This research discusses a problem that has recently become extremely relevant
for research scientists, who are particularly engaged in scientific research, and the
teaching staff of educational organizations due to the presence of well-defined
indicators, which help reveal the effectiveness and productivity of professional
activity of a contemporary Russian scientist and teacher of higher education. The
relevance of the chosen research problem is caused by the contradiction between
the existing, well-defined, and formal requirements for the publication activity of
scientific and pedagogical personnel and the lack of clear and precise understanding
concerning the presence of conditions necessary for their qualitative fulfillment
by scientific and pedagogical personnel. The author presents an analysis of the
situation that has developed in today’s scientific and educational practice due to the illegality and unreasonableness of the requirements for assessing the originality of
scientific works and research conducted by domestic scientists and submitted for
publication. Particular emphasis is placed on the inadmissibility of substitution of
clearly defined definitions existing in the realities of the domestic legal field and their
free interpretation, often infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of scientific
and pedagogical personnel
The authors develop their concepts from the fact that religious consciousness is one of the categories of consciousness, a way of experiencing and comprehending the world and oneself by a person, which performs an instrumental function — it creates a system of values and hierarchizes them. Religious consciousness is formed and strengthened through educational practices and upbringing at school. It is externalized in the collective consciousness — the religious culture of society. The academic subject “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” solves several tasks related to the spiritual and moral development of a primary school student and contributes to the formation of universal values, noted in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On approval of the fundamentals of state policy for preserving and strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” (November 9, 2022 No. 809). The research conducted among primary school students of the Smolensk Orthodox Gymnasium, whose curriculum included the course “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics,” showed that the fifth-grade students demonstrate confident knowledge of the main religious denominations represented on the territory of the Russian Federation and understand religious traditions and norms of ethnic groups in Russia. Comparative research of the planned educational results of the “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” course, expressed in the acquired and developed spiritual and moral values of schoolchildren, made it possible to identify interference with the values listed in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On approval of the fundamentals of state policy for preserving and strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” (November 9, 2022 No. 809) with the values that serve as the basis for strategic planning in the area of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation, the key once being life, dignity, human rights, freedom, humanism, mercy, service to the Fatherland, patriotism, and continuity of generations and historical memory.
religious consciousness; religious culture; foundations of Orthodox culture; Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics; spiritual and moral values; patriotism; categorical imperative; pedagogical axiology; transhumanism; natural religion
The need to participate in intercultural dialogue with representatives of different countries actualizes the issue of preparation for intercultural communication, namely, the study of a different culture based on the knowledge of the native culture of students. In this regard, the readiness of the future teacher to implement a cultural approach to teaching foreign languages is of great social and practical importance. This research shows that since the beginning of the 1990s, Russia has seen significant changes in the context of learning foreign languages, which have started to be regarded as a real means of communication with representatives of other cultures. Thus, it is necessary to study the culture of the people when learning a foreign language. The authors demonstrate the relevance of the cultural approach to teaching foreign languages and reveal the role of a teacher in its implementation. Additionally, the author specifies the requirements for training a teacher of foreign languages, reflected in professional educational standards and training programs of various disciplines. The problems of training a teacher of foreign languages within the framework of the cultural paradigm are identified and analyzed. Moreover, the authors provide particular examples of the preparation of a future teacher for implementing a cultural approach to teaching foreign languages. The requirements for the study of foreign languages, outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), as well as the requirements for the training of a teacher of foreign languages, reflected in the educational programs of higher education of the training program 44.03.01 “Pedagogical Education,” are specified. The authors present disciplines that will provide future teachers with information about the culture of the country of the studied language. Moreover, the authors provide particular examples of how students get acquainted with a different culture and the life of the people of the country of the studied language when studying culturally oriented disciplines. This contributes to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies. The authors conclude that thanks to the culturological knowledge gained through higher education, the teacher will be able to form language skills and knowledge of the culture of the people of the studied language.
culture of the country; cultural approach; teacher; foreign languages; cultural disciplines; cultural knowledge; formation of personality culture; general cultural competencies; linguistic and cultural approach; professional training
The research presents the interim results of the study of the “Center for
Improving Teaching Methods of Disciplines” of the Russian Academy of
Education on the analysis, systematization, and creation of a register of effective
teaching methods for disciplines, subjects, and courses (modules) at various levels
of education as part of the study of relevant and effective methods for their testing
and scaling. The author indicates that the importance of the search for perfect methods and techniques of learning and teaching, which has been conducted
for centuries, is comparable in complexity and importance with research and
development in the field of high-tech sciences and industries. From the authors’
point of view, when developing a register of effective training methods, advanced
methodological principles of didactic research, a set of didactic objects, and
a set of interdisciplinary approaches used should be considered. The author
describes objective difficulties arising when forming a thesaurus of the concept
of “teaching method” for the development of a register of effective methods.
