quality of education, as well as the key element in its development. The world is undergoing ever accelerating changes; accordingly, the function of the education system, which is to prepare students for life and work in the future world, is changing. Thus, the importance of the teacher’s role as an organizer and motivator of the learning process is increasing. This paper examines the figure of a teacher who is ready for changes and implements them. Students of teacher training programmes need to be prepared for this role. Changes in teacher training are equally necessary in the teacher training system both in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Objectives. The article formulates the foundations of the modern education systems for future school mathematics teachers. These foundations meet the new goals and objectives of mathematics education, associated with the changes in mathematics itself over the last century, changes in its role in the modern digital world, and changes in the world itself. The most important issue in the training of mathematics teachers is its continuity. It is necessary to teach the future teachers not only the main volume of teaching content, but also prepare them for the activities that will be taught to the student.
Results. It is necessary to organize training in such a way that from the very beginning of their training, future teachers would come to school and work with schoolchildren. At the same time, the solution of “do not know how” problems becomes the core of education. Digital technologies play a significant role in modern mathematics teaching.
Conclusions. Today, in any education system, the teacher’s attitude towards change as well as the readiness to accept, support and initiate it, is important. The duty of the modern teacher training system, both in Russia and in Kazakhstan, is to be ready for changes and to cultivate such readiness in students.
mathematical literacy; digital tools for mathematical discovery; challenging problems; “do not known how” problems; secondary mathematics education; mathematics teacher development; 21st century skills
Background. In 2018, China published the State Standard for the subject “Russian Language” for senior high school, developed by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Consideration of the concept underlying the new standard and its comprehensive analysis in comparison with the previous generation standard is essential for determining directions for improving the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language in Chinese school education. Objectives. The problem field of the study suggested that currently there is a noticeable gap between the new state requirements for the study of the Russian language as a school subject and the traditional system of its teaching in Chinese schools. Results. The analysis showed that, in comparison with the regulatory requirements of the previous generation, the new State Standard for senior secondary schools of the People’s Republic of China in the subject “Russian Language” is distinguished by a fundamentally new conceptual framework based on a communicative-activity approach to teaching a foreign (Russian) language. This is reflected in the learning objectives; characteristics of the subject of study; structure and content of the curriculum; a new methodological system for teaching Russian as a foreign language; methods of assessing learning outcomes. The “Standard 2017” for the first time defines four key competencies: “linguistic competence”, “cultural awareness”, “mental abilities”, “learning ability”, the development of which in students occurs as part of their mastery of the subject “Russian language” in high schools in Chinese schools. The corresponding structural components of the curriculum and tools for comprehensive assessment of the quality of education are proposed. Taking into account the principles of the new educational policy of China and the state requirements for a modern specialist, the Standard is aimed at ensuring a close connection between communicatively oriented teaching of the Russian language and the formation of a comprehensively developed student’s personality, establishing the role of studying the Russian language as a favorable factor in the student’s personal growth.
state standard; teaching Russian as a foreign language; Chinese secondary school; key competencies; assessment system; curriculum structure; Russian language teaching reform; combining teaching and education
The article provides an overview of the history of the development of Russian language teaching in the PRC, highlighting the main stages and their features. It is noted that teaching the Russian language in the PRC has always been associated with the national strategy for training personnel for the socio-economic development of the country, that is, setting educational goals and developing curricula are always carried out taking into account the immediate future and long-term plans for the modernization of the country. Analysis of the changes that took place in the field of Russian-language education in China at different stages made it possible to rethink and generalize the accumulated positive experience and at the same time highlight the shortcomings and bottlenecks in the process of organizing the teaching of the Russian language, outline steps to overcome them and improve the Russian-language education system as a whole. Using the example of Harbin Polytechnic University (HPU), the main characteristics of a comprehensive model for teaching the Russian language to students of engineering and technical specialties have been identified.
Background. In the current situation, in terms of state policy priorities for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, the need to increase and realize the potential of a classical university in the development of the civil and patriotic identity of future teachers increases.
Objectives. The goal is to identify the conditions for the development of civil-patriotic identity of future teachers, in which the environment of a classical university acts as a generator of students’ value-semantic consciousness.
Study Participants. The study is based on an analysis of the work experience of more than two dozen universities for the period from 2020 to the present and an analysis of modern research in the field of patriotic education (more than 50 dissertations) over the past decade.
Methods. Theoretical modeling, analysis of teaching experience and modern research were applied.
Results. Based on the analysis of teaching experience and modern research, the resources of university education that contribute to the civic and professional socialization of students have been identified. The result of theoretical modeling was a model for implementing a situational-event approach to the development of civic activity and professional orientation of students of pedagogical specialties. The conditions for the development of civil-patriotic identity of future teachers have been identified, in which the environment of a classical university acts as a generator of students’ value-semantic consciousness.
Conclusions. The educational environment of the university has significant potential for shaping the personality of the future teacher, including civic and patriotic identity. The personal development resources of the university are associated with the real involvement of its scientific and educational process in the technological progress of the country, which allows students to feel their involvement in the development of the scientific, technological and cultural potential of the Fatherland. The university environment actualizes the conditions for the development of the individual as a subject of social and professional creativity. The assimilation of values significant for Russian society, civil-patriotic and professional identification proceed in unity, which represents one of the specific educational resources of the university. The development of the personality of the future teacher, his civic and professional qualities is implemented on the basis of a situational-event mechanism, the essence of which is to saturate student life with the events in personal development
civil-patriotic identity; conditions of development; modeling of situations; event; educational environment
Background. In modern society, the training of teachers who are able to use the opportunities of the unified educational space of Russia in the educational process is in demand. The development of teacher education in this context requires, first of all, the development of methodological foundations for the training of teaching staff in modern conditions.
Objectives. In the course of the study, the tasks were set to determine the conditions for the training of a teacher who is ready and able to use the potential of the unified educational space of the country in his professional activity, as well as to determine the components of the system of professional training for teaching staff in modern Russia.
Methods. The methodological basis of the research is the conceptual idea about the educational space, the importance of teacher education in the transformation of life in modern society, as well as approaches to understanding the quality of education. The empirical sources of the research are the works of modern authors on multiculturalism, humanism, the systemic nature of the educational space, and its informatization. The research methods include analysis, synthesis, content analysis, interpretation, and generalization.
Results. Conceptual provisions concerning the preparation of teachers for professional activity in the unified educational space of Russia are formulated. It is shown that the effectiveness and quality of training of a modern teacher is ensured at the condition that the educational process is aimed at developing professional competence and a civil-professional position among teaching staff, ensuring the unity of subject and meta-subject competence is realized, and the prospects for the development of society in the training of teachers. The key components of an optimized system of professional training of teaching staff capable of fruitful work in the unified educational space of the country have been identified.
Conclusions. The key factors and conditions for the effective development of the teacher education system in the unified educational space of Russia are identified.
professional training of teachers; quality of teacher training; educational process; professional development of a teacher; unified educational space; educational environment
Background. The article discusses the issue of the psychological foundations of the content and methods of school teaching on the example of a mathematics course at primary school. Objectives. The study focuses on the pedagogical and psychological analysis of Ya.I. Abramson’s programme in mathematics, based on the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions and concepts by P.Ya. Galperin.
Methods. Theoretical analysis of publications reflecting the results of using the author’s mathematics programme in school practice.
Results. Based on L.S. Vygotsky’s ideas about the relationship between learning and mental development and the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions and concepts by P.Ya. Galperin, a scientific and psychological substantiation of Ya.I. Abramson’s original programme in mathematics for teaching primary schoolchildren is provided. The research also provides a brief description of the programme followed by a psychological analysis of the results of testing in Moscow schools. This educational programme has been shown to be highly effective.
Conclusions. The data obtained serve as practical confirmation of the effectiveness of training based on the third type of orientation and learning in the theory of P.Ya. Galperin. In addition, they clearly demonstrate the correctness of P.Ya. Galperin’s position on the need to highlight the subject matter of the area being studied from the first steps of school education, which, in turn, once again illustrates the heuristic potential of P.Ya. Galperin’s general psychological theory and the possibility of its application to various areas of social practice, primarily in solving educational problems.
activity theory of learning; action; learning; concept formation; formative method; mental development; educational psychology; didactics; education; Faculty of Psychology; Lomonosov Moscow State University
Background. The study of the psychological aspects of the introduction of older preschoolers into mathematics is relevant due to the widespread early teaching of elementary mathematical concepts. This practice often not only does not help, but may even harm the further development of the child, since the methods used for this do not take into account the specifics of both the age-psychological characteristics of the preschooler, and the results of psychological research in the field of content, methods and means applied to formation of initial mathematical representations.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to analyze the comparative effectiveness of different types of sign-symbolic mediation in the formation of initial mathematical representations in older preschoolers with different levels of development of regulatory functions.
Study Participants. The study sample included 133 older preschoolers (6–7 years old).
Methods. To assess the level of development of regulatory functions, the NEPSY-II subtests, the “The Dimensional Change Card Sort” technique and L.A.Wenger’s “Schematization” technique were used. To assess the level of development of methodological concepts, a set of tasks was used for each of the three values — length, area, and volume.
Results. Significant differences were found between the increase in mathematical skills of children who studied using both sign and symbolic means as compared to the children fr om the control group. There were no significant differences in this increase between children who were trained with the help of model tools and the control group. In groups wh ere symbolic means or sign means were used, children with different levels of regulation learned with equal efficiency, but the level of regulation turned out to be critical when learning according to the most complex programme — using model tools.
Conclusions. The effectiveness of mastering the initial mathematical concepts in older preschoolers is primarily due to the nature of the learning content, which should ensure the rationality of children’s actions. However, the more complex this content is and the more complex symbolic means are used in teaching, the more requirements are placed on the level of development of children’s regulatory functions.
Background. Present-day challenges necessitate the shaping of a sovereign education system that would provide Russia with highly qualified professionals capable of fulfilling the assigned tasks in ensuring the country’s sustainable economic development and technological sovereignty. In this regard, the activities of universities and the analysis of students’ requests for the education they receive are of importance and require multidimensional studies, the search for new formats in organizing work, updating the content of educational programmes and the shaping of contemporary competencies for future professionals.
Study Participants. The sample of the study included 52,919 people. A flow-line sample was applied. Full-time students of Russia’s state and private universities took part in the survey. The sample represents the general population, covering all full-time students at universities in the Russian Federation and amounts to 2%. Statistical adjustments were used based on four criteria: the federal district in which the university is located, level of study, year of study, and gender.
Methods. The methodological basis of the study was determined by the complexity and multifaceted nature of the research object, which required the use of an interdisciplinary approach and the use of pedagogical, general sociological, cultural, statistical, demographic concepts and techniques.
Results. The analysis of the Russian students’ opinion showed that the organization of the educational process is somewhat lagging behind today’s expectations. This is especially true for a practice-oriented learning model, focusing on the demands of specific sectors in the economy and the preparation of professionals with balanced soft and hard skills and competencies. Based on the analysis and the results obtained, the authors propose practical measures to change approaches to the organization of learning.
Background. Modern challenges facing the informatization of education are being solved in the context of digital transformation of a significant part of human activity. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop a set of theoretical and methodological foundations and solutions within the framework of the systemic convergence of teacher training and digital technologies. In this regard, it becomes important to understand the problems of informatization of education related to the still limited access of teachers and students to hardware and software, to network educational resources; to an insufficiently high level of didactic and consumer characteristics of digital educational resources used in the field of education; to a low level of teachers’ readiness to carry out teaching activities in the context of informatization of education.
Methods. The method of analysis of scientific and methodological sources and regulatory documents related to the problem of teacher training in the context of digital transformation of the education system is used. Methods of comparison and generalization of the obtained results are used in order to identify the prerequisites for the emergence of the above mentioned problems of informatization in education.
Results. In the course of this study, the authors come to the conclusion that the origins of a significant part of the problems of informatization in education are associated with the insufficient quality of teacher training for professional activities in the context of the digital transformation of the education system. Based on the analysis, the authors propose ways to solve these problems and list current directions for teacher training in assessing the quality of digital educational resources, their development and application in the educational process.
informatization of education; digital transformation of the education system; training of educational staff; digital educational resource
Background. The article discusses the problems of didactic knowledge in the current conditions of transformation of Russian education system in the first quarter of the 21st century. Objectives. Three circles of problems are considered, including: the place and role of didactic knowledge in the system of educational sciences; sources and essence of transformations of didactic ideas in the modern world; promising directions for the development of didactic knowledge.
Methods. The leading logic of the study is the comparison of the paradigmatic and traditional historical approaches to the analysis of didactic phenomena, the result of the synthesis of which include the concepts of “modernity” as an attitude and of “regimes of historicity” of knowledge.
Results. As a result of the article, two typical “regimes of historicity” are presented, characteristic of didactic research and reconstruction, as well as a system of “spheres”, each of which includes a set of problems, interpretations and strategies for the development of didactic knowledge. Conclusions. Didactics is multidimensional and multifunctional, it combines three time plans into a single whole — past, present and future, responding to the current challenges of contemporary reality.
didactics of higher education; teacher education; didactic studies; modernity; modes of historicity; spheres of education
Background. The revival of the best Russian traditions of children’s reading is recognized by the pedagogical community as the most important way to counter the crisis in the field of intellectual development of children at the levels of preschool, primary and general education. This formulation of the question is based on global sociocultural shifts that have entailed rapid and significant changes in the child’s general outlook, his reading range, and his set of key reading skills. The high artistic level and enormous educational potential of Russian literature are prerequisites for the revival of Russian traditions of children’s reading. The path to understanding literature lies through learning to read. It is this skill that is considered as a fundamental and no alternative condition for the development of all other various aspects of education and spirituality.
Methods. The article, based on extensive historical material, presents the development of ideas of education through the artistic word, reflected in the works of N.I. Novikov, I.F. Timkovsky, I.I. Sreznevsky, I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, F.I. Buslaev, P.G. Redkin, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Modzalevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, Kayum Nasyri, N.A. Rubakin, G.G. Shpet, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Lunacharsky, M. Gorky, K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, E.N. Ilyina.
Results. It is shown that Russian pedagogical tradition, from the moment of its inception, is based on a solid foundation of the unity of teaching and upbringing of the younger generation on national values and traditions of Russian literature, with respect for the child’s personality and characteristics. Particular attention is paid to the role of children’s literature in the spiritual and moral development of a person, the education of a devoted citizen of his Fatherland.
Russian traditions of teaching and upbringing; teaching Russian literature; spiritual and moral development of a child; national values; love for the Fatherland
Background. The development of psychological science in the context of educational practice stimulates researchers to seek for a scientific explanation of phenomena that are often used without proper justification. The article is devoted to the analysis of “math anxiety” in an interdisciplinary context.
In 2000, the All-Russian conference “Mathematics and Society. Mathematics education at the turn of the century”, organized by academician V.A. Sadovnichy took place in Dubna. At the conference V.A. Sadovnichy convincingly substantiated the growing role of mathematics in the 21st century and the importance of its results and applications not only for specialists, but also in all spheres of society — from theoretical physics and computer technology to the humanities and art history. In this regard, V.A. Sadovnichy pointed out the danger and inadmissibility of pseudo-scientific sophistications and pseudo-pedagogical speculations in the field of the meaning and difficulty of mathematics as a subject of teaching and problems related to it. We will look at one of these pseudoscientific concepts, the so-called “math anxiety,” in this article. Objective. The purpose of this article is to systematize and analyze data on “math anxiety” and critically comprehend this phenomenon. Method. The methodological basis of the article is the cultural-historical, as well as activity-based approaches, developed in line with leading Russian psychology schools of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, A.R. Luria, P. Ya. Galperin, and others. Results. Developing the ideas of cultural-historical psychology and activity theory in the context of education, Russian psychologists emphasized the special importance of research focused on practical problems related to learning. At the same time, referring to “math anxiety” can distract researchers from the real problems in teaching mathematics and other subjects. The joint efforts of psychologists, teachers, psychiatrists, neurologists and other specialists are important for the successful solution of educational problems. The development of issues of the content and methods of mathematics education, a psychological analysis of the difficulties experienced by both children and teachers, will contribute both to the development of psychological science and to the strengthening of its connections with educational practice.
math anxiety; math education; cultural-historical approach; general psychological theory of activity
Background. Given the contemporary realities, the need to improve the educa[1]tional system in Russia is becoming more and more acute. Such improvements are necessary in terms of implementation of national goals and strategic objectives for Russia’s development, of creation of a sovereign national education system and of strengthening the country’s unified educational space (including new regions). They also encompass compliance of students’ training with the requirements of contemporary information society and with the global trends in strategic academic development as well as the formation of knowledge and skills demanded by the labor market both in the near future and in the long-term prospect. In this regard, it is essential to comprehensively assess the challenges facing the educational system and to propose possible solutions on the part of the university community aimed at the achievement of the goals and objectives, both within the framework of existing national projects and programmes and for the medium-term prospects.
Methods. An interdisciplinary approach and structural-functional analysis of education issues in the context of Russia’s national projects and objectives of strategic development constitute the methodological basis of the article.
Results. The author outlines the main tasks to be solved and the directions in the work of the Russian university community. The article shows the directions for reforming mathematical, chemical, physical, and engineering education. It emphasizes the importance and significance of basic science training in higher education. It substantiates opportunities for strengthening the regional base of personnel training as well as gives recommendations for building a sovereign education system and forming a unified educational space. It also highlights the importance of educational work and patriotic education in universities. The directions in the work of the university corporation, proposed in the article, are in fact a programme document for the higher school for the current period and for the future.
Russian higher school; science; Priority-2030; Schools of Advanced Engineering Studies; strategic leadership; mathematical and natural sciences; Russian Rectors’ Union; competitiveness of education; Vernadsky Consortium
On October 30, 2023, Irina Viktorovna Kostikova, Honored Lecturer at Moscow University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Humanities of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education (FPO), passed away Lomonosov Moscow State University.
This research discusses a problem that has recently become extremely relevant
for research scientists, who are particularly engaged in scientific research, and the
teaching staff of educational organizations due to the presence of well-defined
indicators, which help reveal the effectiveness and productivity of professional
activity of a contemporary Russian scientist and teacher of higher education. The
relevance of the chosen research problem is caused by the contradiction between
the existing, well-defined, and formal requirements for the publication activity of
scientific and pedagogical personnel and the lack of clear and precise understanding
concerning the presence of conditions necessary for their qualitative fulfillment
by scientific and pedagogical personnel. The author presents an analysis of the
situation that has developed in today’s scientific and educational practice due to the illegality and unreasonableness of the requirements for assessing the originality of
scientific works and research conducted by domestic scientists and submitted for
publication. Particular emphasis is placed on the inadmissibility of substitution of
clearly defined definitions existing in the realities of the domestic legal field and their
free interpretation, often infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of scientific
and pedagogical personnel
The authors develop their concepts from the fact that religious consciousness is one of the categories of consciousness, a way of experiencing and comprehending the world and oneself by a person, which performs an instrumental function — it creates a system of values and hierarchizes them. Religious consciousness is formed and strengthened through educational practices and upbringing at school. It is externalized in the collective consciousness — the religious culture of society. The academic subject “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” solves several tasks related to the spiritual and moral development of a primary school student and contributes to the formation of universal values, noted in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On approval of the fundamentals of state policy for preserving and strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” (November 9, 2022 No. 809). The research conducted among primary school students of the Smolensk Orthodox Gymnasium, whose curriculum included the course “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics,” showed that the fifth-grade students demonstrate confident knowledge of the main religious denominations represented on the territory of the Russian Federation and understand religious traditions and norms of ethnic groups in Russia. Comparative research of the planned educational results of the “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” course, expressed in the acquired and developed spiritual and moral values of schoolchildren, made it possible to identify interference with the values listed in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On approval of the fundamentals of state policy for preserving and strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” (November 9, 2022 No. 809) with the values that serve as the basis for strategic planning in the area of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation, the key once being life, dignity, human rights, freedom, humanism, mercy, service to the Fatherland, patriotism, and continuity of generations and historical memory.
religious consciousness; religious culture; foundations of Orthodox culture; Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics; spiritual and moral values; patriotism; categorical imperative; pedagogical axiology; transhumanism; natural religion
The need to participate in intercultural dialogue with representatives of different countries actualizes the issue of preparation for intercultural communication, namely, the study of a different culture based on the knowledge of the native culture of students. In this regard, the readiness of the future teacher to implement a cultural approach to teaching foreign languages is of great social and practical importance. This research shows that since the beginning of the 1990s, Russia has seen significant changes in the context of learning foreign languages, which have started to be regarded as a real means of communication with representatives of other cultures. Thus, it is necessary to study the culture of the people when learning a foreign language. The authors demonstrate the relevance of the cultural approach to teaching foreign languages and reveal the role of a teacher in its implementation. Additionally, the author specifies the requirements for training a teacher of foreign languages, reflected in professional educational standards and training programs of various disciplines. The problems of training a teacher of foreign languages within the framework of the cultural paradigm are identified and analyzed. Moreover, the authors provide particular examples of the preparation of a future teacher for implementing a cultural approach to teaching foreign languages. The requirements for the study of foreign languages, outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), as well as the requirements for the training of a teacher of foreign languages, reflected in the educational programs of higher education of the training program 44.03.01 “Pedagogical Education,” are specified. The authors present disciplines that will provide future teachers with information about the culture of the country of the studied language. Moreover, the authors provide particular examples of how students get acquainted with a different culture and the life of the people of the country of the studied language when studying culturally oriented disciplines. This contributes to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies. The authors conclude that thanks to the culturological knowledge gained through higher education, the teacher will be able to form language skills and knowledge of the culture of the people of the studied language.
culture of the country; cultural approach; teacher; foreign languages; cultural disciplines; cultural knowledge; formation of personality culture; general cultural competencies; linguistic and cultural approach; professional training
The research presents the interim results of the study of the “Center for
Improving Teaching Methods of Disciplines” of the Russian Academy of
Education on the analysis, systematization, and creation of a register of effective
teaching methods for disciplines, subjects, and courses (modules) at various levels
of education as part of the study of relevant and effective methods for their testing
and scaling. The author indicates that the importance of the search for perfect methods and techniques of learning and teaching, which has been conducted
for centuries, is comparable in complexity and importance with research and
development in the field of high-tech sciences and industries. From the authors’
point of view, when developing a register of effective training methods, advanced
methodological principles of didactic research, a set of didactic objects, and
a set of interdisciplinary approaches used should be considered. The author
describes objective difficulties arising when forming a thesaurus of the concept
of “teaching method” for the development of a register of effective methods.
A research hypothesis is presented, which formulates possible options for solving
the problem of developing a register of effective methods.
methodology; didactics; training methodology; pedagogical technology; didactic system; register of effective training methods
This research describes the implementation of interfaculty courses on artificial intelligence at Lomonosov Moscow State University: from the stage of research and analytical work, interviews, surveys, and studying educational processes in various educational institutions to the practical implementation of the program. The research provides information on the implementation of four interfaculty courses: (1)“Introduction to Programming,” (2)“Programming Fundamentals and Data Analysis with Python,” (3)“Applied Machine Learning with Python,” and (4)“Introduction to Deep Learning” and an additional elective course “Mathematics for Data Analysis.” The author analyzes the general topics of each course and the list of skills that learners will receive after completing the program presented. Students who complete the courses are going to acquire valuable practical skills in working with data, master machine learning tools, acquire knowledge of the Python programming language, learn to work with the NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and PyTorch libraries, be able to analyze and visualize data, and, eventually, delve into the world of machine learning, learning different algorithms and peculiarities of how to apply them in solving problems from different areas. The specifics of the organization of interdisciplinary courses lie in carefully selecting content and methodological techniques that allow students of non-core specialties to master AI tools successfully. The research reflects the features of the organization of courses and the methods of using communication tools between participants of the educational process, including for maintaining psychological comfort in educational activities. Interfaculty courses on AI are relevant educational resources that allow students to acquire relevant competencies in the field of AI. They provide students with the opportunity to get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of programming and machine learning and gain practical skills through working with a variety of tools and technologies.
artificial intelligence; data analysis; programming; algorithms; machine learning; neural networks; Python; interfaculty courses; interdisciplinary learning; training of students of non-core faculties
The authors’ approach to analyzing the institutional specifics of the children’s
movement is justified by the current tasks of educating children and youth using
the opportunities and conditions of a public children’s movement. To identify the
specifics of the children’s movement as an educational institution, the authors, on the
one hand, used the methods of sociokinetics to analyze the conceptual-categorical
apparatus of a specific area of pedagogical knowledge. Sociokinetics was created by researchers of the children’s movement at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
On the other hand, the authors used the methods of extrapolation to the children’s
movement as an educational space of the logic of a multi-subjective education strategy,
which reflects the current state of the Russian educational space, characterized by a
high formation of horizontal connections between all active subjects of educational
activity. The characteristics of the institutional specifics of the children’s movement
are presented in the research in five aspects based on the extrapolation of a model
for describing educational potential, which includes five components: axiological,
teleological, conceptual, methodological, and interactive. Consistently, the research
describes the value content of the children’s movement, the goals of educational work,
conceptual foundations, organizational and methodological aspects and interaction
with other educational institutions. The analysis of the methodological aspect of the
educational space of the children’s movement is presented through its specificity,
clearly manifested in the instrumental design of the organization of the children’s
movement activities. Among the various forms of children’s movement organization,
the authors identified and analyzed the following four forms: meeting, romance,
primary collective, and patronizing support, characterized by a unique structure and
nature of interactions and formed in the pioneer organization, the successor of which
is the movement of children and youth. The authors identify the main differences
at the conceptual and methodological levels of the foundations of education in the
children’s movement from other institutions
The research studies the results of implementing the Belt and Road Initiative
in the education system of the People’s Republic of China and the countries of the
initiative area. The authors present the results of the analysis of the development
of educational cooperation with the countries divided by territorial principle
according to the criteria “the number of students from the areal countries” and “the
number of Confucius Institutes and Cabinets” (in the context of the development of
soft power of China’s external influence). The authors investigate the perspectives
of coordination in the field of educational policy and analyze the regulatory
legal acts defining the key directions for the development of the Belt and Road
Initiative at different levels of the education system. Moreover, the authors analyze
the publication activity and current situation on managing the convergence of
international students from the countries along the area of the Belt and Road
Initiative. The need to organize technical maintenance of the project in the
countries along the route actualizes the task of unifying the quality of professional training of foreign personnel participating in the project (according to forecasts, at
least 420 thousand people by 2030). The authors prove that the countries located
in the area of the Belt and Road Initiative have enormous human, intellectual,
natural, cultural, and historical potential, including in the context of implementing
educational strategy on the example of the countries of the Maritime Silk Road
area of the Belt and Road Initiative in the field of higher education. A case study
of Harbin Polytechnic University within the scope of the stated research topic is
higher education; internationalization of education; promotion of Chinese culture; soft power; Maritime Silk Road area; unification and synchronization of standards; Harbin Polytechnic University; Belt and Road Initiative; professional training standards; leading positions; strategic pla
The Value Bases for Choosing a Teaching Profession The research raises questions about the value-semantic foundations of the teaching profession in the context of professional choice. The mission of a teacher in contemporary society is to develop a person who has spiritual and moral values that make it possible to withstand global challenges. Simultaneously, the formation of a system of values by a teacher in a child is possible through the teacher’s value system of the teacher himself, which includes the values of the teaching profession. At the state level, the government recognized the need to implement the value-semantic approach in the training of teachers. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign psychological and pedagogical research, the authors determined the main functions of values as a regulator of personality activity and a source of life and professional goals of a person. The influence of values on the professional self-determination of the future teacher is considered. Various classifications of values of the teaching profession are given. The results of interviews with 90 first-year undergraduate students of Smolensk State University studying in the area of study 44.03.05 “Pedagogical Education (with two majors) are presented”. An analysis of the responses shows that the majority of respondents note the high importance of the teaching profession in today’s society. According to the respondents, the most important characteristics of teachers that have positively affected them are professionalism and moral qualities. The motives for choosing the direction of professional training include the motives of intrinsic value (desire to work with children and interest in the subject) and altruistic motives. More than half of the students declared their desire to work as a teacher, which indicates the acceptance of these values. The conclusions noted the positive aspects and the risks of students’ awareness and acceptance of professionally significant values of the teaching profession.
teaching profession; teacher training; teaching profession values; students; professional choice; intrinsic value; personal utility value; social utility value; teacher professional identity; ideal teacher model
The research presents the main provisions of the author’s concept of reproducing the educational text, analyzed from the standpoint of the theory of managing the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina. The research aims to show the similarity of the methodological foundations of the theory of managing the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina and the concept of arbitrary reproduction of educational material, implementing an activity approach to forming mental actions, particularly mnemonic actions that ensure the actualization of educational material. The proximity of the methodological foundations of N. F. Talyzina’s theory of learning process management and the concept of arbitrary reproduction as a reconstructive and reproductive activity is presented through the analysis of the main provisions of these approaches. The results of the authors’ research prove the importance of managing the processes of reproducing educational material through mnemonic actions, which are a set of associative-orienting, analytical-synthetic, and control-evaluative actions that serve as tools for updating the necessary information. It is shown that arbitrary reproduction demonstrates the features of the intellect of the subject of educational activity in a wide range: from the development of meta-regulation to the specifics of the representational picture. The absence of an orienting basis for random reproduction prevents the launch and deployment of multi-level intellectual operations and the regulation of recall, which manifests itself in planning, control, and anticipation of the necessary results. The understanding of mental actions as tools for updating and organizing educational material, which forms the basis of the reproduction concept, significantly expands the possibilities of the theory of managing the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina. It should become the theoretical and methodological basis for designing new school textbooks. It is shown that the concept of arbitrary reproduction of educational material, which, similar to the theory of gradual formation of mental actions, implements an activity-based approach to teaching and learning, can act as a methodologically and experimentally grounded continuation of the classical theory of P. Ya. Galperin and N. F. Talyzina.
theory of control over the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina; memory; mnemonic actions; the concept of reproduction; educational material; reproduction; reconstruction; the structure of the educational action; orienting basis of action; reproduction control
The research describes the activity theory by N. F. Talyzina from the point of view of the most effective training of a modern teacher to professional activity. The urgent task of building a nationally oriented education system in Russia will be solved based on the experience and traditions of Russian pedagogy. The theory of the step-by-step formation of mental actions and concepts, created by P. Ya. Galperin and the development of this theory in the works of N. F. Talyzina give future teachers theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogical psychology and ensure their readiness to teach schoolchildren and students because this direction of the domestic activity approach is most fully developed in the practical aspect. This research describes the advantages of studying the activity theory of teaching by teachers as compared with traditional courses in pedagogical psychology. Activity theory of N. F. Talyzina gives future teachers the knowledge and guidelines necessary for designing the training session, such as the form, generality, deployment, and mastery of educational action; general and special cognitive actions; characteristics of the main stages of the process of learning mental actions and concepts; formation of methods of cognitive activity of students.
activity theory of N. F. Talyzina’s; managing conception acquisition; general and special cognitive actions; training a modern teacher
This research examines the features of the evolution of the national system of training researchers and scientific and pedagogical personnel during the Soviet and Russian periods. Nowadays, the issue of studying the organization and management of the system of training scientific and pedagogical personnel is in the focus of the Russian scientific community and the public administration bodies implementing scientific and educational policy in the country. The research aims to identify and characterize the features of the system of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the USSR and Russia. Based on a systemic approach combined with the historical method, the authors identify three major stages in the development of Russian postgraduate studies relied on the main regulatory legal documents. The authors also assess the results of decisions taken in the field of training scientific and pedagogical personnel. During the research, the authors came to several conclusions. First, it is quite possible to form an effective environment for training scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel in Russia. Second, the course for the country’s technological independence may be really implemented based on the Soviet heritage and the experience of modern Russia. Third, the goals of the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia may be achieved if outlined federal projects are implemented by all participants of the science and higher education system, the items of the “Concept of training teachers for the education system for the period up to 2030” are truly applied in practice, and the state administration bodies, responsible for the development and implementation of state policy in the field of higher professional education, provide comprehensive support to the younger generation in science.
postgraduate studies; training of scientific pedagogical personnel; scientific research; history of the development of the institute of postgraduate studies; tertiary education; quality of postgraduate training; concept of teacher training; concept of technological development; federal projects; USSR; Russia
This research considers the possibility and effectiveness of using information and communication technologies (ICT) in training Russian language teaching methodology to philology students at pedagogical universities. The types of information and communication technologies that are most often used in lectures and practical classes according to the methodology are distinguished and characterized: computer presentations, information, and training and testing (control) programs. Tactics for including ICT in the learning process are proposed. The forms of using various types of ICT developed by the authors are described, and used in classes on general and private methods of teaching the Russian language: intentionally incomplete computer presentations and incomplete educational information on slides, which requires partial restoration or transformation into another form — a table, a diagram, etc. As an innovative teaching method, the use of hypertext space, which effectively provides educational routes, is particularly considered. Based on hypertext, the basic didactic unit of the learning process, three levels of methodological tasks are distinguished. The first level is perceptual and reproductive. The second is productive. The third level is the task of receiving feedback from students in the form of a new utterance or methodological product. The research also offers a detailed sample of students’ preparatory academic work for a practical lesson using ICT on the topic “Methods of teaching the Russian language,” containing three modules: general didactic, private methodic, practice-oriented, and the development of a practical lesson “Features of the methodology of teaching spelling in primary school,” focused on the development of philology students of private methods teaching spelling.
professional education; information and communication technologies; ICT; types of ICT; linguistic and methodological training; methods of teaching the Russian language; information competence; incomplete computer presentation; hypertext links; methods of teaching the Russian language; levels of methodological tasks
In today’s conditions, medical control and control of the physical development and preparedness of young people, for the most part, are taken over by teachers teaching the discipline “Physical Education” in educational institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation. This statement is confirmed by many studies of employees of the teaching staff of Russian departments and institutes of physical education and sports. The author of this research is no exception. Based on the research of fellow practitioners who work with students in physical education and sports on a daily basis, it is possible to compile an approximate real table of criteria for monitoring the physical health, physical fitness, and physical development of students
The research clarifies the concept and components of the health care system for young people studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The author analyzed pedagogical research on health-saving activities in the educational environment, functional testing and monitoring of physical health, physical development, and physical fitness of Russian students. Moreover, the author analyzed the legal framework governing the monitoring and prevention of the health and functional state of the body of students and found a lack of solidarity between tests and monitoring indicators. Based on the analysis, the authors developed the Regulations on monitoring the physical health, physical fitness and physical development of children, adolescents and youth in the city of Sevastopol, which collected and described the main indicators of monitoring. The problems of introduction and implementation of the Regulations on the monitoring of physical health, physical fitness and physical development of children, adolescents and youth of the city of Sevastopol are noted, in the process of submitting it to the executive authority of the city of Sevastopol, ways to solve them are proposed.
monitoring; health saving; functional testing; students; physical culture and sports disciplines; health; pedagogical control; student health care system; pedagogical research; medical control
The presented research focuses on a relevant topic. Such problems as personality formation, upbringing, the system of interpersonal interactions, and adaptation to the environment have always been relevant and have become the object of research by psychologists and educators. Another feature that characterizes the topic’s relevance is that the developing personality is active when communicating with adults and peers; the personality, its features, and previously formed qualities and skills participate in this activity. The research aims to determine the place, role, and influence of pedagogical communication in preschool education, increase the effectiveness of educational work with preschoolers, and characterize pedagogical communication as an important factor in forming preschoolers’ personalities. Regardless of whether it is realized or not, a person realizes themselves and their potential in the manifested act of activity. Being aware of themselves, a person renews the object of activity and the relationships into which he or she enters, thereby ensuring movement in their development. Communication is a joint activity of people interacting with each other. This most important factor in pedagogy also illustrates the habits and certain behavioral qualities of a person. Additionally, there is the implementation of their own ideas in the practice of communication and the adaptation of their feelings and intentions towards the interlocutor. This is the most important for preschool children because there is a tendency to self-realize from a very early age. Compared with other similar types of communication, pedagogical communication has the undeniable advantage that the acquisition of knowledge is complemented by an organized system of education. Through pedagogical communication, children develop behavioral
abilities, a broad outlook, a culture of speech, observation, and other qualities.
The research draws attention to the need to develop the pedagogical competence of parents in the purposeful formation and correction of self-esteem in a child in a family.
The research aims to analyze the features of organizing online webinars for parents in the process of forming the self-esteem of a child of senior preschool age in a family setting.
A cycle of information and educational pedagogically directed online webinars for parents under the general title “Harmony in my family” is proposed, the purpose of which is to form the pedagogical competence of parents. The principle of interaction has become its core, which is reflected in the tasks and content of online webinars and in the style of leading a group when the teacher acts as a real model of communication for the participants.
The developed cycle of online webinars provides for various areas and forms of activities with parents of children of senior preschool age at risk of self-esteem formation: information messages, discussions, and doing homework for independent study of theoretical and practical material after each online webinar. The content of the course of online webinars is based on the theoretical basis of research into the influence of the nature of the relationship between parents and the child on the personal formation of the child’s self-esteem, as well as empirically identified patterns and relationships of the studied phenomena.
The online webinars were based on the principles of emotional sincerity and openness, awareness and confidentiality, and balance of comfort and discomfort. The content of the online course included questions and exercises designed for the self-disclosure of parents, their awareness of personal qualities, and their level of self-esteem.
self-esteem; self-esteem of preschool children; the adequacy of self-esteem; the formation of self-esteem; child-parent relationships; education of preschool children; pedagogical conditions; family relations; educational process; online webinar
The research focuses on the problem of the formation of professional readiness for innovative activity of future specialists in the field of public and municipal administration. The results of the analysis of the concepts of “innovation” and “innovative activity” in the field of public administration, proposed by scientists, are presented. The author shows the multidimensional nature of the studying of these phenomena and provides the author’s definitions of the studied concepts.
Attention is paid to the peculiarities of professional training of future specialists in the field of public and municipal administration. Special emphasis is placed on studying readiness for innovation.
The publication presents the criteria of professional readiness for innovative activity of future specialists in the field of public and municipal administration. Based on the selected criteria, the author characterizes indicators and levels of this professional readiness
The author presents a pedagogical model of the formation of professional readiness for innovative activity of future specialists in the sphere of state and municipal administration, including target, theoretical and methodological, procedural and substantive and evaluative and effective blocks. The characteristics of these components are given.
The process of introducing this model in the educational process is based on the implementation of the following pedagogical conditions: enriching the content of subjects with topics aimed at preparing s pecialists for innovation; expanding the range of opportunities for students to form their readiness for innovation through a variety of forms of theoretical and practical classes; development of a special course; organization of social partnership of the university with public authorities. The ways of their implementation are described by filling the content of academic disciplines, contextual learning, introduction of an optional course, and organization of social partnership.
The further stage of the research is the introduction of the presented model of the formation of professional readiness for innovative activities of future specialists in the field of public and municipal administration in the educational process.
innovations in public administration; innovative activity; future civil servants; pedagogical model of the formation of professional readiness; pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional readiness for innovation; features of the implementation of the pedagogical mode
The research examines the stages in the formation of the concept of labor training in China, the content and forms of this training in school from the concept of the five inseparable components of education, the basic secondary school curriculum during the Cultural Revolution, and manual training classes under the updated doctrine of education and training to the development of labor education in the implementation of the policy “Education serves the people.” Historiographically and paradigmatically, the idea of labor training is presented in unity with moral education as a systemic component of the educational process, in which manual training classes include labor education and technical education. The authors studied the history of the development of the educational function of manual training classes in China in urban, rural, and small schools.
The authors analyzed the concepts of moral education, labor training, labor activity of schoolchildren, technical education at school, early vocational guidance for schoolchildren, industrialization of education, and the role of the family in the process of labor training. The research presents current data on the availability of manual training teachers, including from the point of view of the growing number of ungraded schools in rural areas and the structure of the content of manual training of schoolchildren.
The authors analyze the formation of the contemporary system of labor education in educational institutions of China, where work is the driver of the development of all other qualities of schoolchildren through the cultivation of morality through work; the intersection of goals of moral, mental, physical, and aesthetic education with the goals and objects of labor education becomes the key content of the concept of comprehensive development of learners.
education system of China; technical education for students; labor education at school; moral education; concept of labor education; vocational guidance for schoolchildren; rural and ungraded schools; labor activities; stages of concept formation of labor education in China; history of labor education
Based on the analysis of the learning model of Russian-speaking students, the status of education, and the situation with the employment of Russian-speaking students, this research discusses the ways of improving the professional level and subject qualities of Russian-speaking students. The Guangdong University of Foreign Studies is used as an example of a Russian bachelor’s degree to analyze the feasibility of training programs and the needs of the labor market. The author puts some specific proposals to overcome the negative impact of the effects of COVID-19 on the results of study and employment
Epidemic; Russian-speaking students; the Great Bay area; study; employment
Increasing migration processes associated with widespread digitalization, increasing social differentiation, and unresolved social and political issues worldwide result in the need to consider the adaptation of migrants to living in cultures, societies, and linguistic environments other than their native ones. The adaptation of migrants is inextricably linked to difficulties in educating migrant children (non-native speaker learners) who do not speak Russian properly, which prevents them from integrating into society and successfully mastering the school curriculum. The research deals with the difficulties associated with the education of non-native speaker learners with the conditions of contemporary general education schools in Russia, analyzes the causes of these difficulties, and provides their classification. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign scientific works, the research identifies a number of practices aimed at resolving the difficulties in the education of migrant children. Nowadays, it is critically important to provide equal opportunities and conditions for learning for all children, regardless of their ethnicity, place of residence, culture, or native language. The solution to the difficulties outlined in the research involves the need for comprehensive measures. It is vital that educational institutions provide support and assistance to non-native speaker children, including intensive language courses, specialized educational programs, and support for socially and economically vulnerable groups of learners. Equally important is the training of teachers to work with non-native speaker children, providing them with appropriate teaching materials and resources.
non-native speaker children; teaching of non-native speaker children; language adaptation; separative learning; integrative learning; knowledge assessment; teacher training; foreign experience; Integration of non-native speaker children
Views on the content of general education and the degree of independence of schools in forming curricula have repeatedly changed over a long period of development of the general education system in Russia. The research presents the results of the historical and pedagogical analysis of the methodological foundations for forming of the state curriculum in Russian schools. The author shows the factors influencing the change in the conceptual framework that determines the structure and content of the curriculum in Russian schools. The research is carried out using general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, interpretation, systematization, classification, and generalization. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the theory of the content of education: cultural theory (M. N. Skatkin, V. V. Kraevsky, and I. Ya. Lerner), system-activity (V. S. Lednev, and A. A. Kuznetsov), binary- integrative (L. M. Perminova), and modern theory of didactics (I. M. Osmolovskaya). The author proves that the curricula have always reflected the value-ideological attitudes and public ideas about the purpose of education and embodied the state policy in relation to the content of school education. Simultaneously, even in periods of maximum unification of the content of school education, curricula retained the ability to reflect the uniqueness of an individual school and consider the socio-cultural conditions of its functioning. The author proves that contemporary didactic theories include sound scientific approaches to determining the composition of the curriculum, assessing its laboriousness, and the sequence of studying subjects and distribution by periods of study. Thanks to this, the processes of selecting the content of general education and the formation of school curricula are protected from the influence of corporate interests and private opinions. The scientific basis performs a systematizing function for the pedagogical interpretation of the social order. This ensures the necessary quality of school education without overloading students.
Curriculum; School subject; Program; History of education; Standard; Pedagogy; Didactics; Differentiation; Education; Content of education
The research discusses the possibilities and risks of digital transformation of education for a regional pedagogical university. The authors cite several authors’ inter pretations of the concept of digital transformation of education, including M. V. Boguslavsky and V. M. Rozin. The authors describe the positive experience of the Glazov State University of Engineering and Pedagogigs named after V. G. Korolenko in the implementation of the tasks of the digitalization process: the implementation of higher and additional education, the implementation of the activities of the Quantorium pedagogical technopark, the technopark of universal pedagogical competencies, and the technopark of preschool and primary education. The university’s experience in implementing partner network educational programs is described. A multidimensional picture of the risks for pedagogical universities brought about by the digitalization of education is disclosed. These risks include the psychological unwillingness of high school teachers to global change; a decrease in the level of critical thinking of students; reduced interactivity of training at the university; reduced motivation of students and teachers; increased competition between metropolitan and regional universities; reduced quality of communication between students and high school teachers, which has special potential in forming value orientations of future teachers; and the presence of constant information noise. The authors propose methods for reducing the negative impact of some of the indicated risks. Reversible mentoring can solve the problem of teachers’ unwillingness to master new digital learning tools. The formation of a positive information agenda of the university makes it possible to reduce the intensity of the impact of negative information noise from different sources. The authors see the main solution to most humanitarian problems of the digitalization of education in establishing a harmonious balance between the use of digital technologies and the preservation of traditional forms, methods, and means of education
higher education; pedagogical university; regional university; digital transformation of education; digitalization trends; opportunities; risks; formation of values; digitalization dysfunction; overcoming the risks of digitalization
The research presents a methodological analysis of the system of
continuous pedagogical education. The author concludes that the concept of
the systemogenesis of professional activity can act as a real methodological and
theoretical basis for ensuring the continuity of the results of various levels of
teacher training. The expediency and necessity of using a value-semantic approach
in the organization of continuous pedagogical education are substantiated. The
author proves that the inclusion of the formation of a value-semantic component
in the results of education and goal-setting in the organization of the educational
process can provide effective professional training of a teacher and help future
and real teachers to give an adequate personal meaning to pedagogical activity
and its individual components, which will allow them to become real subjects
of pedagogical activity. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis, the
author identified the most popular research areas of continuing pedagogical
education. It is revealed that most of these research areas respond to the challenges
of digitalization. There are also new trends associated with the era of postglobalization
and the revival of the priority of national spiritual and moral values
in today’s education in Russia. The lack of continuity in the content, forms,
methods, and results of teacher training at the levels of secondary vocational and
higher pedagogical education, as well as in additional professional education of
teachers, is identified as a key problem of the practice of continuing pedagogical education. As a solution to this problem, the author presents an innovative model
of interaction between a pedagogical university and regional subjects of teacher
training. Additionally, the author defines priority directions of activity of the
regional complex of continuous pedagogical education. The role of universities
in the scientific management and support of innovative activities of educational
organizations in the region is outlined. The main mechanism of support is the
inclusion of teachers of the region in experimental, search, and research activities,
including the creation of multi-level research communities of teachers, university
students, and practical teachers.
continuous pedagogical education; level model; regional complex; pedagogical university; systemogenesis of pedagogical activity; pedagogical values; digitalization; new didactic solutions; quality of education; scientific and methodological support of teachers
The research focuses on the problem of the core of pedagogical education.
The authors prove the idea that the current nomenclature semantics of the term
is not consistent with scientific approaches and, in particular, with pedagogical
and philosophical ideas about education as a cultural phenomenon. The authors
consider the core of pedagogical education in a contemporary classical Russian university as a conceptual structure that describes the principles and approaches
to the pedagogical education’s content, the implementation of which will enhance
the quality of pedagogical education and, thereby, restore the professional level of
the Russian school education. The authors reveal the causes of the phenomenon,
introduce the concept of pedagogical anomie as an integral characteristic of the
system of relations developing in the system of university education, and analyze
the influence of pedagogical anomie on the content of pedagogical education.
The research discusses (1) the main ways of updating the content of pedagogical
education, which would make up the core of pedagogical education, which would
include the worldview training of teachers to lay the ground for their ability to
become an educator; (2) scientific and research training of future teachers to form
their scientific mode of thinking and ability for scientific creativity; (3) securing the
balance between research and practical components in higher pedagogical education,
consisting of a scientific approach to the content of practice and the study of
practical problems of pedagogy in scientific training; (4) the formation of pedagogical
education as a holistic pedagogical system consisting of methodologically
and scientifically interconnected components, as well as interdisciplinarity (the
presence of a multicultural dialogue in pedagogical education, which presupposes
the unity of the national pedagogical education while maintaining its plurality and
regional uniqueness)
pedagogical education; classical university; the core of pedagogical education; culture-based approach; values in education; industrialization of education; pedagogical anomie; research in pedagogical education; Russian university
On October 3, 2022, the IV scientific readings dedicated to the memory of Pyotr Yakovlevich Galperin (October 02, 1902 — March 25, 1988) and dedicated to the 120th anniversary of his birth were held at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The article analyzes the causes of destructive behavior of children and adolescents in modern society, as well as ways to prevent it. It is shown that the problem of destructive behavior of children and youth is of a massive nature and is closely related to the institutions of socialization, such as the family, school, community of peers.
The importance of the joint work of the family and the school with the involvement of social partners (organizations of culture, sports, social protection, etc.) was emphasized.
Separately, the educational role of the family and educational organization in the prevention of the causes of destructive behavior of children and adolescents is considered. It is noted that the maximum effect in the prevention of destructive behavior can only be achieved by harmoniously combining the systemic work of an educational organization with the family, aimed at forming an attentive attitude to the emotional state of the child, his mood, changes in behavior that have not been previously noted.
The importance of early detection of a child’s tendency to destructive behavior or the presence of factors that influence falling into the risk zone (the emergence of new acquaintances, an increase in the time that the child spends communicating in social networks, isolation, susceptibility to a depressive mood, a decadent mood, a state when former entertainment and leisure does not cause positive emotions, lack of interest in what is happening around and the world in general, etc.).
The article reviews the existing developments in the prevention of destructive behavior of children and adolescents, presents an analysis of manuscripts and articles on the study of the features of the formation of destructive behavior of children and adolescents in the social environment, separately notes the importance of the environment and the environment, discusses the methods used to diagnose the formation of destructive behavior, principles of their effective use.
upbringing; destructive behavior; risk factors; social environment; mechanisms of formation and distribution of destructive behavior; causes of destructive behavior; the meaning of the family; the role of peers; social environment; types of destructive behavior; addictive behavior; deviant behavior
On the one hand the research formulates the problem of the need for psychological and pedagogical provision of readiness of the able-bodied population of the country for core activities. On the other hand, it indicates the problem of the scientific incompleteness in the essence of the term «readiness», as well as the descriptors of the balance of psychological and pedagogical content in this process. The research aims to synthesize information on the problem of the balance of the logistic information field of psychology and pedagogy of physical education in the content of definitions of specialist’s readiness for core activities, as well as to present the author’s classification of scientific views. The research materials are based on prolonged research (1992–2022) on the problem of forming the physical readiness of specialists for professional activities. At the initial stage, the subjects were engineering and technical specialists. At later stages, the aspect of the topic was strengthened by the heterogeneous category of human labor resources. The research methods include logical information processing (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, and induction), theoretical analysis and generalization, retrospective analysis, and theoretical modeling and forecasting. The results of the research assimilated the following. The author allocates three key clusters of the studied problem: the ratio of successful and binary readiness of a specialist for the activity; the ratio of cross-adaptation and cross-sensitization balance in the readiness of a specialist for the activity; the ratio of «reach zone» thresholds in studying the brain processes of the human body by pedagogy and psychology of physical education. The author developed a classification of scientific views of the balance of extrapolation of psychology and pedagogy of physical education in the content of definitions of specialists’ readiness for the activity. The developed classification accommodates the need for binary interpretation of this activity, the algorithm for the formation of the states of «cross-adaptation», «anticipatory adaptation» and «cross-sensitization» in the system of university transformation of graduates. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the balance of psychological and pedagogical components in the physical education of a person in order to prepare them for professional activities; the author determined methodological provisions of its practical construction, in particular, the need for a person to achieve a specific «slice» of the most involved parameters of his or her physical conditions, functional state, and morphological features.
The research presents the contemporary structure of the education system of the
Republic of Chad. To study the problem the authors focus on documents regulating
education in the country. The authors characterize six cycles of the education system
in the Republic of Chad: preschool, primary, general secondary, secondary (including
general secondary and technical education and vocational training), higher education,
and non-formal education and literacy among the population. The research introduces
the education system in one country on the African continent — the Republic of Chad,
where only 35% of the population is literate. This is one of the lowest literacy rates on
the continent and in the world. The emphasis is placed on the results of the efforts made
by the state to improve the quality of education and reduce illiteracy in the country.
The authors present an overview of the current problems in contemporary
education on the African continent and ongoing educational reforms. The educational
problems of African countries are diverse and different from the problems in
developed economies with a high standard of living. These are high illiteracy among
the population, incomplete enrollment, learning difficulties in rural areas, high
occupancy of classes in primary schools, child labor, informal education, poverty,
gender inequality in education, old teacher training programs, problems of nonacceptance
by all countries of the law on inclusive education, and accessibility of more
people to secondary education.
non-formal education; education of Chad; child labor; illiteracy; inclusive education; inequality in education; gender in education; preschool education; school education; university education; African reforms
The research focuses on the problem of developing independent thinking at the university during interactive communication. It analyzes the essence of the following concepts: independent thinking, interactive communication, and personal-oriented learning. The author shows that the essence of interactive communication of students, in the process of which independent thinking develops, lies in personal-oriented learning.
Thinking cannot be understood as a reproductive process: it is always productive. For this reason, the productive development of the thinking of the participants in the educational process is impossible without the development of the internal motivation of the thought process. The thinking of a particular person arises when a person accepts (is included) in the solution of a certain problem. Thinking is always connected with the discovery of new things. For the development of independent thinking, it is important that knowledge and social experience are not given to the student in a ready-made form: they should be obtained during the development of independent thinking. The training aimed at the development of independent thinking is person-oriented training. In fact, the development of independent thinking is possible only when a person (student) is internally motivated to solve a problem, when he or she personally accepts this problem. In this case, that personal acceptance of the problem arises. Personal acceptance of the problem means students solve the problem based on their subjective experience. Simultaneously, the student’s personality develops because its development is determined, among other things, by how much a person has realized his or her experience. The thinking of any participant in the educational process is always the thinking of a specific person, which means that the thinking of any participant in the educational process always belongs to the personal experience of the participant in the educational process. During interactive communication, which is discussed in this research, participants develop their personal experiences by solving problems based on mutual acceptance and understanding. This development of personal experience leads to the development of independent thinking.
thinking; personality; independent thinking; personality development; independent thinking; interactive communication; personality-oriented education; development of personality; personal experience; task-problem
This research describes a model of school-university partnership as a mechanism to ensure a continuity of pedagogical education. The projects «Pedagogical internship» and «Psychological and pedagogical classes» are offered in the research as new mechanisms for implementing the activities of the national project «Education».
The authors outline the models for implementing «Psychological and pedagogical classes» in the Sverdlovsk Region, new forms of school-university partnership in the activities of psychological and pedagogical classes with the support of Ural State Pedagogical University. University support is carried out in four areas: scientific and methodological support, competitive and Olympiad movement, career guidance, and educational activities.
The authors present three areas of implementing a teacher internship program: introduction to the best educational and socio-cultural practices, a modular program of competence development, and individual work of teacher trainees with mentors. The employment of teacher internship graduates in educational organizations is identified as a key indicator of the project’s effectiveness.
School-university partnership is a necessary condition to ensure the continuity in the formation of professional competencies of students attending pedagogical universities and the quality of pre-professional training of school students, which includes the readiness for conscious professional self-determination in the teaching profession
The authors identified a range of effects from the implementation of schooluniversity partnership: building multidimensional areas of professional cooperation between teachers and students of different organizations, attracting teaching staff (carriers of best practices, recognized in the professional community) to support students of the teacher training university and psychological and pedagogical classes, including through the use of mentoring practices, and increasing the prestige of professional activity of a teacher
The authors also formulate basic provisions that reveal the substantive, organizational and activity, and communication and technological aspects of the implementation of the school-university partnership.
psychological and pedagogical classes; pedagogical internship; schooluniversity partnership; professional competencies of a future teacher; professional self-determination; tasks of school-university partnership; model of school-university partnership; directions for supporting psychological and pedagogical classes
The research describes the main directions of the development of the system of additional professional pedagogical education. The author distinguishes global trends (the formation of continuous education systems and its development mainly in distance forms) and trends specific to the Russian educational space: the design and implementation of federal state information systems that integrate smaller-scale information systems and transform the functionality of existing educational systems. A challenge is given in relation to the Russian system of additional education, which has been formed recently: “Will it be possible to solve the problem of forming a system to support the self-regulation of professional self-education in the course of special training for teachers as educators?” The solution to this problem generates a bifurcation point for the development of the system of additional education. The research discusses such directions for solving this problem as the formation of a long-term plan for the professional development of each school teacher and the development of meta-regulatory methodological components to support students’ independent work.
system of additional professional pedagogical education; upbringing; distance education; subjectivity of a teacher; ifelong pedagogical education; conscious self-regulation; information system; information security; professional development of a teacher
When talking about what prompted them to study mathematics, most mathematicians, emphasize the interest that arose at school or in a club when solving some problem or many problems that are “unknown-how-to-solve’’. We see an example of such a task in the famous painting by N. P. Bogdanov-Belsky, which has become a symbol of the Russian school. The interest of future mathematicians was also supported by the university. The reseach discusses the possibility in the 21st century to build mathematical education for all students, not just selected and highly motivated students, based on the tasks that are “unknown-how-tosolve’’ — different for different students. The study of mathematics can become interesting and psychologically comfortable for students of different abilities and inclinations, simultaneously bringing the student’s work closer to the work of an adult mathematician and the needs of real life.
school mathematics education; problems that are “unknown-how-tosolve”; mathematics clubs; results-based education; skills of the 21st century
The research identifies the problems related to the lack of pedagogical resources for Russian schools in the foreign language and second foreign language, as well as their linguodidactic training in the context of implementing the norms of the new Federal State Educational Standards of Basic General Education (FGOS LLC). The author analyzes the main professional educational programs (OPOP) of the leading Russian pedagogical universities and draws conclusions about the lack of unity and systematization in the names and content. Inconsistency of curricula and disciplines in the curricula, as well as the lack of interdisciplinary orientation of them, leads to inconsistency in the training of future teachers of foreign languages to contemporary requirements. Many programs are designed to train not future teachers of foreign languages, but specialists who are not related to pedagogy. In implementing some provisions of the new FGOS LLC, regulatory contradictions have been revealed to the legislatively fixed principle of accessibility and free basic general education for schoolchildren and their parents. The author identifies the key trends and prospects for developing Russian language educational policy. Moreover, the author proposes some options for designing Russian basic general education in terms of linguodidactic multilingual training of teachers in implementing of FGOS LLC. The author focuses on the problems identical to the teaching of the languages of the peoples of Russia and the lack of normative mechanisms of interaction “pedagogical university-school-student” as well as guarantees of the implementation of this form of cooperation. This situation deprives Russian schools of the opportunity to ensure the legally enshrined right of schoolchildren and their parents to affordable and free education. Moreover, every year, it removes schoolchildren from a real opportunity to learn foreign languages, pass them as a subject of the Unified State Exam and use foreign languages in real professional activities in the future. In the process of scientific research of the designated problems the author used general pedagogical methods (study, and generalization), theoretical (analysis and synthesis) and private (observation) were used.
Linguodidactic education; multilingual educational space; foreign language; second foreign language; languages of Russia; basic professional educational program; multilingualism; multilingual communicative competence; intercultural communication; language educational policy; principle of accessibility basis; the principal of free-ofcharge basis
The content and structure of general education are subject to well-defined patterns, According to the concept of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.S. Lednev, the most important of them is the balance of two factors: the content of a given subject area (mathematics, computer science, etc.), and a set of invariant types of human activity. These factors reflect aspects of reality that are the most significant from the educational point of view. The transformational activity of people undoubtedly belongs to such aspects. In the contemporary world, this activity is revealed through three key concepts: algorithm, technology, and project. These concepts become system-forming concepts of two subjects: «Informatics» and «Technology». Nowadays, transformative activity is inseparable from the processes of digitalization, which determines the content and structure of these general educational subjects, while the concept of technology plays a leading role. The ideological side of technology originates from the fundamental work of R. Descartes «Reasoning about the method». According to him, any activity should be carried out based on some method that allows for different levels of formalization. This opened up the fundamental possibility of automating the processes of manufacturing products, which made it possible to create a material platform for the future «industrial society». The development of technology is closely related to scientific knowledge. Moreover, the ultimate goal of science (starting with the science of modern times) is precisely the creation of technologies. The link between science and technology remained inseparable for a very long time and ensured the dominance of the formation that supported this link. The emergence of digital technologies, in which the idea of automation is practically brought to its logical conclusion, has radically changed the industrial and social context of technologization. However, its ideological side has undergone minimal changes. The entire context mentioned above is considered in the construction of methodological concepts and the content of the subjects «Informatics» and «Technology».
challenges of digital society; informatics; technology; general education courses; concept; content; metasubjectivity; convergence; modeling; design; STEM-competence
The research aims to analyze the possibilities of using a digital footprint
to reveal the identification signs of a person’s professionalization in the field
of education (pedagogy) based on big data technologies through social and
search networks. The author identifies the reasons for using social and
search networks to develop career guidance practices with schoolchildren.
The research presents and analyses data about users of accumulated social
networks (e.g. Facebook) and search networks (e.g. Yandex and Google).
The author shows possible options for clustering user data in the Vkontakte
social network with differentiation of user interests and third-party
segmentation determined using neural network algorithms (one of the
fundamental technologies of big data), based on a variety of different actions
of the user of the social network inside and outside the Internet field. The
author proposes a variant of a comparative analysis of user interests
confirmed by a third-party segment between a group of people from the
pedagogical community and a group of professionals from other fields. The
hypothesis about the identity of the pool of interests of the pedagogical
community is formulated and tested; their pattern is revealed and projected
on the graduates of pedagogical specialties of the Tomsk State Pedagogical
College in 2022, working in the specialty. Possible variants of the development
of the proposed model of clustering the interests of the pedagogical
community and extrapolation of the principles of work to different levels of
pedagogical education are shown. The research materials are prepared
based on the use of the following methods: theoretical and structural
analysis, structural-semiotic analysis, and predictive analytics and simulation
modeling based on neural network data.
social networks; search networks; big data; predictive analytics in pedagogy; clustering of pedagogical data; patterns of the pedagogical community; professional orientation of schoolchildren; professional self-determination; pedagogical profession; vocational education
The research focuses on the issues of the formation of students’ professional self-determination and presents the organizational and pedagogical model for managing students’ professional self-determination and the results of its testing in the municipal information and educational environment. Technological progress calls into question the existence of many contemporary professions. The system of formation of professional self-determination should ensure the rational distribution of labor resources, a person’s career choice, adaptation, and professional development throughout life. It requires changing and updating the organizational and managerial mechanisms existing in educational organizations and municipal educational systems and career guidance methods for students.
During the experimental work, the authors have developed and tested an organizational and pedagogical model for forming students’ professional self-determination/ Moreover, the authors have created a municipal information and educational environment that has interactivity, and multifunctionality and operates in the network interaction of all subjects of the municipal education system. The interdepartmental coordination council for the training of professional personnel provides organizational and managerial support for forming the municipal information and educational environment.
This environment provides students’ information and self-education, meets the needs of all its constituents (i.e., students, parents, educational organizations, employers, etc.), and contributes to the formation of a basic personality culture and necessary competencies for students’ labor and social self-determination.
The municipal information and educational environment include educational organizations, enterprises, and institutions of all forms of ownership, functioning based on network interaction. In this environment, the educational process is carried out through the implementation of advanced pedagogical technologies: open network educational programs, elective courses, and key events implemented by basic educational organizations in the conditions of functioning of a unified municipal information and telecommunication environment (i.e., Internet platforms, educational portals, and public channels of career guidance).
Teaching, developing, educational, communicative, coordinating, and managerial functions are implemented in the information and educational environment of the municipality and the educational organizations that function within it.
formation of students’ professional self-determination; municipal information and educational environment; organizational and pedagogical model; network training; distance training; programs of extracurricular activity; professional testing; professional informing; professional tests; individual educational route
The research presents the practice of the University Gymnasium (boarding
school) of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the context of the traditions
of university education and Russian developments in the field of general
education of children with increased educational needs. The authors indicate
the historical line of the emergence of university gymnasiums in Russia. The
design within the Gymnasium of a complex open nonlinear system capable
of self-development, which is based on the integration of academic subjects,
project activities, creative formats and broad communication with external
subjects of educational, scientific and industrial spheres, make it possible to
implement an educational model that forms high meta-subject educational
results of students. Key characteristics of designing a gymnasium as a
complex open system include openness, which provides a mode of
development; interchange of energy and information with other systems;
disequilibrium of the state; the ability to perceive external influences; and
external influences as «points of growth» of the system. These positions
allow us to solve the problems of gymnasium development: building a
gymnasium as a practice of developing variable universal education;
designing individual trajectories of developing education; modeling forms of
cooperation and social construction; introduction interdisciplinarity as a
principle of reality research; developing psychological competence; ensuring
modularity and nonlinearity of forms of education; providing dynamism of
schedules and different ages. These tasks are solved based on modeling the development of the gymnasium in the internal and external spaces. The
model’s essence lies in the areas related to the development of technologies
for conducting lessons and implementing interdisciplinary team projects
within the framework of Lomonosov MSU scientific and educational schools,
as well as a spatial and event-based educational environment. Moreover, the
essence of the model includes the development of university identity and the
construction of an extensive system of external communications based on
the Community of University and Innovative Schools and the «Vernadsky»
scientific and educational platform.
university gymnasium; complex systems; post-nonclassical science; educational environment; educational results; development program; educational activities; project activities; cooperation; identity
This paper describes the authors’ long-term pedagogical experience in creating and implementing a special program for systematic repetition, expansion and deepening of the full school course of mathematics in general. This program is based on the principle of the didactic spiral and is applicable both in the framework of regular school lessons and in the implementation of additional education. The work highlights three main stages of student preparation: basic, advanced and creative. Together they contain exactly seven clearly distinguished turns of the didactic spiral. After passing each such round, the student (in this case, as a rule, the future entrant) is more or less ready to solve problems in all sections of the school curriculum at once, which is especially important for participation in Olympiads held during the school year. The first, basic, stage covers two turns of the spiral, which can be conditionally called linear and quadratic. The second stage, advanced, already consists of four turns corresponding to the four main methods of a logical nature: the enumeration of cases, equivalent transformations, the introduction of notation and the conclusion of consequences. The third, creative stage is represented by just one turn, at which all the material passed is already passed from a research point of view. It examines four main methodological approaches available within the school curriculum: algebraic, logical, functional and graphical. The choice and implementation of these approaches in solving specific tasks is the essence of this final round and stage.
didactic spiral; spiral approach; school mathematics; additional education; spiral curriculum; methods of teaching mathematics; advanced course; preparation for the Unified State Exam; preparation for AEE; preparation for Olympiads; systematic repetition
The existing system of final certification in the form of the Unified State
Exam (USE) has been working for more than one year. However, disputes
about its expediency and effectiveness do not subside. Some participants of
these discussions rightly indicate that USE allows enrollees from remote
regions of Russia to participate in introductory tests, remaining in their
region. Their opponents are equally rights to criticize the apparent
shortcomings of this form of control and offer to abandon the USE in favor of
the Soviet system of the final certification, in which final exams at school and
introductory tests in higher or secondary special educational institutions
were not combined. Agreeing with supporters of the organization of local
exams, the authors consider the arguments of opponents of the USE. The
idea of a project called the USE can be conditionally formulated as follows:
to create a line of tasks that makes it possible to compare all high school
graduates by the level of training, rank them based on the results of this
comparison, and distribute them between universities and colleges. For this
reason, the USE is a mandatory exam for all school graduates and is
conducted using a single technology. What issues are discussed in the
disputes around this project? First, many are perplexed by the unreasonable
identification of each school graduate with an enrollee for some university or
colleges. Second, a high percentage of dropouts among first-year students
indicates a weak correlation between the results of such measurements and
the readiness of enrollees to study at universities or colleges. This publication
is devoted to the analyzing of the problems discussed within these topics, as
well as proposals on possible ways to resolve them.
Unified State Exam (USE); requirements of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES); validity; modernization of final certification system
The authors analyze the activity of children’s public organizations of the
20th century. The research discusses the relevance of creating «Bolshaya
Peremena» clubs in educational organizations. The activity of these
organization is formed based on the conceptual ideas of scientific schools of
V.S. Mukhina «Phenomenology of the development and existence of
personality» and L.I. Novikova «A systemic approach to the upbringing and
socialization of children and youth». A methodological basis lies in presenting
the results of fundamental research by such psychologists and teachers as
L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Novikova, V.S. Mukhina and N.L. Selivanova. The essence
of their research lies in recognizing the priorities of personal development,
the values of the childhood period and the activities of the younger generation.
The research considers the activities of the «Bolshaya Peremena» clubs as a
natural social environment in which the younger generation acquires personal
and acute social meanings of life and activity and «undergoes» preparation
for the productive realization of their potential in the current conditions of
public life. The authors describe the educational space of the «Bolshaya
Peremena» clubs, which aim to create an environment conducive to creating
favorable conditions for the personal development of children and adolescents
and the activation of personal and social maturity. The «Bolshaya Peremena»
clubs are built on the principle of a child-adult community, which is based on
the democratic style of adult influence on the child. The ability of an adult to
show identification increases the child›s self-esteem, mood and social
activity. Children transfer the actions of identification assigned by an adult
into communication with peers: the club space becomes a school of social
relations for children. In conclusion, the authors express possible risks of
implementing the considered project. The essence of these risks come down
to the erosion of effective elements of pedagogical practice in connection
with the creation of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth, founded
by «Bolshaya Peremena» and the subsequent integration of existing
children›s movements and communities. The authors emphasize that the
«Bolshaya Peremena» clubs are exclusively voluntary public associations,
the main role of which is assigned to schoolchildren.
education; personality development; internal position of the individual; personality – a unique phenomenon; personality – a social unit; personality formation; children’s public association; collective; children’s and adult community; collective and creative work (CCW); «Bolshaya Peremena» club; activities in the educational system; activities of «Bolshaya Peremena» clubs
On December 12, 2022, Irina Georgievna Hangeldieva, Professor, Associate Professor of Philosophy, teacher of the Department of Educational Systems Management, Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Lomonosov Moscow State University, died.
Lukatsky M.A., Krikunova E.A. How not to become a destructive personality: Erich Fromm on education and self–education: Monograph. – M.: Prometheus, 2023. – 302 p.
By the beginning of the 19th century the Russian educational system was being formed in the context of European tendencies, significantly influenced by the internal processes of the country’s modernization. Russia’s prosperity in public consciousness was associated with enlightenment. General and pedagogical education were the links of a single system under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education. Common principles were formed: the priority function of education; a deep, «with reserve», scientific basis of education; a special attitude towards the personality of the teacher as a bearer of knowledge and high spiritual qualities. Only teacher training institutions could fully provide training for such a teacher. However, as disclosed in this research, teacher training institutions repeatedly went through reforms and radical transformations, which, along with funding difficulties, could not ensure the opening of new schools. This led to the emergence of schools of different departmental affiliation (spiritual, military, zemstvo, factory and others) and educational institutions to train teachers for them. In the early 20th century, the pedagogical community and deputies of the State Duma, in the hope of introducing universal education, argued for the creation of a full-fledged state system of teacher education. However, this was possible only possible with the establishment of Soviet power and the transition to a single school system. A coherent model for the training of teachers with specialized technical schools and institutions, which ensured the task of introducing universal education was finally formed only in the 1930s. In the middle of 20th century, the USSR was among the world leaders in terms of quality education.
Currently, Russia is leaving the Bologna system of education, and society calls for an objective assessment of the existing model of teacher training, the further development of which should consider the lessons of the past and promote Russian traditions in the international scientific and pedagogical space.
personnel of educational institutions; pedagogical education; history of education; education; training; vocational education; higher education; training of scientific personnel; teacher training institute; university
The research discusses monitoring outcomes of quality of the main educational programs applied to undergraduate, graduate and specialist programs performed by higher education institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science within enlarged groups of specializations and majors (EGSM) 44.00.00 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences.” The main research outcomes are as follows: 36% of the main educational programs within EGSM 44.00.00 are the programs that impose an educational process of a disciplinary type. The research reveals issues of discrepancy and disunity of the discipline contents, absence of internal wholeness, unevenness in the distribution of psychological, pedagogical, disciplinary, and methodological training, and the absence of orientation towards the unified (complex) exam, which would ensure testing of learning outcomes achievement within preplanned competences. These tendencies are especially typical for the main graduate educational programs.
Final qualification works lack reference to research data in scientific works and data of official documentation issued by governmental bodies and state statistics, including data in the field of regional education. Programs lack modules (disciplines) aimed at developing the worldview of future teachers; there is no workload designed for the Russian language and literature. To proceed, there are no temporary and organizational opportunities to secure in-depth study of psychological – pedagogical and (or) other disciplines.
Considering the above, the professional education of future teachers is performed fragmentary, following the reactive type, that is, reacting to discreet teaching tasks of which is ineffective either for the development of any group of competencies, or, in general, for the professional development of a Russian teacher.
monitoring of teacher training programs; teacher training research; monitoring the quality of the main educational programs; culturological approach; teacher training; values of pedagogical education; disciplinary mode of education; module-based curricula; research work of graduate students; quality of final qualification work; regional system of education
The research presents a conceptual approach to monitoring in the higher education system. The presented problem is considered within the framework of the methodology of post-industrial education. According to the definition by A.M. Novikov, the academician of the Russian Academy of Education, the methodology of post-industrial education a doctrine of the implementation of activities, that is, its logical structure, forms, methods, and means. The authors of this research argued the stated approach of monitoring research, substantiated by the pedagogical practice. At the current stage of social development, one of the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of vocational education is to find ways to improve the pedagogical process of the universities. The solution to this issue lies in the field of managing the educational process of the universities, where the most important component is control over the development of specialist’s degree programs and the results of student learning. The information component of this process is the monitoring of education quality. The scientific and pedagogical literature uses various definitions to determine the essence of monitoring. The authors of this research substantiate the characteristics of pedagogical monitoring from the standpoint of current requirements for education. These characteristics are as follows
systemic diagnostics of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the efficiency of functioning and tendencies of self-development of the educational system;
analysis of objects or phenomena of pedagogical reality in order to provide teachers with high-quality and timely information necessary for making managerial decisions;
continuous scientifically based prognostic monitoring of the current state and the development of the pedagogical process in order to optimally select goals, objectives, and means of their solution.
Tracking the strategic trend in teacher training should be considered from the standpoint of a monitoring study graduate programs as one of the necessary conditions, acting as a prerequisite for studying the phenomena of contemporary pedagogical reality and their explaination.
The research considers the problem related to the consistency of forming the research competence in students of pedagogical specialties during university education. The authors analyzed 1319 educational programs of higher education in pedagogical specialties, including 924 undergraduate programs and 395 graduate programs. The authors consider qualitative indicators of systemic representation of research work in educational programs, that characterize the complete (comprehensive) systemic representation (i.e., represented in theory and in both types of practices – training and work), as well as seven heterogeneous types of its violations. The authors found that complete systemic representation occurs in only half of the graduate programs and in less than a third of undergraduate programs. Accordingly, various violations of systemic representation are found in more than 50% of graduate programs and 73% of undergraduate programs. Among the violations of consistency in undergraduate programs, the most common is the lack of research work in the training practices (20%). In graduate programs, the most common is the lack of research work in the training practices (22%) and work practices (17%). The authors determined that the systemic representation of research work in undergraduate and graduate educational programs is influenced by such external factors as the legal status of the university (state or non-state), the independence of the university (an independent university or a branch of the university), the university’s profile (pedagogical, humanitarian, technical, or universal), the form of education (full-time, part-time, or correspondence), and pedagogical specialty (five specialties for undergraduate and four for graduate). Practical recommendations are formulated for universities to improve educational programs of higher pedagogical education in the aspect of strengthening the systemic formation of students’ research competence.
higher education; teacher education; educational program; research competence; students; teachers; formation of competence; the principle of consistency; professionalism; individual approach
The research analyzes the variability of the representation of research work in the structure of practices of educational programs of higher education in pedagogical specialties. The sample included 2025 programs, including 1373 undergraduate and 652 graduate programs.
The authors used several absolute (in credit units) and relative (in percentage) indicators that characterize the educational program. Absolute indicators included the volume of training practices, production practices and practices in general, as well as the volume of research work as part of each type of practice. Relative rates included the share of research work in each type of practice. Using non-parametric statistics methods, the authors reveal a high variability of research work in the practice structure of the considered educational programs. For example, the share of research work in the total amount of practice for undergraduate programs varies from 0% to 75%. For graduate programs, this indicator varies from 0% to almost 90%. It is established that the representation of research work in the composition of practices is significantly influenced by such factors as the legal status of the university (state or non-state) and the university’s profile (pedagogical, humanitarian, technical or universal). In turn, the specialty of training (five specialties were considered for undergraduate programs and four specialties for graduate programs) and the form of education (full-time, part-time or correspondence) have less influence. Based on the research results, the authors formulate recommendations for improving the educational programs of higher pedagogical education in terms of the representation of students’ research work in the structure of educational and industrial practices.
teacher education; higher education; educational program; practice structure; research work; students; teachers; professional activity; professional standards; research competence
The research presents the preliminary results of monitoring the final qualifying works of undergraduate and graduate students in the direction of «Pedagogical education»; their interpretation is proposed. The authors analyzed the educational programs of 50 universities extracted using the method of continuous sampling (Regulations on the State Final Certification, Regulations on the Final Qualifying Work) and texts of graduate student works. During the monitoring, the authors checked the compliance of programs and works with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ and the Concept for Training Pedagogical Personnel for the Education System for the Period up to 2030. The research uses various methods such as the study of scientific literature and documents regulating pedagogical activity in a contemporary Russian universities, observation, generalization, and analysis. It is determined which of the obtained results require clarification and in what aspect. The authors revealed the problems of implementing the project and methodological type of tasks and building the connection between the scientific work of students and the conditions of socio-economic development of the regions are revealed. Next, the authors formulated proposals to strengthen certain aspects of the pedagogical process during the creation of the final qualification work, and outline ways to monitor educational processes further. Additionally, the authors provided recommendations for improving the preparation system of final qualification works by undergraduate and graduate students. Particular attention is paid to design research, start-up projects, and the experimental part of the graduates’ work.
pedagogical education; final qualification work; Federal State Educational Standard 3++; the Concept of Teacher Training; teaching staff; forecasting; development; undergraduate studies; graduate studies; monitoring
The authors outline urgency of the target dominant practice of training workers for the country’s economy in the focus of system integration of secondary vocational education (SVE) and industrial partners – enterprises of various production sectors. The authors provide a theoretical substantiation for the transformation of regional systems of SVE based on cluster policy as an effective managerial mechanism of such cooperation to increase the efficiency of retianing of SVE graduates in the workplace..
The authors present the experience in implementing cluster policy in SVE of the Tomsk Region, including basic elements of the regional normative-legal base, cluster design of this system, and regional features of the functioning of educational-industrial clusters as a special type of communities that integrate professional and educational organizations and enterprises of the real sector. The authors actualized the need to develop new scientific and pedagogical knowledge, reflecting the features of educational interaction, as well as educational and pedagogical activities of the subjects of SVE in the logic of the principles of cluster policy to modernize this area of education in accordance with the socio-economic priorities of the country and its territories. This research presents the search-and-statement stage of the complex pedagogical experiment related to scientific and pedagogical research on the problem of developing regional practices of SVE based on cluster-network interaction. Moreover, the research analyzes the empirical data that reflect the peculiarities of the subjective involvement of teachers and students of vocational educational organizations of the region in the implementation of cluster policy tasks in the system of SVE. Additionally, the research outlines the tasks to develop the involvement of teachers and students in the functioning of educational and sectoral clusters. The research methods include theoretical analysis, comparative legal method, survey (questionnaire), expert method, and focus groups.
regional economy; vocational education; cluster approach; regional practices of SVE; vocational educational organization; SVE students; SVE teachers; subjects of educational interaction; education-industry cluster; cluster-network interaction
This research focuses on the problem of identifying the ontological status and social nature of such phenomena as creativity and innovation in the refraction of pedagogical practices in the evolutionary aspect. The author focuses on the analysis of the history and methodology of studying the general and the particular in creativity and innovation based on extensive historical, civilizational and cultural material, as well as on attracting a significant amount of relevant material from foreign and Russian studies of recent years, which are distinguished by fundamentality and novelty.
The research aims to determine the natural priority characteristics of these phenomena and identify their similarities and differences in various aspects (to show the difference in attitudes towards novelty, and the time factor, as well as how these issues are resolved differently …) and show the possibility and conditions for merging these phenomena under certain circumstances
The second part of the research analyzes the evolution of creativity and innovation in the context of various pedagogical practices, from their primitive prototypes to contemporary digital transformations in the context of creativity and innovation.
civilization; culture; education; creativity; creativity; innovation; protoforms and classical forms of education; digitalization of education in the context of creativity and innovation
The research analyzes the theory and practice of preparing future teachers for professional activities in the conditions of the multicultural educational space of Russia. The author substantiates that one of the urgent problems of improving teacher education in the context of introducing a new generation of educational standards of higher education is the formation and development of multicultural competence of future teachers. The complexity of solving the problem is due to the complexity of defining the essential content of the concept of «multicultural competence» by the professional community and insufficient consideration of its integrative nature, which leads to difficulties of scientific, organizational, and methodological nature when it arises at educational processes of the universities implementing pedagogical educational programs.
The author shows that multicultural competence is a systemic phenomenon formed in the educational process through the integration of several academic disciplines, practices, and educational work, which form the components of this competence defined by the Federal State Standards of the Higher Education - universal, general professional, and professional competencies.
It was revealed that only a few universities that train future teachers are focused on forming a holistic multicultural competence of students. Simultaneously, separate components of multicultural competence are shaped during the formation of universal and general professional competencies in the context of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education in the educational process. Rarely do university curricula include ethnocultural competencies in their list of professional competencies as requirements for mastering the Main Education Program. An unbalanced approach to the formation of professional competencies leads to insufficient consistency between the models of professional competence of future teachers, the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education, and the professional standard of a teacher
The author concludes that it is necessary to elaborate a unified approach to defining the list of professional competencies in the programs for training future teachers. The formation of multicultural competence of students should become a criterion for the effectiveness of contemporary teacher education in Russia
The research raises the problem of preserving traditional values of the national teacher education, that is the spiritual and ethical development of future teachers, who are able to provide a genuinely civil education to the younger generation based on personal example and profound moral convictions. The authors emphasize the idea that teacher training in Russia has developed an enduring tradition to focus on the development of the future teacher’s skills to carry out the tasks for the cultivation of the personality of the younger generation and take maximum responsibility for the formation of individual’s moral identity during the teaching and learning processes. With reference to historical facts, the authors state that this tradition roots in folk pedagogy. It was developed in the works by K.D. Ushinsky and became the basis of teacher training in Soviet Russia. The research shows that there is a relationship between teacher’s developing values and the effectiveness of the entire system of general and professional education and the spiritual well-being of the society that emphasizes deep historical and mental roots in the interpretation of spiritual and ethical development as the key value of teacher education in Russia.
The research raises the problem of preserving traditional values of the national teacher education, that is the spiritual and ethical development of future teachers, who are able to provide a genuinely civil education to the younger generation based on personal example and profound moral convictions. The authors emphasize the idea that teacher training in Russia has developed an enduring tradition to focus on the development of the future teacher’s skills to carry out the tasks for the cultivation of the personality of the younger generation and take maximum responsibility for the formation of individual’s moral identity during the teaching and learning processes. With reference to historical facts, the authors state that this tradition roots in folk pedagogy. It was developed in the works by K.D. Ushinsky and became the basis of teacher training in Soviet Russia. The research shows that there is a relationship between teacher’s developing values and the effectiveness of the entire system of general and professional education and the spiritual well-being of the society that emphasizes deep historical and mental roots in the interpretation of spiritual and ethical development as the key value of teacher education in Russia.
teacher education values; professional teacher training; Russian spiritual and ethical values; Russian Academy of Education; cultural approach; teacher education; traditions of teacher education; axiological foundations of pedagogical education; post-non-classical model of cognition
On October 13, 2022, the first Russian international scientific and practical conference "Metaverse: the Future of Science and Education" will be held in Moscow. It is organized by two faculties of Moscow University: the Faculty of Pedagogical Education and the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as the Academy of Social Technologies.
The partner of the event is the CSlab Cybersecurity Laboratory.
The co—chairs of the program committee are the deans of the organizing faculties V.S. Basyuk and A.P. Kozyrev and the Scientific Secretary of the Academy of Social Technologies A.P. Sitnikov. The co—chairs of the organizing committee are scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University, G.V. Sorin, F.N. Gurov and A.A. Kostikova.
In this article, we present to our readers some of the results of the work of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow University in the context of the activities of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School "Preservation of the world cultural and historical heritage".
There are two informational reasons for writing such an article. Traditionally, the occasion for public summing up is some kind of anniversary date. This year the faculty turns 25 years old. Obviously, it is not possible to fully summarize the results of the faculty's work over 25 years in a small review article. But there is a second reason. It is associated with the first year of the FPE's work within the framework of one of the seven interdisciplinary scientific and educational schools of Moscow University. In this article, we plan to tell you just about one page of the history of the FPE, which is related to the contribution of the faculty to the development of ideas of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Faculty of Pedagogical Education; Lomonosov MSU
The transforming realities of Russian-Chinese cooperation and international
relations put an impetus for the growing demands for multidisciplinary
specialists who can speak the language of the partner country. According to
the current standard, the list of subjects studied by students studying
Russian in China’s universities includes subjects that expand the extralinguistic
competencies of graduates. The task of improving the effectiveness of
foreign language teaching in the context of the rapid transition to distance
learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic required updating teaching methods.
New realities have accelerated the introduction of various forms of distance
learning, which allow to expanding the range of cultural and linguistic
knowledge of students at the expense of various extracurricular activities,
language clubs, etc., without significant costs. The research analyzes the
effectiveness of extracurricular activities on the example of the course
«Development of Russian culture in the context of the historical process
(from ancient times to the October Revolution)», developed for Russian
specialists of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Harbin Polytechnic
University. The survey showed that among the acquired results, the most
significant for students is the activation of previously acquired regional
knowledge, the deepening of knowledge of the world of Russian art, and the
growth of general erudition and the level of proficiency in the Russian
language. Most respondents also noted that this course motivates them to
choose regional and linguistic-cultural topics for their own scientific and
educational research.
. .
distance learning; culture; foreign language; communication; linguistic and cultural competencies; extracurricular activities; motivation; language code
The research discusses the main mental health problems of Vietnamese
schoolchildren that arise during the period of restrictive measures related to
COVID-19. To study the problem, new research materials were studied by
Vietnamese scientists and scientists from other countries. There are factors
that negatively affect the mental state of schoolchildren during COVID-19.
The analysis of the problem of cyberbullying in different countries was carried
out, which is being studied by researchers from various fields, including
education. An analytical review of research in the field of education was
conducted to propose measures to improve and solve emerging problems
and their consequences. The research materials are the basis for further
study of the problem of mental health of schoolchildren during social
distancing and the development of preventive measures. Thus, the work is a
review of educational research reflecting the current mental health problems
of today’s Vietnamese schoolchildren during distance learning.
psychological health; online risks; bullying at school; cyber-victimization; educational research; Vietnamese schoolchildren; social distancing; cyberbullying; cyber aggression; COVID-19
The research aims is to identify the contexts reflecting the conceptual and
technological update of the practice of organizing and maintaining training in
classes of psychological and pedagogical orientation. The reasons for the
need for such an update are outlined — new features of the today’s world, its
challenges, and problems. The authors describe four value-semantic
dominants of the new understanding and purpose (mission) of pedagogical
work, that creates an educational support for all participants in educational
relations when building interaction with today’s world and designing a
pedagogical trajectory of professional development in this interaction. The
authors present reasoned judgments that enrich ideas about the mission,
value priorities, and new forms of professional activity of today’s teachers.
The research proposes possible variants of the designation of education as a
space of opportunities for personal self-realization in the teaching profession
and the possibility of building individual professional and pedagogical career
strategies. The authors propose the spectrum of role manifestations of the
subject of pedagogical activity in today’s educational practices. The authors actualize new types of pedagogical tests and pedagogical actions that ensure
the productivity of pedagogical activity in renewing of the technological
mode of the economy and cultural transformation of public life. A list of
possible functionally defined roles in the teaching profession is defined,
which determines the dynamic development of human potential. The basic
provisions are formulated that reveal value-oriented, meaningful,
organizational-activity, communication and technological aspects of changes
in the field of practical work on the professional orientation of schoolchildren
to pedagogical activity. The materials of this research are prepared using
various methods, including theoretical and structural analysis, the method of
expert assessments, focus groups, and study of regional experience
(interviews and analysis of methodological materials).
psychological and pedagogical classes; pedagogical profession; pedagogical activity; career strategy; professional orientation of schoolchildren in the field of pedagogical work
This research presents the results of Russian and foreign studies (2020—
2022, 2017—2019) of academic resilience and resilient schools. Considering
the development of underfilled schools in the Russian Federation, the authors
conclude that it is necessary to expand the concept of “resistant school” in
terms of highlighting regional specifics (territorial component) and
synchronizing indicators and criteria for classifying educational institutions
as incomplete, including the definition of factors and criteria for resistant
incomplete schools (including approaches to the development of resistant
schools in rural areas with extreme environmental conditions and an
undeveloped transportation network).
The authors consider the results of comparative studies, approaches, and
cases of the development of resilience of rural school, including the examples
of the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Peru, the Republic of
Nicaragua, and the Republic of Costa Rica.
The authors update the criteria for classifying educational institutions as
understaffed, approved by normative-legal acts of the subjects of the Russian
Federation in 2022. Moreover, the authors provide examples of gaps in
variation of normative-legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation
(the number of students) and consider the results of clustering schools by
the geoaccessibility factor in the context of school resistance components
and the modified structure of resistance. The non-cognitive aspects of the
formation of resilience of school children as a significant component of the
model of academic resilience of small schools are highlighted.
resilient schools; education management; academic resilience; understaffed educational institutions; criteria of understaffed educational institutions; rural school; socio-economic characteristics; ethnocultural specifics of the region; geography of education; educational landscape; non-cognitive component; resilience of teachers; resilience of students; resilience of school administrators
Based on the literature review on the effectiveness of pedagogical
technologies (evidence-based pedagogy), the paper discusses the prospects
of using the concept of «student's health status» as a major component
for assessing the success of educational organizations, and the effectiveness
of pedagogical technologies used. The era of informatization of our life
provides opportunities for broad descriptions of phenomena and events,
revealing cause-and-effect relationships within physical processes, and
social institutions, including such complexly formalized areas as training and
education. When a representative set of empirical data is obtained, it is
possible to identify key evidence of successes related to the creation of new
schools, the commissioning of swimming pools, or the introduction of new
subjects into the school curriculum. However, the pedagogical process
remains largely the work of the individual teacher with a particular community
of children. The teacher, not the educational organization, is called upon to
ensure the formation of both the physical essence and the personality of the
child, moreover, the child’s personality in a changing and often unkind world
towards this child. The time has come to reveal the essence of the pedagogical
process as a dialogue with the child, the co-creation process, rather than as
a technology that can be built in methodological recommendations and
measured and evaluated by formal methods. As a psychophysiological
concept, health is an integral indicator of a child’s ability to implement a
certain activity (in our case, educational activity) and can act as a reliable
criterion for the optimal educational environment, pedagogical methods
used, and the effectiveness of the teacher’s work.
evidence-based pedagogy; effectiveness of pedagogical activity; personality; statistical methods; big data; meta-analysis; educational environment; cognitive functions; stress
The research presents the relevance of training specialists within the
framework of the system of teacher education for developing Russia’s
technological sovereignty. The research examines the issues of
interdisciplinarity in teaching schoolchildren, which are of current interest
for domestic education. The importance of interdisciplinary learning stems
from helping schoolchildren develop their cognitive abilities and the skills
necessary to accomplish assignments of various complexity. The research
paid special attention to the development of engineering and the training of
engineers in Russia. The author indicates a number of “professional skills”
that an engineer must possess to reach his or her full potential. Among these
skills, a special place belong to the following interpersonal skills: social self-
confidence, leadership abilities, public speaking skills, communication skills,
teamwork skills, the ability to take responsibility for problem-solving, and
change management. The author actualizes the tasks in the solution of
which the role of education is important - the formation of a patriotic
worldview (ideological sovereignty) and ensuring technological sovereignty.
Additionally, the author determines the current problems and deficiencies in
school education related to the formation of the technological and ideological
sovereignty of the country while formulating the tasks. The formulated tasks
include an insufficient number of teachers capable of teaching physics in a
practice-oriented way, the lack of synergy between general natural science
and additional technological education; lack of synergy between all academic
subjects and physics, the minimum presence of the practice of educational
experiment and experimental work in the lessons of physics and chemistry,
and others.
The author pays particular to the training of technical specialists
(engineers) to obtain pedagogical qualifications for work in general
educational organizations and organizations of additional education. This
research discusses the possibilities of the Master's programme
«Teacher of a profession-oriented school» at the Faculty of Educational
Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the implementation of
urgent tasks of the development of education at the present stage
school; technological sovereignty; ideological sovereignty; teacher of a profession-oriented school; engineers
Based on the description of the state system of personnel training for the
education system in a historical retrospective, the research analyzes the
main trends in teacher training in current social conditions. Based on the
goals and objectives of the newly adopted Concept of teacher training for the
educational system for the period up to 2030, the author conducts an
essential analysis of the key prerequisites for the organization of effective
building of this system and the priority areas of interaction between
participants during the training of teachers. The research also discusses
important predictors of personal development of future teachers, studies the
formation of personal internal positions, and basic professional competencies
during university studies, and concerns the problems of forming personal
results of higher education. The author proposes the main trends in providing
contemporary to the organization of teacher training system. These trends
include the provision of unified approaches to the psychological, pedagogical,
methodological and subject components of training; the development of
requirements for the basic part of the content of education, its conditions
and the results of its implementation; the provision of unified approaches to
the process of upbringing and the results of personality formation; the
improvement of the system for assessing the quality of teacher training; the
implementation of a system of measures to identify, select, and support
pedagogically successful students; the inclusion of the teacher training
system in addressing the digital transformation of the economy, and others.
The research analyzes the possibility of changing the options of educational
tracks for teacher training.
professional development; teacher training; the concept of teacher training; personal inner state; pedagogical competencies; intermediary function of a teacher; evaluating the quality of teacher training
The authors define the role, place, and significance of gaming practices in
education. The paper presents an analysis of the transformation of the
educational space in connection with the development of the gaming space
based on the digitalization of all spheres of the life of a modern person.
Assessing the scale of gamification in the contemporary world, the authors
pay attention to the influence of this phenomenon on the conditions and
factors in the formation of the education space. The research discusses the
grounds, causes of gamification and the coverage of the population with
computer games. The tasks and problems of using gamification as a method
in the learning process are shown in a brief form. The risks of gamification
and the harmful effects of gambling addiction are disclosed. The authors aim
to draw attention to the research of all aspects of gamification, the specifics
and scale of the impact on the educational space due to the wide spread of
gamification, gaming practices and gambling, and a small number of scientific
publications on this issue.
gamification; game practices; game space; education space; octalysis; gambling addiction
The research focuses on the features of contemporary education in the context of the problems of the Metaverse. The authors consider the content of the Metaverse concept of the and draw analogies with the concept of "Web 2.0" and the theory of alienation of the results of intellectual activity. The authors consider the transfer of the educational process to the virtual space of the Metaverse as an important and serious step in the digitalization of education. However, such a complete transfer of the education system to the virtual space is impossible.
The Metaverse changes the image and possibilities of social and educational space. Previously, separate subspaces of society were interconnected with each other, independently existed outwardly. The Internet and then the Metaverse concept changed the state of affairs. In the Metaverse, the user enters a diverse flow of information, where the soft power of education can be woven into such fragments of social space as politics, ideology, etc.
On the one hand, the Metaverse sets the conditions for continuing education. On the other hand, it shows the need to develop critical thinking skills, and the ability to build communication based on the understanding of the laws of logic and rational argumentation, with mandatory consideration of legal and ethical aspects of the development of education.
The Metaverse strives to incorporate all subspecies of a single social space and present them in a digital virtual space. According to the authors of this space, it should include education, healthcare, science, culture, entertainment, etc.. The Metaverse concept represents the combined mathematical, technical, and humanitarian levels of knowledge. Therefore, the study of this universe is interdisciplinary.
Metaverse; virtual reality; Web 2.0; digital technologies; educational space; contemporary education; critical thinking; alienation
The article highlights the study of the possibilities of using information
and communication technologies in the educational system of higher
education in the context of the holistic educational process. The attention of
researchers is currently attracted by new options of information technologies
to improve the effectiveness of training. However, the requirements for the
results of higher professional education include the formation and
development of personal qualities necessary for the performance of
professional duties, the implementation of creative initiatives. In accordance
with the peculiarities of life and communication of modern students, their
wide knowledge of information and communication technologies, the
educational system and the holistic educational environment of the University
also includes a significant range of their use. According to the observations
and surveys given in the article, this has a positive effect on the establishment
of educational contacts between the teaching staff and students, contributes
to the efficiency of both the learning process and the education process. At
the same time, the constant updating of information and communication
technologies requires their development and study as a pedagogical tool, a
very significant impact on the personality.
higher school; educational process; information and communication technologies
In the context of growing threats to Russia as an independent state, the goals and content of teaching at all levels of the educational system should be reviewed. The textbook is considered as a backbone factor of educational processes. In this regard, there is a clear need for the examination of modern textbooks, especially for primary and secondary schools. Here was made an attempt to compare the methodological orientation of the Russian language textbooks of 1953 and 2017 editions for the second year studying at schools. Possibilities of these textbooks in the formation of grammatical skills are demonstrated using the example of the analysis of the content and methodological techniques of the paragraph about the separative soft sign.
The article presents a model of the organization of the educational process in primary school based on the principles of the concept of sustainable development. The developed model is based on the project of the author’s school, whose educational activities are aimed at achieving both national and global requirements for the results of general education, ensuring the implementation of a system-activity and competence approach. The peculiarity of the model is the integration of principles, targets and basic concepts of the concept of sustainable development into the content of primary school education, mastered in the process of gradual implementation of social project activities by students, which is the basis for the formation of a holistic worldview, competencies in demand in the world community, which provides high chances for successful educational and professional activities. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and develop a model of the organization of the educational process in primary school based on the principles of the concept of sustainable development. The article uses a set of complementary research methods: theoretical - systematic and comparative analysis, systematization and comparative analysis of normative documents and methodological developments on the problem of research, study and generalization of experience in the implementation of project activities in primary school. The research methodology is based on modeling. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the development of a normative structural and functional model of the organization of the educational process in primary school based on the principles of the concept of sustainable development.
The article reveals the metaphor «the seal of the author» in relation to the
content and logic of the presentation of the scientific result by a modern
teacher-researcher. The stated metaphor is presented as a logically
meaningful combination of three components: a) the «contact zone» of the
reader with the author’s text, including the formal display of the readability
indicators of the author’s works («the author through the eyes of the RSCI
database») and the «invitation of the reader to dialogue» disclosed in the
article; b) the cliché «the image of the author in the mind of the reader»,
specified by the thesis «author’s trace»; c) the cliché «the author with his
own eyes», suggesting the results of the author’s immersion in the reflexive
field. The distinguished triad of metaphors is substantiated by the correlation
with the «movement» of the teacher-researcher from the scientific concept
to its textual display, including: a) the definition of the readership to which
the text is intended; b) construction of a research text; c) comprehension
(reflection) of reader’s responses in various scientific publications and in the
process of conference dialogue and personal communication; d) the
formation in the mind of the author of the image of the «self-researcher>.
The point results of the presentation of the scientific image of the author-
researcher in the field of education based on the RSCI database are
scientific metaphor; reader’s invitation to dialogue; image of the author in the mind of the reader; image of the author in his own mind
The article is aimed at analyzing the problem of medical control of students
in the Russian Federation, in particular the lack of regularity and timeliness
of medical examinations of students in educational organizations of higher
education. For this purpose, the collection and analysis of the legal framework
governing the calendar and procedure for the medical examination of
students of the basic, special and preparatory medical group, its obligatory
for student athletes and students of all medical groups, as well as a survey
of students about their attitudes towards medical supervision and about the
real problems that students faced in the field of medical examination. The
article reveals the problem of healthy saving of students by identifying
inconsistencies in the interdepartmental legislation of the Russian Federation.
Possible solutions to the problems of medical examination of students for
exercise and sports activities are proposed.
health saving; medical control; students; Physical Culture; sport; medical clearance; health groups
The study is an overview of technical solutions of domestic software for use by teachers of humanities disciplines. The author substantiates the assumptions on the development strategy of domestic Internet tools for the organization of distance and blended learning based on research, surveys and documents of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The relevance of this study is confirmed by the interest of the pedagogical community in affordable modern domestic solutions that can become full-fledged alternatives to Western programs in the face of sanctions. The paper analyzes the content of the Eurasian and Russian software registries to identify the number of domestic solutions in the field of linguistics and pedagogy. The most popular videoconferencing
and learning management systems among domestic developments have
been identified, which will be able to replace Western solutions in the
domestic IT market in the near future. The paper provides a detailed
description of the functionality of the following domestic developments:
«Yandex.Teleconference», «Vkontakte calls», «Calls» and other
resources. At the same time, the work reflects the opinions of users of these
systems: school teachers, university teachers, students and schoolchildren.
The advantages and disadvantages of existing programs are noted. A
comparative analysis of technical solutions is presented as the results of the
study. This analysis will make it possible in the future to determine the
prospects for the modernization of domestic solutions in order to improve
them and make them more popular among educational organizations in the
territory of the Russian Federation.
The article presents a model of private auxiliary classes that contribute to the formation of the subjective position of students with a special educational request. The model is an integral system of interrelated components: conceptually-targeted, content-technological, evaluative-effective. The conceptual and target component of the model includes the key idea, goal, objectives, approaches and principles of private auxiliary classes that ensure the formation of the subjective position of students. The content and technological component is represented by the functions of private auxiliary classes and the methodology of their conduct. The evaluative and effective component includes direct results — criteria and indicators of the formation of the subjective position of students and indirect ones - personal, meta-subject, subject, correctional.
private auxiliary classes; teaching disabled children; subject position of students; tutoring
The article analyzes the use of digital technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language to foreign students. The content of the concept of digital competence is defined and revealed. It is suggested that the formation of digital competence among foreign students can become a factor in optimizing the process of teaching the Russian language. The analysis is based on the consideration of the main ways to optimize the teaching of Russian as a foreign language, including the use of modern technologies, taking into account the personal involvement of students in the learning process. The SAMR model is used as the main model for determining the effectiveness of the application of certain technologies.
digital competence; teaching foreign students; Russian as a foreign language; learning optimization
The article deals with the problems and patterns of development of the emotional intelligence of schoolchildren as a predictor of educational and social success of students at different levels of general education. The purpose of the study is to conceptually substantiate the relationship between emotional intelligence and the success of a person during school childhood and, based on a review of psychological and pedagogical sources, to identify effective methods for the formation of emotional intelligence in the educational space of a general education school. The concept of emotional intelligence, the structure and criteria for its formation are specified. The interdependence of emotional and social intelligence is traced in the context of the formation of educational success and social success of schoolchildren. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the age, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the emotional intelligence of children and adolescents are described by means of educational and upbringing activities. A review of domestic and foreign scientific and pedagogical literature on the problems of emotional intelligence is presented. he methods of formation of emotional intelligence in children of school age re classified. Methods for diagnosing emotional intelligence in a general education school are described. The prospects for the formation of emotional intelligence in the system of school education as a factor in the development of human capital are assessed.
emotional intelligence; social intelligence; personality success; academic success; social success; secondary school; methods of promoting emotional intelligence
There is a lot of talk and writing about reforming national education today. In most cases, the topic of publications concerns the achievement of a new quality of education - the transition of the Russian Federation to the top 10 countries in this indicator. The main mechanism of such a «quantum leap» experts call the formation and development of functional literacy of students. In the proposed article, the authors reflect on the reality of such an ambitious task and the resonant effects accompanying this phenomenon. The most significant of them - is the «reset» of the professional thinking and behavior of the teacher. At the same time, it is not the proximity to the metropolis, not the number of students that determine the effectiveness of the educational process. The achievement of a new quality of education is primarily influenced by the innovative potential of the teacher, including his internal readiness to «reset», digital tools and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program. These, in fact, are the famous «Three T» - the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the basic educational program. In this article, the authors attempt to answer the following questions: what are the main professional deficits experienced by education workers at the current transitional stage of the «reset»? What qualities are especially important and necessary for them now?
metamorphoses of professional thinking and behavior of teachers; reboot of professional consciousness; professional deficits; strategy of methodical search
This article discusses the main points of changes in pedagogical practice in
the preparation of students. It highlights the characteristics of the formation
of students’ interest in knowledge in the face of current global challenges. Given
recent challenges such as the advancement of technology, the Coronavirus
pandemic, and many others, it is important to provide educational settings with
approaches that can cope with these realities and maintain a more intense
educational dynamic. It appears that specifi c learning situations can lead to
individual student interest when they stabilize over time. It should be noted
that modern students who turn to traditional teaching technologies quickly lose
interest in the learning process. Classical course facilitation techniques with
defi cits in interaction and lack of learner autonomy are all detrimental factors.
It is indicated that to increase the interest of students in the educational process,
various innovative forms and methods are needed. Some of these methods are
relatively rarely used in practice. It is up to the teachers to apply the right methods according to the need of interest of each student It is concluded that
innovative technologies based on advanced pedagogical experience will serve
as a valuable example for further conscious application by students in their
own pedagogical activities
The article discusses the mechanisms of the influence of fashion trends on the design of the educational process. The author considers the following questions. What are the possibilities of educational process design? What mechanisms ensure the influence of fashion trends on the design of the educational process? Under the influence of fashion trends, a number of changes have a momentary character. Being a fact of pedagogical reality, these changes should not fall out of the field of view of pedagogical science. The question of the mechanisms of the appearance of the momentary and transient interests pedagogical science in essence. In this article, fashion is considered as a form of mass behavior, which is influenced by the moods existing in society, and hobbies, and tastes of people. Initially, design was associated directly with the creation of the appearance of things, the subject environment as a whole. Subsequently, the concept of design began to be applied in relation to the educational process. Design concerns not only the external attributes of education, but also its internal organization. The classical design of the educational process involves designing, using a systematic approach. Non-classical design can be based on other grounds. These reasons are not always connected with science. The article discusses the possibilities of educational design. Among the mechanisms that ensure the influence of fashion trends on the educational process and its design, such as the interaction of education and business, public involvement in solving management issues in education, integration into the global educational space and others are noted.
fashion trends; design; types of design; educational process design; educational design opportunities
Videohosting as a demanded innovative tool of learning in the world digitalization of education The article is devoted to video hosting as an innovative learning tool, identifying the causes of its occurrence (sociocultural and technological), a working definition of this phenomenon is given, the main ontological characteristics of this digital resource are established, the basic sociocultural and educational functions of video hosting are defined, their classification is proposed, examples of use in teaching practice are given. Russian as a foreign language. The main world, Russian and Chinese video hosting sites are presented.
education; digitalization; video hosting; types of video hosting; main characteristics of video hosting; socio-cultural and educational functions of video hosting
Considering the issue of cooperation between the two countries from a historical point of view, we can say that Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of higher education already has a good base, scale, structure and system. Due to the new situation in the world, cooperation between universities of the two countries should become even closer. Despite the fact that there are a number of problems, such as the weakness of professional student unions, the need to create mechanisms for joint training and deepening the scope of cooperation. However, from the point of view of the development of further trends, higher educational institutions in China and Russia in the future plan to switch to online and offline training, to begin the integration use of teaching methods and research. Ultimately, it is planned to create real cooperation relations in the field of higher education, as well as in the cultural environment between the two countries in order to contribute to the modernization of the education system of the two countries and to their management capabilities.
cooperation in the fi eld of higher education in China and Russia; existing issues; development trends
The article is devoted to understanding the educational ecosystem as a new trend in the development of modern world education. An educational ecosystem is a special case of ecosystems that characterize the organizational structures of modern business in the era of globalization, built on the principles of integration and cooperation. The first researchers of educational ecosystems interpret them as one of the tools for transforming the existing educational paradigm and the traditional education model, with the help of which traditional education models corresponding to the sustainability of the SPOD world can be transformed into new education models demanded by the instability of the VUCA world. The article considers the educational ecosystem as a theoretical concept and real practice. A working defi nition of the educational ecosystem is given, its roots are established that go back to natural science, later management, the social nature of educational ecosystems is determined, based on the social needs of modern society, a brief description of the main most universal qualities is given, based on existing research, their sociocultural functions are highlighted. In addition, the universal archetypes of the sociocultural functions of educational ecosystems («Weaving», «Gardening», «Storyteller», «Thinker», «Developer- designer or architect»). highlighted by previous researchers for the first time are considered in the mirror of the concept of I. Azides about «4 vitamins of successful management». Along with this, the article provides examples of Russian experiences in the implementation of educational ecosystems, which mainly arise on the basis of the creative industries of capital centers or large cities.
The article is about some special ways of teaching English in the Military University of Russian Ministry of Defence. This article deals with the ideas of being a master of English and how to teach English, to make student’s skills in the language perfect. What is that “skills” or “habits” in spoken language? The author shares the experience of teaching the language at the additional courses in the Military University. That is the problem, because the students are the adult people, who are blocked, pressed for time, very ambitious, easily being hurt, but having poor competence in the language, and at that very time they have a high social position. The author gives the diff erent views of Russian scientists on this point. The author points out, that the professors of the Military University act with the understanding that the chain: “knowledge, abilities, skills” is the chain having the end “competition”, through “readiness” (the feelings of a student the ability to the communication in Foreign Language). The technology of such education is the so-called “immersion”, which diff ers very much from those in secondary school. The teachers and professors of the Military University create their own program and use in the work the text-books of their own too. This kind of teaching is very eff ective. The adult students can have a great step forward in the education and are able to use the English in their work when they need, when it is necessary.
skills; education; making skills perfect; to be a master of English; to adopt some methods; to be blocked in something
The article describes the author’s personal pedagogical experience in working with students of the educational program 7M01101-Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. The author cites the program of the author’s course «Pedagogical design in higher education». This course was introduced in connection with the transition to online training in the educational program in the specialty 7M01101-Pedagogy and psychology of KazNPU Abai, where the author is one of the developers of the educational program. The article reveals the experience of organizing online training, using all the features of the online platforms Zoom (session rooms), Google, Microsoft Teams. The author shares the experience of implementing innovative methods, such as the project method, Brainstorming, Bloom’s chamomile, Cinquain, DEJ, Onboard magazine, the Five Hats Method, PRES formula, Fishbone, and in particular gives an example of using Case-study. The table shows the calculation of the hours of classes and the scores of independent works, where students can familiarize themselves with the syllabus of this course, posted on the information system for automating the educational process «Univer 2.0». The author tried to reveal the use of digital platforms and resources in the pedagogical process of the university: online boards Padlet, Jamboard, intelligence maps in the online service, Google.forms results assessment tools, a service for creating exercises or tasks Learning.apps. The article provides examples of individual independent work of students attached to the online Padlet board. At the end, a questionnaire was conducted to assess the eff ectiveness of the course «Pedagogical design in higher education» and the results were shown-the answers of the students
The article poses the problems of planning remote interaction of subjects of foreign language training for professional intercultural communication. The author of the article presents a theoretical and methodological analysis of the essence and traditional types of planning. The article proposes concept transformation directions for planning remote interaction of teachers and students during the process of teaching professional intercultural communication at the university
planning; remote interaction; subjects of foreign language training; professional intercultural communication
The article is explored the problem of cognitive independence theoretical foundations, characterizes the features of the organization of independent cognitive activity of students. The analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of the «cognitive independence» and «cognitive activity» concepts essence of is carried out, their defi nition is clarified. The authors of the article, summing up the views of prominent domestic and foreign scientists on the stated problem, come to the conclusion that the phenomenon of cognitive independence is an integrative quality of the personality of higher school students. The student’s cognitive independence structure is considered as a combination of complementary components: motivational- volitional, practiceoriented, content- methodical and reflective in the students’ cognitive independence development model.
cognitive independence; formation of cognitive independence; independent cognitive activity; a didactic model; ability to study; student
In the context of the global environmental crisis, the task of greening school education is relevant in any country. The formation of ecological behavior is an integral part of the ecological training of students, which is especially effective at primary school age, when the child, due to his psycho-emotional characteristics, is extremely susceptible to psychological and pedagogical influence, malleable, prone to imitate and actively learns the norms of behavior in the natural environment under conditions variety of environmental practices. The purpose of the article is to identify and compare the specifics of environmental education in primary schools in Russia and China. Responsible environmental behavior is one of the key components of the ecological culture of the population, along with the development of environmental consciousness, environmental thinking and environmental literacy. Meanwhile, the problems of the formation of ecological behavior in elementary school were almost not touched upon by researchers both in Russia and abroad. Environmental behavior, which was discussed only in the early 2000s, is the object of a systematic study of psychology, sociology, and economic sciences, which consider environmental education mainly as a component of the global concept of sustainable development. Western psychology has developed various ways of interpreting environmental behavior, as well as diagnostic tools for identifying environmental attitudes of a person, including in adolescence. Pedagogical science has by now accumulated rich empirical material and practical experience sufficient to analyze the models of formation of ecological behavior of children and adolescents in the future. The theoretical significance of this article lies in identifying the possibility of using the well-known theory of “values — beliefs — norms” as a methodological basis for identifying stereotypes of environmental behavior of younger students. Content analysis of modern scientific and pedagogical sources in Russian and Chinese made it possible to identify key environmental attitudes, moral beliefs, norms and means of shaping the environmental behavior of primary school students in schools in Russia and China. In practical terms, the publication is of interest to primary school teachers, teachers of ecology, teachers- researchers, as well as students and graduate students in pedagogical areas of training.
ecologization; ecological behavior; ecological consciousness; ecological culture; primary school
Research in the fi eld of continuing pedagogical education is mainly based on a structural and functional approach that identifi es the continuity of education with the continuity of various stages of professional development of the subject. The continuity of pedagogical education requires its scientifi c rethinking in accordance with the challenges of the time, with the transformation of the economic foundations of social development. To solve these problems, the problem is considered as a culturological phenomenon, a humanitarian analysis of continuous pedagogical education is made as a nonlinear process that has a proactive nature and develops individually signifi cant competencies.
continuing pedagogical education; pedagogical culture; postmodernism; pre-professional pedagogical training
The article examines the specifics of the development of a model of civic education in the training curriculum for junior schoolchildren. The blocks are specified and described within the framework of a comprehensive model for the development of children’s civic identity. Within the framework of the target block, an analysis of documentary sources was carried out, the regulatory framework was identified as guidelines for civic education in primary school. In the content block, the structure of civic identity and indicators of its formation in a junior schoolchild are considered. Particular attention is paid to the methodological ideas underlying the concepts of pedagogical influence and the principles of education for citizenship. The essence of the principles of civic education is described and the conditions for their integration into a holistic educational process are shown, the main ones of which include: the choice of directions and technologies of educational and educational work, the value basis of the educational process, the creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model of the development of civic identity.
civic education; integration; junior schoolchildren; primary education; civic identity; model of educational activity
In this article, the author attempts to compare the features of training specialists in the secondary vocational education system in Finland and Russia and to identify the key differences, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of vocational training in both countries, based on the historical retrospective of the development of vocational education in both countries. As the results of various international studies show, Finland is one of the world leaders in preparing young people for life and work in the modern world, the principle of humanization of education is widely applied in this country, great attention is paid to the development of the personality of students and the creation of a favorable psychological microclimate in educational institutions. At the same time, Finland and Russia have common historical roots, are neighbors, and that is why the Finnish educational experience is especially interesting to study.
secondary vocational education; on-the-job training; apprenticeship; teacher training for secondary vocational education; curriculum
Currently, due to the development of digital technologies and the accelerated pace of digitalization of all spheres of human activity, STEM education is an important and urgent issue that requires special attention at all levels of the education system. New conditions for the development of education require a change in priorities in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for higher education. The lack of a unified approach to the training of teachers at the university in STEM technology and the gap between the content of university pedagogical training and the reality of school education also requires a comprehensive solution in the educational process. In this regard, it is necessary to study and analyze the best practices of the introduction of STEM education abroad, adopt the best world practices of the introduction of STEM technology in Kazakhstan, identify the necessary conditions for the introduction of STEM education are an open question of today. This article provides an overview of the international experience in the development of STEM education and provides a general overview of the advantages of implementation and the difficulties identified in the implementation of STEM education in our country. The comparative analysis presented in this article is based on the strategy for the development of STEM education in countries such as Malaysia, Australia, which, like Kazakhstan, are actively looking for optimal solutions to the introduction of STEM education in their country. In addition, the directions and contents of the events of the best projects, such as the projects «INSTEM», «Mindthegap!», «ER4STEM» abroad, which provide a comprehensive source of educational materials and methods of teaching STEM subjects, the usage of educational robotics to serve the interest of schoolchildren in the scientific and technical industry, have been identified. Comparative aspects of the advantages of implementation and difficulties are given, the main features of the introduction of STEM technology both abroad and in Kazakhstan are noted. Optimal conditions for the introduction of STEM education are described.
The article shows how a well-thought-out multi-vector language policy of France contributes to the spread of the French language and a sustained interest in its study in almost all regions of the planet. The figures showing the number of students in various countries are indicated, special attention is paid to the study of the French language in Africa, its prospects on the continent, factors that will help maintain interest in its study and further development in this region. The article shows the study situation of the French language in North and South America, Western and Central Europe, Asia and Oceania. The article identifies the difficulties that are encountered in the organization of teaching French as both the first and the second language. The special role of teachers in the popularization of the French language is emphasized. The article demonstrates worldwide achievements in its study, names specific measures, whose implementation will increase interest in the study and spread of the French language in the world.
language policy; French; Francophonie; learning; French teacher
The article introduces the great achievements of China’s rural education development: the investment in rural education has been continuously increased, the construction of the teaching team has been developed, the conditions for running schools have been continuously improved, the education level of the people has been improved, and the integration of urban and rural education has been continuously enhanced. Through literature review and field research, the current huge challenges facing the development of rural education in China have been tested. The dynamics of rural school-age population are changing greatly, the allocation of educational resources is difficult, the scale of educational resources is low, and rural schools are facing the risk of being closed. There are more disadvantaged children, and education equity is difficult to achieve; the level of teacher construction needs to be improved, and the professional quality of teachers is worrying; the quality of rural education is not high, and it is out of the reality of rural development. Put forward the future development trend of China’s rural education: facing the future, China’s rural education development will face new situations and tasks. China must adapt to the requirements of national modernization and the needs of the people, and promote the development of rural education to a higher level.
education modernization; rural education; China
Non-state higher education plays an important role in the economic and social development and training of highly qualified personnel in China. With the gradual increase in social recognition of private higher education, the state’s attention to the development of private higher education has also increased, and some financial support policies to support the development of private higher education have been introduced. However, due to differences in economic development, social conditions and the level of development of local non-state higher education between provinces and regions, many problems arose in the implementation of the policy of financial support for non-state higher education. This article examines the main methods of state financial support for non-state universities in China, analyzes the existing problems in the process of forming and implementing state financing policy, puts forward measures and proposals to improve the financial support of non-state higher education.
non-state higher education; state policy of financial support; differentiated management policy; problems of financial support
In recent years, throughout the world, in the teaching of almost all disciplines, there has been a tendency to take into account the individual characteristics of students, which also affected the subjects of the physics and mathematics cycle in higher education. At the same time, taking into account such a factor as the main channel of perception is practically not covered in modern literature. The article analyzes the accounting of the modality of students’ perception when teaching mathematics at a university, describes the features and methodological techniques of teaching kinesthetics. The purpose of the article is to show the possibilities of individualization in teaching mathematics by means of tasks’ using that take into account the differences in the leading channel of information perception. Particular attention in the article is paid to the use of dynamic exercises, which requires, along with the performance of mental actions, to perform physical movements or their imitation. Performing this kind of exercise is one of the most effective forms of information assimilation for kinesthetics. The article discusses specific examples of the use of dynamic exercises in the study of mathematical disciplines in higher education, describes an approach to the use of a set of practical work and experiments, allowing to confirm the truth of the considered provisions of the put forward mathematical hypothesis. The analysis of the use of a laboratory experiment, outdoor games and quest tasks in the context of the use of dynamic exercises in the methods of teaching mathematics is given. Taking into account possible changes in the organization of education caused by the global pandemic, the features of the use of dynamic exercises in the course of studying mathematics during the period of distance learning are considered. The article considers the consideration of the individual characteristics of students in the study of mathematics, a conclusion is made about the prospects of using forms and methods of teaching, taking into account the modality of perception by students.
mathematics; information technology; teaching; modality; kinesthetics; dynamic exercises
In recent decades, many authors have studied issues related to the construction of educational programs based on the didactic spiral (spiral curriculum) in various subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, sports training, etc.). The purpose of this publication is to describe the general principles of the application of the didactic spiral in the construction of educational programs based on domestic and foreign experience. A brief history of the development and implementation of this approach to learning is described, dating back to the works of Cz. Kupisiewicz and J. Bruner, and a psychological and pedagogical justification of the effectiveness of this methodological approach to program construction is given, based on the works of L. S. Vygotsky, A. Baddeley, and G. Hitch. The influence of programs built on the principle of the didactic spiral on the formation of synthetic and analytical thinking, as well as on the state of students’ working memory and, accordingly, on the assimilation of educational material is noted. A detailed analysis of the various advantages and disadvantages of the spiral approach to learning is carried out, as well as possible variations in the implementation of the didactic spiral (“thread” curriculum, switching to a parallel topic in order to increase the concentration of students’ attention) and practical features of the curriculum development using the spiral approach are discussed. As an illustration, the scheme of the Manhattanville Music Curriculum Project (MMCP), developed in the late 1960s in the United States, is given. Specific examples from the field of teaching elementary mathematics in Russia are described: how to approach the study of “real-world” problems and the topic of “inequalities” in the 8th grade algebra program on the basis of a didactic spiral
didactic spiral; spiral curriculum; spiral approach; principle of curriculum construction; cyclic repetition; prior knowledge; reliance on prior knowledge; working memory; spaced repetition
The article discusses the problem of using methodological approaches to the organization of situational-problem learning as a prerequisite for the formation of professional and critical thinking of future specialists. This issue is relevant at the present stage of development of the system of professional training of teachers. Historically and retrospectively, the author analyzes the Soviet and post-Soviet practices of using the capabilities of the case method. On its basis, a system of professional knowledge was formed, which in Soviet times was presented as a technology for solving specially compiled “pedagogical problems”, to which there are the only correct, pedagogically verified answers. It is shown that increased attention to the problem of using educational cases in the modern educational process is reflected in dissertation research at the beginning of the twentieth century. These studies were focused on solving specific problems at different stages of vocational education. The author proposes a new approach to constructing the content of an educational case as an attribute of a game-free method of active situational problem learning. The approach is based on the idea of an independent search for a solution to the problem on the basis of specially selected case materials, compiled according to the principle of “case in court”. Using the example of the educational case “Istanbul in the life and work of Martiros Saryan”, it is shown that universal information materials reflect documented segments of historical reality and have a cultural orientation. They can be used in teaching various academic disciplines of the humanities (history, psychology, cultural studies, pedagogy, etc.) and the natural science cycle (geography). It is noted that the use of training cases has a number of limitations associated with the expenditure of significant efforts to find interesting cases from practice and documents fixing them, which could become the actual basis of a training case
situational problem learning; educational technology; educational case; case structure; information materials; problem; task; «fan» of solutions; forecast of the development of the situation
The article reveals the relevance of psychological support for students with
disabilities and disabled people. In the new millennium, there is a trend towards
a deterioration in the health status of the population. In most foreign countries
and Russia, the number of students with disabilities and people with disabilities
is steadily growing due to the deteriorating environment, a high level of
morbidity and injuries. Therefore, for the social adaptation, rehabilitation and
habilitation of students with disabilities in the system of higher professional
education, new searches for ideas are required. In this regard, classes in
adaptive physical culture are of particular importance in higher educational
institutions. The methods of these lessons allow each student with a disability
in a social environment to realize their creative potential, reach certain heights
and fulfill their desires. The integration of students with disabilities in a higher school requires knowledge about the psychological characteristics of adaptation
in society, the creation of conditions for the success of the individual, taking
into account their individual characteristics. The work focuses on the
introduction of psychological methods, which must be applied in
a comprehensive manner, both before and in the process of conducting
adaptive physical education. In conclusion, the importance of the joint activity
of the AFK with psychophysical training, psychological support of students
with disabilities is noted, which contributes to: the rapid achievement of the
tasks set, their adaptation in the educational environment, the implementation
of theoretical and practical skills, behavioral functions in society, binary
influence in the classroom and in everyday life.
adaptation; social adaptation; psychological support; psychological counseling; adaptive physical culture (AFC); purpose, tasks, functions, types of adaptive culture; therapeutic physical culture; psychological support for students; music therapy
This article analyzes the experience of organizing and conducting educational work with future doctors at the first Department of Social Hygiene of the Medical Faculty of the First Moscow State University in Russia, which currently bears the name of its creator and its first professor, who was also the first People’s Commissar of Health of the Republic Nikolai Alexandrovich Semashko – the Department of Public health and health care named after N. A. Semashko. With the help of historical, analytical, logical and monographic methods, it was established that until the last decade of the last century, educational work at the department with students had an ideological orientation. Against the background of the changes that have taken place in our country, the approaches to organizing and conducting educational work with future doctors have changed. The main directions of its improvement in the educational organization are to increase the role of the teacher in conducting educational work, creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the educational process, motivating students to observe a healthy standard of living and ethical principles of the doctor, involving them in the independent study of works of art about the activities of colleagues, timely informing and conducting extracurricular activities with students, etc..
In the modern world, characterized by the intensive development of information technologies, the digital transformation of education is an inevitable trend. China’s public schools have largely completed digital infrastructure and have made some progress in using information technology to improve the efficiency of general education. However, patriotic education in general education schools is clearly not sufficiently prepared for digital transformation, and some problems have been identified in this direction. How best to use the digital transformation of education in their work is one of the important questions to be solved by theorists and practitioners of patriotic education in general education schools in China.
education in China; patriotic education; school education; digital transformation of education
The aim of the article is to carry out the analysis of the three unpublished
critical reviews by A. K. Timiryazev professor of MSU Faculty of Physics. The
reviews were discovered by the author of the article and
are being introduced to the scientific discourse. The Course of Physics by
professor V. A. Mikhelson, revised by a group of the leading physicists from the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Science, and the textbook
“Mechanics” by S. A. Khaykin professor of MSU Faculty of Physics is the
subject matter of all the three reviews. The author of the articles gives
a brief overview of each review. A close study of those critical reviews
enabled the author to conclude that A. K. Timiryazev claimed that those
scientists promoted and popularized idealism in Physics.
Professor A. K. Timiryazev announced that the course of General Physics
should be presented from the point of view of dialectical materialism, though
he himself inclined to Mechanism. The author of the article attempted to
answer the question why these reviews had never been published in the long
run. To find an answer to this question the author suggests that it is necessary
to treat A. K. Timiryazev criticism as an instance of rivalry between “university”
and “academic” groups of physicists in 1930‑s – 1950‑s of XX century which
strived for dominance. This rivalry took place not only at a purely scientific
level, but also manifested itself in the issue of the contents of textbooks in
General Physics..
history of pedagogic and education; teaching Physics; higher education; Moscow State University; MSU; a course in General Physics; idealism; Machian philosophy; A. K. Timiryazev; V. A. Mikhelson; V. A. Mikhelson
The psychological and pedagogical competence is one of the key results
of the preparation of masters in the oil and gas industry. The need for its
formation is due to the specifics of the upcoming professional activities of
graduates of the master’s degree, which on the one hand includes engineering
and technical tasks, and on the other involves interpersonal interaction with
employees, implemented using psychological and pedagogical methods and
requiring proficiency in them. The relevance of the problem of forming this
competence of students is considered in modern foreign and domestic
studies. The methodological foundations of the formation of the competence
under consideration, which provide an opportunity to update the psychological
and pedagogical training of the future master of the oil and gas industry, are
the target and activity approaches. The relationship between the goals and
psychological and pedagogical methods of professional activity of future
masters of the oil and gas industry is shown in the table. The article presents the methodological characteristics of the discipline «Modern psychological
and pedagogical theories and methods in professional activity», implemented
at the Orenburg State University. It involves the development of students of
the installation, personal and technological stages, each of which includes
tasks aimed at the application of these methods by
students. The implementation of the installation stage involves the expansion
of knowledge about psychological and pedagogical theories, awareness of
the importance of the corresponding methods in the professional activities of
employees of the oil and gas industry. The personal stage of the formation of
psychological and pedagogical competence of future masters of the oil and
gas industry includes the functional specification of the methods under
consideration. The purpose of the technological stage is to characterize the
use of a set of psychological and pedagogical methods in practical activities.
The practical significance of the article is the possibility of using the
methodology of forming the psychological and pedagogical competence of
future masters of the oil and gas industry, which ensures the actualization of
this aspect of the training of master’s students..
competence; the essence of psychological and pedagogical competence; master of oil and gas industry; psychological and pedagogical methods; academic discipline
Vocational secondary education is a weak link in the Chinese education system. The low effectiveness of capital investments in its development shows the need to modernize professional training on an updated conceptual basis, that must be created with the involvement of scientific and pedagogical experts, representatives of the business world and manufacturing companies in innovative areas of the Chinese economy. The article analyzes the problems and tasks of the development of vocational education in the context of the goals set for implementation in China by the middle of the XXI century. The analysis suggests that such measures for the reorganization of secondary vocational education as the introduction of general vocational education standards integrated with international vocational training systems; strengthening and expanding the channels of interaction of educational organizations with business structures, enterprises, potential employers, etc., will improve the quality of education, increase the attractiveness of vocational education and provide the country’s economy with highly demanded qualified personnel.
vocational education; digital economy; innovation; China
The article from the perspective of interdisciplinary approaches of synergy and work psychology justifies the role of the self-organization of the teaching staff in increasing the effectiveness of the teaching and educational process. Some problematic aspects of the digitization of the school system are addressed. Among the problematic issues are the complexities of interpersonal interaction in the system «teacher – pupils», the design and efficiency of educational process in the digital educational environment, the problem of organization of inclusive education, and the problem of professional burnout and professional destruction of teachers, which not only complicates but makes it impossible to solve many pedagogical problems. As a solution to the problems associated with the organization of the training process in digital educational environment, it is proposed to increase the awareness of managers and researchers of the educational communities in terms of their self-organization, achieving an agreed level of performance with a common goal of joint pedagogical activities
teaching staff; education; learning interaction; selforganization of teaching staff; digital educational environment
The article examines the history and current state of special and inclusive
education of schoolchildren in China. An overview is given of the legal and
regulatory framework that governs the relationship between the subjects of
inclusive education and reflects the State’s policy on inclusive education.
Some of the challenges in training teachers to work in inclusive education
were addressed. Such problems include the insufficient number of
specializations in the training of teachers in higher educational establishments
and the lack of theoretical and practical training of teachers in special and
inclusive education for future professional activities. Areas of improvement
of teacher training programs for inclusive and special education in China are
Inclusive Education; Special Education; Schoolchildren with Disabilities (HIA); Teacher Training for Inclusive Education; Teacher Training for Special Education
The Russian system of professional training of teachers at the present
stage has ceased to fully satisfy the needs of the state and society related to
changes in the format and forms of interaction between students and
teachers, global digitalization and openness of the educational space. The
system of teacher training in the Russian Federation is multi-stage
and is
built on the basis of taking into account traditional approaches and principles
to this process. However, at the present stage, there is a digital transformation
of society and the tendency to comply with regional characteristics and
personnel needs is strengthening, which implies the creation of an updated
regional system of continuous pedagogical education in the digital educational
environment. The article presents a look at solving the problem of determining
the methodological foundations of the formation and development of such
a system based on the definition of innovative methodological approaches
and principles for designing the content of education of teachers in institutions
of higher and additional professional education. Methodological aspects of
network interaction and mutual influence of subjects of the regional system
of continuous pedagogical education are revealed and substantiated, taking
into account the specifics of the use of digital technologies and resources and
the peculiarities of regional development.
regional system of pedagogical education; digital educational environment; methodological approaches and principles; continuous training of teachers
The organization of the specialized school’s activity is considered to be
a particular scientific task aimed at finding the solution to consent the
interests of society and the state within the Russian education system. The
unstructured need of families in school, as a government organization that
helps families to bring up healthy, smart, and happy children, was analysed.
The transformation and decomposition of these needs were conducted based
on the specialized school normative legal acts. The search for a solution to
the coherent interaction between the students’ families and the specialized
was conducted considering three essential aspects of the educational system:
the increase of the amount of scientific information, the diversity of modern
technologies, and the children’s development. A technologically, scientifically,
and functionally competent teacher is subjected to be the basic decision of
this coherent interaction. The need for the two-step teacher preparation with
the required competencies at the Bachelor and Master programmes was
specialized education; specialized school; specialized school teacher; scientific, technological, functional competence of a teacher; classical university; pedagogical university; life quality
COVID-19 is a dangerous pandemic, broke out in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The prevention of the spread of COVID-19 depends greatly on the consciousness of population, including the student force. The research results show that, the students of universities in Hanoi have a proper awareness, appropriate response in disease conditions, expressed in cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects. Besides, some students still have subjective expressions, excessive anxiety and negative response behaviors. The results of study show important psychological bases, establish meaningful experiences to develop effective prevention and control copping strategies for COVID-19 and the pandemics like Covid-19 in future.
fight against COVID-19; university students; cognitive; emotional; behavioural responses
For the implementation of personalized learning is the most promising model of blended learning, where the development of graduate programs coexists along with the scientific mentoring, complementing each other, and aims to create a flexible skills necessary for the development of educational and personal potential of a student. Mastering the master’s program, research achievements and the formation of flexible skills are important indicators of the level of academic culture of undergraduates. The article presents the results of the study of the influence of reflexivity on the development of flexible skills of undergraduates on the example of their academic motivation and tolerance to uncertainty. According to the theory of self-determination, internal motivation (cognitive, achievement, self-development motivation), external motivation (selfesteem, introjected, external) and amotivation are determined for the diagnosis of academic motivation of undergraduates educational activities. The subscales of the methodology «Lack of tolerance to uncertainty» («Novelty», «Complexity» and «Unsolvability») reflect the sources of reduced tolerance to uncertainty. The results confirm the importance of developing flexible skills and specify the causal relationships between reflexivity and indicators of academic motivation and tolerance to uncertainty. It seems appropriate to organize special additional trainings for undergraduates on coping with uncertainty.
master’s degree program; personalized education; scientific mentoring; flexible skills; reflexivity; academic motivation; tolerance to uncertainty; personal potential
The article analyzes the problem field of the distance education system. To determine the popularity of distance learning in Moscow universities among teachers and students, a sociological survey was conducted, which allowed us to identify an increasing trend in the number of students who would prefer distance learning to traditional with a strict schedule and draw conclusions about the prospects for distance education in Russian higher education institutions. The article presents a model of the educational process in the distance learning system with a brief description of each block. The model includes all the stages that a student goes through when entering, studying and graduating from a higher educational institution before receiving a diploma confirming the appropriate level of education. Each of the blocks contains descriptions of the actions required to pass this stage, as well as recommendations for improving and extracting the maximum result for both teachers or educational institutions, and for the students themselves. Alternative options are provided if one of the stages is stopped or impossible to overcome. Conclusions are drawn, in which cases the presented model of the educational process is applied, and the prospects of distance education in General are considered.
distance education system; a model of the educational process
The article discusses the issues facing the biological education of schoolchildren as a unique tool for the development of biological literacy of the individual and society, designed to ensure their preservation, safety and adaptation to various changes. Biological literacy is important for all age and professional categories, especially for so-called non-biologists, who are responsible for making biosphere – and socially significant decisions, but unfortunately do not possess it. It develops mainly in the process of learning at school. According to our ideas, we define three levels of its formation – academic, functional, and system. The last two levels are aimed at mastering knowledge and developing meta-competencies (cognitive, communicative, activity, value), scientific outlook and personal qualities in the process of mastering the subject. For its formation, we have developed a conceptual didactic system of training on an integrative basis. The practice of implementation in schools, universities and teachers ‘ professional development in the educational process has shown its effectiveness. It was submitted to the Commission on biological education of the International union of biological sciences at UNESCO, which initiated the development of bio-literacy in the world at the conference in Moscow (1997). The article analyzes the results of its own, as well as international studies (TIMMS, PISA 2015, 2018.; TALIS, 2018) problems of biological education in the formation of bio-literacy in a changing socio-cultural and ecological settings in recent years (biology and environmental challenges, digitalization of the educational environment, pandemic 2019–2020, etc.). They indicate the need for an early response from the educational community. Among them: the problem of reducing the educational time of mastering subjects of the biological cycle, which has a system-network nature. That leads to many interrelated consequences; lack of awareness of teachers in the real results of educational achievements of schoolchildren; replacement of biology lessons with other subjects; outdated content of biological subjects, and some others. Despite the unsatisfactory results in the formation of biological literacy and related meta-competencies, the latter are currently perceived by teachers as a secondary need. The article discusses the reasons that lead to such results. The issue of the content of biological education remains unresolved. We believe that training programs should be updated by including knowledge, for example, in virology, microbiology, immunology, epidemiology and other branches of biology, as well as translating the acquired knowledge into the practice of everyday life. Today it will be in demand among all categories of citizens. For the development of biological literacy, the process of mastering digital technologies is important, as a new means of learning and a vector of self-development, which requires the use of activity control by biology teachers and parents in practice. The results of the study of school childrens’ learning problems can be used in the modernization of biological education at all levels of education, including in improving the skills of teachers.
bio-ecological challenges; biological literacy; shortening the time of teaching biology; meta-competence; digitalization of education; lack of awareness of teachers about rating learning outcomes; updating the subject content of biology
The author presents a multi-component practical study of a new type of electronic educational environment on the example of the author’s cross-platform project Langteach-online, aimed at teaching foreign students Russian. A new type of e-learning environment will allow you to create online courses without the use of Western learning management systems, such as LMS Moodle, Schoology, and others with the integration of mobile devices that are trained in the learning process in mixed and distance formats. The methodology of this study will allow creating multidisciplinary online courses for teachers without special training in information technology and programming, which is especially relevant in the context of the Covid‑19 pandemic. Russian cross-platform project Langteach-online is used in teaching foreign citizens Russian at the bachelor’s and master’s levels in a number of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation in order to form a creative professional personality of a foreign graduate. The multi-format of organized tasks and materials (text, video, audio, graphics, presentations) allows us to talk about the possibility of using cross-platform projects of this type not only for teaching practical courses in foreign languages and RFL, but also other disciplines that are taught in schools and higher educational institutions. Training based on this model can be carried out both in blended and distant formats. The system of technical and methodological organization of a cross-platform project has the flexibility to use it inside the personal web resource of a teacher or educational institution.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of modernization of the system of professional pedagogical education in the aspect of using information tools for effective support of teachers’ activities. The considered directions of modernization of the system of lifelong pedagogical education are presented at the normative and conceptual level. Personalized and integrative approaches to the system of lifelong pedagogical education are important approaches to the implementation of the basic tasks of improving teacher training. The essence of a personalized approach to modern teacher training is not only in the formation of an individual and personal component of the future professional, but also in teaching universal strategies for professional and pedagogical activities in an information and educational environment. The integrative approach presupposes consistency and synchronicity of theory and practice, the traditional and innovative component of the teacher training system. A feature of the methodological component of the teacher training system is the information tools for supporting individual pedagogical activities, which, as integrated resources, have a certain educational potential, since they are aimed at achieving an effect when using relevant information by the subjects of the educational process. The variety of information tools allows us to distinguish their classification groups, including: information technology, information and communication and professional development. Informational tools used in the educational process can also be procedural, multifunctional and private. Methodological, informational-methodical and personal-professional strategies for supporting the professional development of a teacher are used as conditions for supporting individual pedagogical activities. The prospect of the research is the development of methodological and technological mechanisms for the implementation of conditions for optimal support of teachers who are willing to be professionally mobile and competent, capable of successfully solving professional problems in the information and educational environment.
modernization of education; the system of training teachers; pedagogical activity; information and educational environment; information tools; information educational resources
There are more than 60 institutions of higher education in Israel, including eight universities, the youngest of which is the University of Ariel in Samaria, which has gone from the country’s largest community college to a full-fledged university and a science center. The article describes the general approach to access to higher education in Israeli universities and colleges. The dynamics of one of them – the college, which upgraded its status forty years after the opening of the university by him – are discussed in detail. Ben-Gurion. The influence of the University of Ariel on the development of higher education in the country for forty years has been determined. The Judea and Samaria Academic College paved the way for the university status of other colleges, based on the principle of accessibility to higher education, which set as their goal the high quality and level of education. Has Ariel University achieved the goals that the founders set for it? Paradoxically, the college, which has evolved on the basis of the principle of broad access to higher education, has raised the level of education and led to increased competition between colleges and universities. He made an invaluable contribution to shaping a world view based on the fact that every institution has a special role: while colleges have a purely academic function, universities also do research. This concept, based on market demand considerations, is seen as a possible option for the transformation of the general system of higher education.
The article observes modern trends in the development of foreign language education in a non-linguistic university, using as an example the English Department for Science Students, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Non-linguistic university graduates need a fairly high level of foreign language communicative competence to be competitive in the modern labor market, which determines an ever-increasing attention to teaching LSP (Language for Specific Purposes). In 2001, the English Department for Science Students participated in the Russian-British project RESPONSE (Russian Education Support Project on Specialist English) aiming at a large-scale study of the current state of teaching English for specific purposes in Russian universities. Its findings provide the baseline that serves a useful starting point for evaluation and monitoring the changes that have occurred in this area over the past twenty years. The main trend is the change of teaching methods and approaches: from the grammar-translation method inherited from the Soviet higher school to computer assisted language learning (CALL), communicative and competence approaches today. Active integration of information and communication technologies in the educational process makes it possible to form and develop the university’s electronic information and educational environment. The MSU educational platform “University without borders” is based on Moodle LMS and used for distance teaching and learning. It offers online educational materials, electronic textbooks and courses, for both degree programmes and supplementary education. The main digital tools that lecturers use to teach and supervise students’ self-study are listed. The paper considers such areas of the work of the English Department for Science Students as development and application of interactive teaching methods and technologies; implementation of alternative forms of control, e. g. performing the final bachelor ESP assessment in the format of B2 CEFR exams or conducting an interfaculty scientific student conference in English at the master’s level; designing a professional development course in academic English for earth and life scientists; establishing an electronic library; compiling specialized corpora of medical and biological scientific texts; promotion of multilingualism and multiculturalism.
non-linguistic university; language for specific purposes; foreign language education; information and communication technologies; electronic educational environment; communicative approach; competence approach
The article presents the results of a study of the influence of bureaucracy values on the functioning and development of a modern educational organization and, in particular, on its management, due to the traditionally conservative intention of the cultural activities of legitimate bearers of power. Analyzing the reasons for the bureaucratization of school management, the authors believes that they are determined both by the mental parameters of the value preferences of Russians and by changes in the political environment, stating the defeat of the democratic orientation of school life. Hypertrophied «with the load of all sorts of nonsense and absurd ideas» (N. A. Khrenov), bureaucratic culture, bringing to life previously unthinkable forms in education management, ceases to perform positive functions, destroying the value-existential meanings of school communication, pushing pedagogical creativity to the periphery, disrupting parity of values as parity of cultures. The methodological basis of the study, within which the methods of theoretical and empirical research were used: interdisciplinary analysis of scientific literature, analytical interview, written survey, is an axiological approach that allows us to consider the current space of bureaucratic culture, in accordance with the norms of which the local reformatting of the school value system is carried out. The empirical basis of the scientific work was the materials of the study of the problems of bureaucratization of education, prepared by undergraduates of the Department of General and Professional Pedagogy of Orenburg State University. In 2019, an anonymous written survey of teachers and heads of educational organizations of the Orenburg region and the Republic of Bashkortostan was conducted, in which 1457 people took part. The problem of bureaucratization of school management is relevant both in theoretical and applied terms, since the provision of normal life of an institutionally united school community depends on the degree of its development.
The article analyzes the impact of digital determination and its effects. The author poses a problem – can digital technologies become meaningful? The main goal of the article is aimed at analyzing digital determination in the context of the prospects for its meaningfulness. The article shows the deformations caused by digital determination, offers a classification of subjects, taking into account the degree of involvement in computer interactions. The author identifies the specifics of instrumental and technological rationality, draws attention to the phenomenon of “digital shadow” and infomania. The methodological strategy is based on the method of interpretation and comparative analysis. The principles of objectivity and sociocultural determination, as well as activity and subject-oriented approaches are effective. Of particular importance is the procedure of conceptualization, obtained generalizations. The author attracts modern English-language literature to the study. The main conclusions include the substantiation of the need for a complete restructuring of relations with information technologies in order to subordinate them to human reflection and awareness..
digital determination; digital shadow; classification of subjectivity; information and technological rationality; nfomania
This article discusses the possibilities of using phenomenon-oriented learning in institutions of secondary vocational education, the impact of learning based on phenomena on the integration of general education and vocational training, as well as the importance of the phenomenon-based approach for the development of students’ personality. The author prepared a brief overview of the existing experience in the implementation of phenomenon-based learning in education, including making a comparison with the integrated approach in education widely used in the 20s of the last century in our country, identified the differences between the integrated approach and phenomenon-based learning, and also conducted an experiment on the introduction of elements of phenomenon-based learning in the process of studying the discipline “Information technology in professional activity” for college students. The results of the study showed that the introduction of phenomenon-based learning into the educational process contributes to the development of a harmonious personality of the student, the development of creativity skills and the ability to independently work with information, and increases the motivation of students to study.
phenomenon-based learning; phenomenon; secondary vocational education; integration of general education and vocational training; personality development; an integrated approach; skills of the 21st century
The article presents a comparative analysis of the development of
edutainment centers (towns of professions, science parks, museums-interactoriums) in the cities of the world. Edutainment centers, in fact, not
being pedagogical centers, implement humanitarian practices for the
development of children, focusing on the development of social competencies
(soft-skills), self-determination competencies (self-skills), competencies of
the 21st century (future-skills).
In educational research from a scientific and
pedagogical point of view, the educational potential of edutainment centers
has not been studied. However, their importance in the development of
human potential is quite large. Also, according to the indicator «innovative
educational infrastructure» (including edutainment centers), the index of
innovative cities in the world and the index of human development are
calculated. That is, the phenomenon of edutainment centers and their
educational potential is an important element of the social and educational
policy of the countries of the world.
edutainment centers; educational potential of townships of professions, science parks, museums-interactoriums; human development; competence of the 21st century, future-skills
The article is devoted to the problems of modern higher education, the
current challenges of the digital revolution to leading university practices, its
impact on the development of society and education in general. The author
draws attention to three scenarios for the development of the future proposed
by the Israeli researcher, J. Harrari (conservative, radical and superradical).
The article presents the experience of the new alternative US university,
which has no analogues in the world, is fully built on the basis of digital
technology and conducts the educational process only in an online format.
The university is positioned as one of the answers to the challenges to
education by the digital revolution. The article analyzes the main features of
the digital university-startup
“Minerva”, reveals the reasons for its occurrence,
the specifics of its development and functioning, determines both its positive qualities and some problem areas, presents the logic of the educational
process and educational technology, which the founders of the University of
Minerva interpret as your own educational know how. An assumption is
made about the multiplicity of options for future digital universities.
education; traditional university; digital university; digital university-startup “Minerva”
The purpose of this article is to discuss the educational tour as a form of
educational process in the activity-the educational aspect of the geological
excursion in the study of rock outcrops career «Borok» of Novosibirsk as a
geological object of interest for educational tours and training-practical work.
To write the article, we used methods of comparative analysis, generalization,
field geological observations, sampling, cross-section sketches, descriptions
of outcrops, including working with a mountain compass and methods of
conducting a training geological-geographical and geoecological route,
drawing up a map of the territory, laboratory studies of rocks. The absolute
advantage of the Borok quarry is its location, as well as optimal conditions
for a thorough inspection and description of rock outcrops. Branched dikes
and veins are visible in the walls of the quarry, as well as the overlap of
igneous Paleozoic rocks with sedimentary later deposits. Dumps of various
Intrusive igneous, dike rocks and pegmatites, hydrothermal veins with ore
minerals are of educational interest during excursions. The Borok quarry
cooperates with schools, colleges, and Universities in Novosibirsk and is a
platform for educational excursions to the production site and a place for
training practices, as well as a venue for educational Olympiads in Geology
and Geoecology. On the example of one of the production facilities of the city
of Novosibirsk – the stone quarry «Borok», the possibilities of organizing and
conducting geological excursions in order to study the geological structure of
the territory, consolidate theoretical geological and geoecological knowledge,
acquire skills in educational and practical work and analyze the results
obtained are demonstrated.
educational excursions in Geology; educational process, training and practical work on the ground; artificial rock outcrops; description of rock sections; quarry «Borok», Novosibirsk
The article emphasizes a thought that level of efficiency of teaching and
educational process of higher school depends on level of professional training
of teachers. Opportunities of process of optimization of teaching and
educational work with students in their personal-social
and professional selfrealization
are shown. The article analysis criterions of efficiency of process
of optimization and emphasis an importance of study of real educational
intellectual opportunities of students and zone their nearest development
too. In the article is spoken about connection between efficiency of process
of optimization of teaching and educational work with students and level of
professional training of teachers of higher school is given necessary recommendations for increasing of level of efficiency of process of
optimization. The creation of the most effective conditions for the continuity
of the personal and social self-realization of students, an increase in the level
of their professional training and the demand from the state is intended to
form student youth as a constructive and creative social factor that requires
the higher school to seriously consolidate its educational and educational
capabilities in order to dynamically increase the level the effectiveness of the
entire educational process.
optimization of teaching and educational process; higher school; students; criterions of efficiency of process of optimization; professional self-realization of students; professional-pedagogical training of teachers
The article deals with the problems of scientific and methodological support of the Concept of development of geographical education in the Russian Federation at school and ways to solve them in modern conditions. It is shown that both organizational and substantive issues are closely related to the position of the subject in the Standards and curricula of schools. A special place is given to the system of additional professional training for teacher training and retraining in the conditions of digitalization and distance learning.
The problem of lack of competitiveness in state-of-the-art education is getting a substantial problem for Russian education development. The phenomenon of competitiveness, applied to the system of education, provides an overview of different rating scales, allowing us to evaluate different aspects of competitiveness and quality of Russian education. According to the set of criteria, Russia demonstrates consistent indicators in many ways: results of education, internal unity, effectiveness of resource utilization. In that time, the most problematic results are related to indicators of economic effectiveness of education, development of scientific-educational sets and collaborations, practical effect of education. In these conditions, the digital transformation is based on one of the most important systemic solutions to all the problems, which means that it is especially important in connection with pandemics. The main result of the articles is the annotations of the six major projects of modernization and the increase of competitiveness of the Russian system of vocational education in the context of digital transformations of educational means.
understanding; linguistic cogitation; ego; predicate; long-term (genetic) memory; actual (acquired) memory; strategic pedagogy; diagnostic; validity
The problem of lack of competitiveness in state-of-the-art education is getting a substantial problem for Russian education development. The phenomenon of competitiveness, applied to the system of education, provides an overview of different rating scales, allowing us to evaluate different aspects of competitiveness and quality of Russian education. According to the set of criteria, Russia demonstrates consistent indicators in many ways: results of education, internal unity, effectiveness of resource utilization. In that time, the most problematic results are related to indicators of economic effectiveness of education, development of scientific-educational sets and collaborations, practical effect of education. In these conditions, the digital transformation is based on one of the most important systemic solutions to all the problems, which means that it is especially important in connection with pandemics. The main result of the articles is the annotations of the six major projects of modernization and the increase of competitiveness of the Russian system of vocational education in the context of digital transformations of educational means.
competitiveness of education; competitiveness of the university; education rating; innovation projects; ecosystem approach