The research presents a conceptual approach to monitoring in the higher education system. The presented problem is considered within the framework of the methodology of post-industrial education. According to the definition by A.M. Novikov, the academician of the Russian Academy of Education, the methodology of post-industrial education a doctrine of the implementation of activities, that is, its logical structure, forms, methods, and means. The authors of this research argued the stated approach of monitoring research, substantiated by the pedagogical practice. At the current stage of social development, one of the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of vocational education is to find ways to improve the pedagogical process of the universities. The solution to this issue lies in the field of managing the educational process of the universities, where the most important component is control over the development of specialist’s degree programs and the results of student learning. The information component of this process is the monitoring of education quality. The scientific and pedagogical literature uses various definitions to determine the essence of monitoring. The authors of this research substantiate the characteristics of pedagogical monitoring from the standpoint of current requirements for education. These characteristics are as follows
systemic diagnostics of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the efficiency of functioning and tendencies of self-development of the educational system;
analysis of objects or phenomena of pedagogical reality in order to provide teachers with high-quality and timely information necessary for making managerial decisions;
continuous scientifically based prognostic monitoring of the current state and the development of the pedagogical process in order to optimally select goals, objectives, and means of their solution.
Tracking the strategic trend in teacher training should be considered from the standpoint of a monitoring study graduate programs as one of the necessary conditions, acting as a prerequisite for studying the phenomena of contemporary pedagogical reality and their explaination.
The research considers the problem related to the consistency of forming the research competence in students of pedagogical specialties during university education. The authors analyzed 1319 educational programs of higher education in pedagogical specialties, including 924 undergraduate programs and 395 graduate programs. The authors consider qualitative indicators of systemic representation of research work in educational programs, that characterize the complete (comprehensive) systemic representation (i.e., represented in theory and in both types of practices – training and work), as well as seven heterogeneous types of its violations. The authors found that complete systemic representation occurs in only half of the graduate programs and in less than a third of undergraduate programs. Accordingly, various violations of systemic representation are found in more than 50% of graduate programs and 73% of undergraduate programs. Among the violations of consistency in undergraduate programs, the most common is the lack of research work in the training practices (20%). In graduate programs, the most common is the lack of research work in the training practices (22%) and work practices (17%). The authors determined that the systemic representation of research work in undergraduate and graduate educational programs is influenced by such external factors as the legal status of the university (state or non-state), the independence of the university (an independent university or a branch of the university), the university’s profile (pedagogical, humanitarian, technical, or universal), the form of education (full-time, part-time, or correspondence), and pedagogical specialty (five specialties for undergraduate and four for graduate). Practical recommendations are formulated for universities to improve educational programs of higher pedagogical education in the aspect of strengthening the systemic formation of students’ research competence.
higher education; teacher education; educational program; research competence; students; teachers; formation of competence; the principle of consistency; professionalism; individual approach
The research analyzes the variability of the representation of research work in the structure of practices of educational programs of higher education in pedagogical specialties. The sample included 2025 programs, including 1373 undergraduate and 652 graduate programs.
The authors used several absolute (in credit units) and relative (in percentage) indicators that characterize the educational program. Absolute indicators included the volume of training practices, production practices and practices in general, as well as the volume of research work as part of each type of practice. Relative rates included the share of research work in each type of practice. Using non-parametric statistics methods, the authors reveal a high variability of research work in the practice structure of the considered educational programs. For example, the share of research work in the total amount of practice for undergraduate programs varies from 0% to 75%. For graduate programs, this indicator varies from 0% to almost 90%. It is established that the representation of research work in the composition of practices is significantly influenced by such factors as the legal status of the university (state or non-state) and the university’s profile (pedagogical, humanitarian, technical or universal). In turn, the specialty of training (five specialties were considered for undergraduate programs and four specialties for graduate programs) and the form of education (full-time, part-time or correspondence) have less influence. Based on the research results, the authors formulate recommendations for improving the educational programs of higher pedagogical education in terms of the representation of students’ research work in the structure of educational and industrial practices.
teacher education; higher education; educational program; practice structure; research work; students; teachers; professional activity; professional standards; research competence
The research presents the preliminary results of monitoring the final qualifying works of undergraduate and graduate students in the direction of «Pedagogical education»; their interpretation is proposed. The authors analyzed the educational programs of 50 universities extracted using the method of continuous sampling (Regulations on the State Final Certification, Regulations on the Final Qualifying Work) and texts of graduate student works. During the monitoring, the authors checked the compliance of programs and works with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ and the Concept for Training Pedagogical Personnel for the Education System for the Period up to 2030. The research uses various methods such as the study of scientific literature and documents regulating pedagogical activity in a contemporary Russian universities, observation, generalization, and analysis. It is determined which of the obtained results require clarification and in what aspect. The authors revealed the problems of implementing the project and methodological type of tasks and building the connection between the scientific work of students and the conditions of socio-economic development of the regions are revealed. Next, the authors formulated proposals to strengthen certain aspects of the pedagogical process during the creation of the final qualification work, and outline ways to monitor educational processes further. Additionally, the authors provided recommendations for improving the preparation system of final qualification works by undergraduate and graduate students. Particular attention is paid to design research, start-up projects, and the experimental part of the graduates’ work.
pedagogical education; final qualification work; Federal State Educational Standard 3++; the Concept of Teacher Training; teaching staff; forecasting; development; undergraduate studies; graduate studies; monitoring
The authors outline urgency of the target dominant practice of training workers for the country’s economy in the focus of system integration of secondary vocational education (SVE) and industrial partners – enterprises of various production sectors. The authors provide a theoretical substantiation for the transformation of regional systems of SVE based on cluster policy as an effective managerial mechanism of such cooperation to increase the efficiency of retianing of SVE graduates in the workplace..
The authors present the experience in implementing cluster policy in SVE of the Tomsk Region, including basic elements of the regional normative-legal base, cluster design of this system, and regional features of the functioning of educational-industrial clusters as a special type of communities that integrate professional and educational organizations and enterprises of the real sector. The authors actualized the need to develop new scientific and pedagogical knowledge, reflecting the features of educational interaction, as well as educational and pedagogical activities of the subjects of SVE in the logic of the principles of cluster policy to modernize this area of education in accordance with the socio-economic priorities of the country and its territories. This research presents the search-and-statement stage of the complex pedagogical experiment related to scientific and pedagogical research on the problem of developing regional practices of SVE based on cluster-network interaction. Moreover, the research analyzes the empirical data that reflect the peculiarities of the subjective involvement of teachers and students of vocational educational organizations of the region in the implementation of cluster policy tasks in the system of SVE. Additionally, the research outlines the tasks to develop the involvement of teachers and students in the functioning of educational and sectoral clusters. The research methods include theoretical analysis, comparative legal method, survey (questionnaire), expert method, and focus groups.
regional economy; vocational education; cluster approach; regional practices of SVE; vocational educational organization; SVE students; SVE teachers; subjects of educational interaction; education-industry cluster; cluster-network interaction
This research focuses on the problem of identifying the ontological status and social nature of such phenomena as creativity and innovation in the refraction of pedagogical practices in the evolutionary aspect. The author focuses on the analysis of the history and methodology of studying the general and the particular in creativity and innovation based on extensive historical, civilizational and cultural material, as well as on attracting a significant amount of relevant material from foreign and Russian studies of recent years, which are distinguished by fundamentality and novelty.
The research aims to determine the natural priority characteristics of these phenomena and identify their similarities and differences in various aspects (to show the difference in attitudes towards novelty, and the time factor, as well as how these issues are resolved differently …) and show the possibility and conditions for merging these phenomena under certain circumstances
The second part of the research analyzes the evolution of creativity and innovation in the context of various pedagogical practices, from their primitive prototypes to contemporary digital transformations in the context of creativity and innovation.
civilization; culture; education; creativity; creativity; innovation; protoforms and classical forms of education; digitalization of education in the context of creativity and innovation
The research analyzes the theory and practice of preparing future teachers for professional activities in the conditions of the multicultural educational space of Russia. The author substantiates that one of the urgent problems of improving teacher education in the context of introducing a new generation of educational standards of higher education is the formation and development of multicultural competence of future teachers. The complexity of solving the problem is due to the complexity of defining the essential content of the concept of «multicultural competence» by the professional community and insufficient consideration of its integrative nature, which leads to difficulties of scientific, organizational, and methodological nature when it arises at educational processes of the universities implementing pedagogical educational programs.
The author shows that multicultural competence is a systemic phenomenon formed in the educational process through the integration of several academic disciplines, practices, and educational work, which form the components of this competence defined by the Federal State Standards of the Higher Education - universal, general professional, and professional competencies.
It was revealed that only a few universities that train future teachers are focused on forming a holistic multicultural competence of students. Simultaneously, separate components of multicultural competence are shaped during the formation of universal and general professional competencies in the context of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education in the educational process. Rarely do university curricula include ethnocultural competencies in their list of professional competencies as requirements for mastering the Main Education Program. An unbalanced approach to the formation of professional competencies leads to insufficient consistency between the models of professional competence of future teachers, the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education, and the professional standard of a teacher
The author concludes that it is necessary to elaborate a unified approach to defining the list of professional competencies in the programs for training future teachers. The formation of multicultural competence of students should become a criterion for the effectiveness of contemporary teacher education in Russia
The research raises the problem of preserving traditional values of the national teacher education, that is the spiritual and ethical development of future teachers, who are able to provide a genuinely civil education to the younger generation based on personal example and profound moral convictions. The authors emphasize the idea that teacher training in Russia has developed an enduring tradition to focus on the development of the future teacher’s skills to carry out the tasks for the cultivation of the personality of the younger generation and take maximum responsibility for the formation of individual’s moral identity during the teaching and learning processes. With reference to historical facts, the authors state that this tradition roots in folk pedagogy. It was developed in the works by K.D. Ushinsky and became the basis of teacher training in Soviet Russia. The research shows that there is a relationship between teacher’s developing values and the effectiveness of the entire system of general and professional education and the spiritual well-being of the society that emphasizes deep historical and mental roots in the interpretation of spiritual and ethical development as the key value of teacher education in Russia.
The research raises the problem of preserving traditional values of the national teacher education, that is the spiritual and ethical development of future teachers, who are able to provide a genuinely civil education to the younger generation based on personal example and profound moral convictions. The authors emphasize the idea that teacher training in Russia has developed an enduring tradition to focus on the development of the future teacher’s skills to carry out the tasks for the cultivation of the personality of the younger generation and take maximum responsibility for the formation of individual’s moral identity during the teaching and learning processes. With reference to historical facts, the authors state that this tradition roots in folk pedagogy. It was developed in the works by K.D. Ushinsky and became the basis of teacher training in Soviet Russia. The research shows that there is a relationship between teacher’s developing values and the effectiveness of the entire system of general and professional education and the spiritual well-being of the society that emphasizes deep historical and mental roots in the interpretation of spiritual and ethical development as the key value of teacher education in Russia.
teacher education values; professional teacher training; Russian spiritual and ethical values; Russian Academy of Education; cultural approach; teacher education; traditions of teacher education; axiological foundations of pedagogical education; post-non-classical model of cognition
On October 13, 2022, the first Russian international scientific and practical conference "Metaverse: the Future of Science and Education" will be held in Moscow. It is organized by two faculties of Moscow University: the Faculty of Pedagogical Education and the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as the Academy of Social Technologies.
The partner of the event is the CSlab Cybersecurity Laboratory.
The co—chairs of the program committee are the deans of the organizing faculties V.S. Basyuk and A.P. Kozyrev and the Scientific Secretary of the Academy of Social Technologies A.P. Sitnikov. The co—chairs of the organizing committee are scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University, G.V. Sorin, F.N. Gurov and A.A. Kostikova.
In this article, we present to our readers some of the results of the work of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow University in the context of the activities of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School "Preservation of the world cultural and historical heritage".
There are two informational reasons for writing such an article. Traditionally, the occasion for public summing up is some kind of anniversary date. This year the faculty turns 25 years old. Obviously, it is not possible to fully summarize the results of the faculty's work over 25 years in a small review article. But there is a second reason. It is associated with the first year of the FPE's work within the framework of one of the seven interdisciplinary scientific and educational schools of Moscow University. In this article, we plan to tell you just about one page of the history of the FPE, which is related to the contribution of the faculty to the development of ideas of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Faculty of Pedagogical Education; Lomonosov MSU
The transforming realities of Russian-Chinese cooperation and international
relations put an impetus for the growing demands for multidisciplinary
specialists who can speak the language of the partner country. According to
the current standard, the list of subjects studied by students studying
Russian in China’s universities includes subjects that expand the extralinguistic
competencies of graduates. The task of improving the effectiveness of
foreign language teaching in the context of the rapid transition to distance
learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic required updating teaching methods.
New realities have accelerated the introduction of various forms of distance
learning, which allow to expanding the range of cultural and linguistic
knowledge of students at the expense of various extracurricular activities,
language clubs, etc., without significant costs. The research analyzes the
effectiveness of extracurricular activities on the example of the course
«Development of Russian culture in the context of the historical process
(from ancient times to the October Revolution)», developed for Russian
specialists of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Harbin Polytechnic
University. The survey showed that among the acquired results, the most
significant for students is the activation of previously acquired regional
knowledge, the deepening of knowledge of the world of Russian art, and the
growth of general erudition and the level of proficiency in the Russian
language. Most respondents also noted that this course motivates them to
choose regional and linguistic-cultural topics for their own scientific and
educational research.
. .
distance learning; culture; foreign language; communication; linguistic and cultural competencies; extracurricular activities; motivation; language code
The research discusses the main mental health problems of Vietnamese
schoolchildren that arise during the period of restrictive measures related to
COVID-19. To study the problem, new research materials were studied by
Vietnamese scientists and scientists from other countries. There are factors
that negatively affect the mental state of schoolchildren during COVID-19.
The analysis of the problem of cyberbullying in different countries was carried
out, which is being studied by researchers from various fields, including
education. An analytical review of research in the field of education was
conducted to propose measures to improve and solve emerging problems
and their consequences. The research materials are the basis for further
study of the problem of mental health of schoolchildren during social
distancing and the development of preventive measures. Thus, the work is a
review of educational research reflecting the current mental health problems
of today’s Vietnamese schoolchildren during distance learning.
psychological health; online risks; bullying at school; cyber-victimization; educational research; Vietnamese schoolchildren; social distancing; cyberbullying; cyber aggression; COVID-19
The research aims is to identify the contexts reflecting the conceptual and
technological update of the practice of organizing and maintaining training in
classes of psychological and pedagogical orientation. The reasons for the
need for such an update are outlined — new features of the today’s world, its
challenges, and problems. The authors describe four value-semantic
dominants of the new understanding and purpose (mission) of pedagogical
work, that creates an educational support for all participants in educational
relations when building interaction with today’s world and designing a
pedagogical trajectory of professional development in this interaction. The
authors present reasoned judgments that enrich ideas about the mission,
value priorities, and new forms of professional activity of today’s teachers.
The research proposes possible variants of the designation of education as a
space of opportunities for personal self-realization in the teaching profession
and the possibility of building individual professional and pedagogical career
strategies. The authors propose the spectrum of role manifestations of the
subject of pedagogical activity in today’s educational practices. The authors actualize new types of pedagogical tests and pedagogical actions that ensure
the productivity of pedagogical activity in renewing of the technological
mode of the economy and cultural transformation of public life. A list of
possible functionally defined roles in the teaching profession is defined,
which determines the dynamic development of human potential. The basic
provisions are formulated that reveal value-oriented, meaningful,
organizational-activity, communication and technological aspects of changes
in the field of practical work on the professional orientation of schoolchildren
to pedagogical activity. The materials of this research are prepared using
various methods, including theoretical and structural analysis, the method of
expert assessments, focus groups, and study of regional experience
(interviews and analysis of methodological materials).
psychological and pedagogical classes; pedagogical profession; pedagogical activity; career strategy; professional orientation of schoolchildren in the field of pedagogical work
This research presents the results of Russian and foreign studies (2020—
2022, 2017—2019) of academic resilience and resilient schools. Considering
the development of underfilled schools in the Russian Federation, the authors
conclude that it is necessary to expand the concept of “resistant school” in
terms of highlighting regional specifics (territorial component) and
synchronizing indicators and criteria for classifying educational institutions
as incomplete, including the definition of factors and criteria for resistant
incomplete schools (including approaches to the development of resistant
schools in rural areas with extreme environmental conditions and an
undeveloped transportation network).
The authors consider the results of comparative studies, approaches, and
cases of the development of resilience of rural school, including the examples
of the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Peru, the Republic of
Nicaragua, and the Republic of Costa Rica.
The authors update the criteria for classifying educational institutions as
understaffed, approved by normative-legal acts of the subjects of the Russian
Federation in 2022. Moreover, the authors provide examples of gaps in
variation of normative-legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation
(the number of students) and consider the results of clustering schools by
the geoaccessibility factor in the context of school resistance components
and the modified structure of resistance. The non-cognitive aspects of the
formation of resilience of school children as a significant component of the
model of academic resilience of small schools are highlighted.
resilient schools; education management; academic resilience; understaffed educational institutions; criteria of understaffed educational institutions; rural school; socio-economic characteristics; ethnocultural specifics of the region; geography of education; educational landscape; non-cognitive component; resilience of teachers; resilience of students; resilience of school administrators
Based on the literature review on the effectiveness of pedagogical
technologies (evidence-based pedagogy), the paper discusses the prospects
of using the concept of «student's health status» as a major component
for assessing the success of educational organizations, and the effectiveness
of pedagogical technologies used. The era of informatization of our life
provides opportunities for broad descriptions of phenomena and events,
revealing cause-and-effect relationships within physical processes, and
social institutions, including such complexly formalized areas as training and
education. When a representative set of empirical data is obtained, it is
possible to identify key evidence of successes related to the creation of new
schools, the commissioning of swimming pools, or the introduction of new
subjects into the school curriculum. However, the pedagogical process
remains largely the work of the individual teacher with a particular community
of children. The teacher, not the educational organization, is called upon to
ensure the formation of both the physical essence and the personality of the
child, moreover, the child’s personality in a changing and often unkind world
towards this child. The time has come to reveal the essence of the pedagogical
process as a dialogue with the child, the co-creation process, rather than as
a technology that can be built in methodological recommendations and
measured and evaluated by formal methods. As a psychophysiological
concept, health is an integral indicator of a child’s ability to implement a
certain activity (in our case, educational activity) and can act as a reliable
criterion for the optimal educational environment, pedagogical methods
used, and the effectiveness of the teacher’s work.
evidence-based pedagogy; effectiveness of pedagogical activity; personality; statistical methods; big data; meta-analysis; educational environment; cognitive functions; stress