A research hypothesis is presented, which formulates possible options for solving
the problem of developing a register of effective methods.
methodology; didactics; training methodology; pedagogical technology; didactic system; register of effective training methods
This research describes the implementation of interfaculty courses on artificial intelligence at Lomonosov Moscow State University: from the stage of research and analytical work, interviews, surveys, and studying educational processes in various educational institutions to the practical implementation of the program. The research provides information on the implementation of four interfaculty courses: (1)“Introduction to Programming,” (2)“Programming Fundamentals and Data Analysis with Python,” (3)“Applied Machine Learning with Python,” and (4)“Introduction to Deep Learning” and an additional elective course “Mathematics for Data Analysis.” The author analyzes the general topics of each course and the list of skills that learners will receive after completing the program presented. Students who complete the courses are going to acquire valuable practical skills in working with data, master machine learning tools, acquire knowledge of the Python programming language, learn to work with the NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and PyTorch libraries, be able to analyze and visualize data, and, eventually, delve into the world of machine learning, learning different algorithms and peculiarities of how to apply them in solving problems from different areas. The specifics of the organization of interdisciplinary courses lie in carefully selecting content and methodological techniques that allow students of non-core specialties to master AI tools successfully. The research reflects the features of the organization of courses and the methods of using communication tools between participants of the educational process, including for maintaining psychological comfort in educational activities. Interfaculty courses on AI are relevant educational resources that allow students to acquire relevant competencies in the field of AI. They provide students with the opportunity to get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of programming and machine learning and gain practical skills through working with a variety of tools and technologies.
artificial intelligence; data analysis; programming; algorithms; machine learning; neural networks; Python; interfaculty courses; interdisciplinary learning; training of students of non-core faculties
The authors’ approach to analyzing the institutional specifics of the children’s
movement is justified by the current tasks of educating children and youth using
the opportunities and conditions of a public children’s movement. To identify the
specifics of the children’s movement as an educational institution, the authors, on the
one hand, used the methods of sociokinetics to analyze the conceptual-categorical
apparatus of a specific area of pedagogical knowledge. Sociokinetics was created by researchers of the children’s movement at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
On the other hand, the authors used the methods of extrapolation to the children’s
movement as an educational space of the logic of a multi-subjective education strategy,
which reflects the current state of the Russian educational space, characterized by a
high formation of horizontal connections between all active subjects of educational
activity. The characteristics of the institutional specifics of the children’s movement
are presented in the research in five aspects based on the extrapolation of a model
for describing educational potential, which includes five components: axiological,
teleological, conceptual, methodological, and interactive. Consistently, the research
describes the value content of the children’s movement, the goals of educational work,
conceptual foundations, organizational and methodological aspects and interaction
with other educational institutions. The analysis of the methodological aspect of the
educational space of the children’s movement is presented through its specificity,
clearly manifested in the instrumental design of the organization of the children’s
movement activities. Among the various forms of children’s movement organization,
the authors identified and analyzed the following four forms: meeting, romance,
primary collective, and patronizing support, characterized by a unique structure and
nature of interactions and formed in the pioneer organization, the successor of which
is the movement of children and youth. The authors identify the main differences
at the conceptual and methodological levels of the foundations of education in the
children’s movement from other institutions
The research studies the results of implementing the Belt and Road Initiative
in the education system of the People’s Republic of China and the countries of the
initiative area. The authors present the results of the analysis of the development
of educational cooperation with the countries divided by territorial principle
according to the criteria “the number of students from the areal countries” and “the
number of Confucius Institutes and Cabinets” (in the context of the development of
soft power of China’s external influence). The authors investigate the perspectives
of coordination in the field of educational policy and analyze the regulatory
legal acts defining the key directions for the development of the Belt and Road
Initiative at different levels of the education system. Moreover, the authors analyze
the publication activity and current situation on managing the convergence of
international students from the countries along the area of the Belt and Road
Initiative. The need to organize technical maintenance of the project in the
countries along the route actualizes the task of unifying the quality of professional training of foreign personnel participating in the project (according to forecasts, at
least 420 thousand people by 2030). The authors prove that the countries located
in the area of the Belt and Road Initiative have enormous human, intellectual,
natural, cultural, and historical potential, including in the context of implementing
educational strategy on the example of the countries of the Maritime Silk Road
area of the Belt and Road Initiative in the field of higher education. A case study
of Harbin Polytechnic University within the scope of the stated research topic is
higher education; internationalization of education; promotion of Chinese culture; soft power; Maritime Silk Road area; unification and synchronization of standards; Harbin Polytechnic University; