The research describes the main directions of the development of the system of additional professional pedagogical education. The author distinguishes global trends (the formation of continuous education systems and its development mainly in distance forms) and trends specific to the Russian educational space: the design and implementation of federal state information systems that integrate smaller-scale information systems and transform the functionality of existing educational systems. A challenge is given in relation to the Russian system of additional education, which has been formed recently: “Will it be possible to solve the problem of forming a system to support the self-regulation of professional self-education in the course of special training for teachers as educators?” The solution to this problem generates a bifurcation point for the development of the system of additional education. The research discusses such directions for solving this problem as the formation of a long-term plan for the professional development of each school teacher and the development of meta-regulatory methodological components to support students’ independent work.
system of additional professional pedagogical education; upbringing; distance education; subjectivity of a teacher; ifelong pedagogical education; conscious self-regulation; information system; information security; professional development of a teacher
When talking about what prompted them to study mathematics, most mathematicians, emphasize the interest that arose at school or in a club when solving some problem or many problems that are “unknown-how-to-solve’’. We see an example of such a task in the famous painting by N. P. Bogdanov-Belsky, which has become a symbol of the Russian school. The interest of future mathematicians was also supported by the university. The reseach discusses the possibility in the 21st century to build mathematical education for all students, not just selected and highly motivated students, based on the tasks that are “unknown-how-tosolve’’ — different for different students. The study of mathematics can become interesting and psychologically comfortable for students of different abilities and inclinations, simultaneously bringing the student’s work closer to the work of an adult mathematician and the needs of real life.
school mathematics education; problems that are “unknown-how-tosolve”; mathematics clubs; results-based education; skills of the 21st century
The research identifies the problems related to the lack of pedagogical resources for Russian schools in the foreign language and second foreign language, as well as their linguodidactic training in the context of implementing the norms of the new Federal State Educational Standards of Basic General Education (FGOS LLC). The author analyzes the main professional educational programs (OPOP) of the leading Russian pedagogical universities and draws conclusions about the lack of unity and systematization in the names and content. Inconsistency of curricula and disciplines in the curricula, as well as the lack of interdisciplinary orientation of them, leads to inconsistency in the training of future teachers of foreign languages to contemporary requirements. Many programs are designed to train not future teachers of foreign languages, but specialists who are not related to pedagogy. In implementing some provisions of the new FGOS LLC, regulatory contradictions have been revealed to the legislatively fixed principle of accessibility and free basic general education for schoolchildren and their parents. The author identifies the key trends and prospects for developing Russian language educational policy. Moreover, the author proposes some options for designing Russian basic general education in terms of linguodidactic multilingual training of teachers in implementing of FGOS LLC. The author focuses on the problems identical to the teaching of the languages of the peoples of Russia and the lack of normative mechanisms of interaction “pedagogical university-school-student” as well as guarantees of the implementation of this form of cooperation. This situation deprives Russian schools of the opportunity to ensure the legally enshrined right of schoolchildren and their parents to affordable and free education. Moreover, every year, it removes schoolchildren from a real opportunity to learn foreign languages, pass them as a subject of the Unified State Exam and use foreign languages in real professional activities in the future. In the process of scientific research of the designated problems the author used general pedagogical methods (study, and generalization), theoretical (analysis and synthesis) and private (observation) were used.
Linguodidactic education; multilingual educational space; foreign language; second foreign language; languages of Russia; basic professional educational program; multilingualism; multilingual communicative competence; intercultural communication; language educational policy; principle of accessibility basis; the principal of free-ofcharge basis
The content and structure of general education are subject to well-defined patterns, According to the concept of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.S. Lednev, the most important of them is the balance of two factors: the content of a given subject area (mathematics, computer science, etc.), and a set of invariant types of human activity. These factors reflect aspects of reality that are the most significant from the educational point of view. The transformational activity of people undoubtedly belongs to such aspects. In the contemporary world, this activity is revealed through three key concepts: algorithm, technology, and project. These concepts become system-forming concepts of two subjects: «Informatics» and «Technology». Nowadays, transformative activity is inseparable from the processes of digitalization, which determines the content and structure of these general educational subjects, while the concept of technology plays a leading role. The ideological side of technology originates from the fundamental work of R. Descartes «Reasoning about the method». According to him, any activity should be carried out based on some method that allows for different levels of formalization. This opened up the fundamental possibility of automating the processes of manufacturing products, which made it possible to create a material platform for the future «industrial society». The development of technology is closely related to scientific knowledge. Moreover, the ultimate goal of science (starting with the science of modern times) is precisely the creation of technologies. The link between science and technology remained inseparable for a very long time and ensured the dominance of the formation that supported this link. The emergence of digital technologies, in which the idea of automation is practically brought to its logical conclusion, has radically changed the industrial and social context of technologization. However, its ideological side has undergone minimal changes. The entire context mentioned above is considered in the construction of methodological concepts and the content of the subjects «Informatics» and «Technology».
challenges of digital society; informatics; technology; general education courses; concept; content; metasubjectivity; convergence; modeling; design; STEM-competence
The research aims to analyze the possibilities of using a digital footprint
to reveal the identification signs of a person’s professionalization in the field
of education (pedagogy) based on big data technologies through social and
search networks. The author identifies the reasons for using social and
search networks to develop career guidance practices with schoolchildren.
The research presents and analyses data about users of accumulated social
networks (e.g. Facebook) and search networks (e.g. Yandex and Google).
The author shows possible options for clustering user data in the Vkontakte
social network with differentiation of user interests and third-party
segmentation determined using neural network algorithms (one of the
fundamental technologies of big data), based on a variety of different actions
of the user of the social network inside and outside the Internet field. The
author proposes a variant of a comparative analysis of user interests
confirmed by a third-party segment between a group of people from the
pedagogical community and a group of professionals from other fields. The
hypothesis about the identity of the pool of interests of the pedagogical
community is formulated and tested; their pattern is revealed and projected
on the graduates of pedagogical specialties of the Tomsk State Pedagogical
College in 2022, working in the specialty. Possible variants of the development
of the proposed model of clustering the interests of the pedagogical
community and extrapolation of the principles of work to different levels of
pedagogical education are shown. The research materials are prepared
based on the use of the following methods: theoretical and structural
analysis, structural-semiotic analysis, and predictive analytics and simulation
modeling based on neural network data.
social networks; search networks; big data; predictive analytics in pedagogy; clustering of pedagogical data; patterns of the pedagogical community; professional orientation of schoolchildren; professional self-determination; pedagogical profession; vocational education
The research focuses on the issues of the formation of students’ professional self-determination and presents the organizational and pedagogical model for managing students’ professional self-determination and the results of its testing in the municipal information and educational environment. Technological progress calls into question the existence of many contemporary professions. The system of formation of professional self-determination should ensure the rational distribution of labor resources, a person’s career choice, adaptation, and professional development throughout life. It requires changing and updating the organizational and managerial mechanisms existing in educational organizations and municipal educational systems and career guidance methods for students.
During the experimental work, the authors have developed and tested an organizational and pedagogical model for forming students’ professional self-determination/ Moreover, the authors have created a municipal information and educational environment that has interactivity, and multifunctionality and operates in the network interaction of all subjects of the municipal education system. The interdepartmental coordination council for the training of professional personnel provides organizational and managerial support for forming the municipal information and educational environment.
This environment provides students’ information and self-education, meets the needs of all its constituents (i.e., students, parents, educational organizations, employers, etc.), and contributes to the formation of a basic personality culture and necessary competencies for students’ labor and social self-determination.
The municipal information and educational environment include educational organizations, enterprises, and institutions of all forms of ownership, functioning based on network interaction. In this environment, the educational process is carried out through the implementation of advanced pedagogical technologies: open network educational programs, elective courses, and key events implemented by basic educational organizations in the conditions of functioning of a unified municipal information and telecommunication environment (i.e., Internet platforms, educational portals, and public channels of career guidance).
Teaching, developing, educational, communicative, coordinating, and managerial functions are implemented in the information and educational environment of the municipality and the educational organizations that function within it.
formation of students’ professional self-determination; municipal information and educational environment; organizational and pedagogical model; network training; distance training; programs of extracurricular activity; professional testing; professional informing; professional tests; individual educational route
The research presents the practice of the University Gymnasium (boarding
school) of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the context of the traditions
of university education and Russian developments in the field of general
education of children with increased educational needs. The authors indicate
the historical line of the emergence of university gymnasiums in Russia. The
design within the Gymnasium of a complex open nonlinear system capable
of self-development, which is based on the integration of academic subjects,
project activities, creative formats and broad communication with external
subjects of educational, scientific and industrial spheres, make it possible to
implement an educational model that forms high meta-subject educational
results of students. Key characteristics of designing a gymnasium as a
complex open system include openness, which provides a mode of
development; interchange of energy and information with other systems;
disequilibrium of the state; the ability to perceive external influences; and
external influences as «points of growth» of the system. These positions
allow us to solve the problems of gymnasium development: building a
gymnasium as a practice of developing variable universal education;
designing individual trajectories of developing education; modeling forms of
cooperation and social construction; introduction interdisciplinarity as a
principle of reality research; developing psychological competence; ensuring
modularity and nonlinearity of forms of education; providing dynamism of
schedules and different ages. These tasks are solved based on modeling the development of the gymnasium in the internal and external spaces. The
model’s essence lies in the areas related to the development of technologies
for conducting lessons and implementing interdisciplinary team projects
within the framework of Lomonosov MSU scientific and educational schools,
as well as a spatial and event-based educational environment. Moreover, the
essence of the model includes the development of university identity and the
construction of an extensive system of external communications based on
the Community of University and Innovative Schools and the «Vernadsky»
scientific and educational platform.
university gymnasium; complex systems; post-nonclassical science; educational environment; educational results; development program; educational activities; project activities; cooperation; identity
This paper describes the authors’ long-term pedagogical experience in creating and implementing a special program for systematic repetition, expansion and deepening of the full school course of mathematics in general. This program is based on the principle of the didactic spiral and is applicable both in the framework of regular school lessons and in the implementation of additional education. The work highlights three main stages of student preparation: basic, advanced and creative. Together they contain exactly seven clearly distinguished turns of the didactic spiral. After passing each such round, the student (in this case, as a rule, the future entrant) is more or less ready to solve problems in all sections of the school curriculum at once, which is especially important for participation in Olympiads held during the school year. The first, basic, stage covers two turns of the spiral, which can be conditionally called linear and quadratic. The second stage, advanced, already consists of four turns corresponding to the four main methods of a logical nature: the enumeration of cases, equivalent transformations, the introduction of notation and the conclusion of consequences. The third, creative stage is represented by just one turn, at which all the material passed is already passed from a research point of view. It examines four main methodological approaches available within the school curriculum: algebraic, logical, functional and graphical. The choice and implementation of these approaches in solving specific tasks is the essence of this final round and stage.
didactic spiral; spiral approach; school mathematics; additional education; spiral curriculum; methods of teaching mathematics; advanced course; preparation for the Unified State Exam; preparation for AEE; preparation for Olympiads; systematic repetition
The existing system of final certification in the form of the Unified State
Exam (USE) has been working for more than one year. However, disputes
about its expediency and effectiveness do not subside. Some participants of
these discussions rightly indicate that USE allows enrollees from remote
regions of Russia to participate in introductory tests, remaining in their
region. Their opponents are equally rights to criticize the apparent
shortcomings of this form of control and offer to abandon the USE in favor of
the Soviet system of the final certification, in which final exams at school and
introductory tests in higher or secondary special educational institutions
were not combined. Agreeing with supporters of the organization of local
exams, the authors consider the arguments of opponents of the USE. The
idea of a project called the USE can be conditionally formulated as follows:
to create a line of tasks that makes it possible to compare all high school
graduates by the level of training, rank them based on the results of this
comparison, and distribute them between universities and colleges. For this
reason, the USE is a mandatory exam for all school graduates and is
conducted using a single technology. What issues are discussed in the
disputes around this project? First, many are perplexed by the unreasonable
identification of each school graduate with an enrollee for some university or
colleges. Second, a high percentage of dropouts among first-year students
indicates a weak correlation between the results of such measurements and
the readiness of enrollees to study at universities or colleges. This publication
is devoted to the analyzing of the problems discussed within these topics, as
well as proposals on possible ways to resolve them.
Unified State Exam (USE); requirements of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES); validity; modernization of final certification system
The authors analyze the activity of children’s public organizations of the
20th century. The research discusses the relevance of creating «Bolshaya
Peremena» clubs in educational organizations. The activity of these
organization is formed based on the conceptual ideas of scientific schools of
V.S. Mukhina «Phenomenology of the development and existence of
personality» and L.I. Novikova «A systemic approach to the upbringing and
socialization of children and youth». A methodological basis lies in presenting
the results of fundamental research by such psychologists and teachers as
L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Novikova, V.S. Mukhina and N.L. Selivanova. The essence
of their research lies in recognizing the priorities of personal development,
the values of the childhood period and the activities of the younger generation.
The research considers the activities of the «Bolshaya Peremena» clubs as a
natural social environment in which the younger generation acquires personal
and acute social meanings of life and activity and «undergoes» preparation
for the productive realization of their potential in the current conditions of
public life. The authors describe the educational space of the «Bolshaya
Peremena» clubs, which aim to create an environment conducive to creating
favorable conditions for the personal development of children and adolescents
and the activation of personal and social maturity. The «Bolshaya Peremena»
clubs are built on the principle of a child-adult community, which is based on
the democratic style of adult influence on the child. The ability of an adult to
show identification increases the child›s self-esteem, mood and social
activity. Children transfer the actions of identification assigned by an adult
into communication with peers: the club space becomes a school of social
relations for children. In conclusion, the authors express possible risks of
implementing the considered project. The essence of these risks come down
to the erosion of effective elements of pedagogical practice in connection
with the creation of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth, founded
by «Bolshaya Peremena» and the subsequent integration of existing
children›s movements and communities. The authors emphasize that the
«Bolshaya Peremena» clubs are exclusively voluntary public associations,
the main role of which is assigned to schoolchildren.
education; personality development; internal position of the individual; personality – a unique phenomenon; personality – a social unit; personality formation; children’s public association; collective; children’s and adult community; collective and creative work (CCW); «Bolshaya Peremena» club; activities in the educational system; activities of «Bolshaya Peremena» clubs
On December 12, 2022, Irina Georgievna Hangeldieva, Professor, Associate Professor of Philosophy, teacher of the Department of Educational Systems Management, Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Lomonosov Moscow State University, died.
Lukatsky M.A., Krikunova E.A. How not to become a destructive personality: Erich Fromm on education and self–education: Monograph. – M.: Prometheus, 2023. – 302 p.
By the beginning of the 19th century the Russian educational system was being formed in the context of European tendencies, significantly influenced by the internal processes of the country’s modernization. Russia’s prosperity in public consciousness was associated with enlightenment. General and pedagogical education were the links of a single system under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education. Common principles were formed: the priority function of education; a deep, «with reserve», scientific basis of education; a special attitude towards the personality of the teacher as a bearer of knowledge and high spiritual qualities. Only teacher training institutions could fully provide training for such a teacher. However, as disclosed in this research, teacher training institutions repeatedly went through reforms and radical transformations, which, along with funding difficulties, could not ensure the opening of new schools. This led to the emergence of schools of different departmental affiliation (spiritual, military, zemstvo, factory and others) and educational institutions to train teachers for them. In the early 20th century, the pedagogical community and deputies of the State Duma, in the hope of introducing universal education, argued for the creation of a full-fledged state system of teacher education. However, this was possible only possible with the establishment of Soviet power and the transition to a single school system. A coherent model for the training of teachers with specialized technical schools and institutions, which ensured the task of introducing universal education was finally formed only in the 1930s. In the middle of 20th century, the USSR was among the world leaders in terms of quality education.
Currently, Russia is leaving the Bologna system of education, and society calls for an objective assessment of the existing model of teacher training, the further development of which should consider the lessons of the past and promote Russian traditions in the international scientific and pedagogical space.
personnel of educational institutions; pedagogical education; history of education; education; training; vocational education; higher education; training of scientific personnel; teacher training institute; university
The research discusses monitoring outcomes of quality of the main educational programs applied to undergraduate, graduate and specialist programs performed by higher education institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science within enlarged groups of specializations and majors (EGSM) 44.00.00 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences.” The main research outcomes are as follows: 36% of the main educational programs within EGSM 44.00.00 are the programs that impose an educational process of a disciplinary type. The research reveals issues of discrepancy and disunity of the discipline contents, absence of internal wholeness, unevenness in the distribution of psychological, pedagogical, disciplinary, and methodological training, and the absence of orientation towards the unified (complex) exam, which would ensure testing of learning outcomes achievement within preplanned competences. These tendencies are especially typical for the main graduate educational programs.
Final qualification works lack reference to research data in scientific works and data of official documentation issued by governmental bodies and state statistics, including data in the field of regional education. Programs lack modules (disciplines) aimed at developing the worldview of future teachers; there is no workload designed for the Russian language and literature. To proceed, there are no temporary and organizational opportunities to secure in-depth study of psychological – pedagogical and (or) other disciplines.
Considering the above, the professional education of future teachers is performed fragmentary, following the reactive type, that is, reacting to discreet teaching tasks of which is ineffective either for the development of any group of competencies, or, in general, for the professional development of a Russian teacher.
monitoring of teacher training programs; teacher training research; monitoring the quality of the main educational programs; culturological approach; teacher training; values of pedagogical education; disciplinary mode of education; module-based curricula; research work of graduate students; quality of final qualification work; regional system of education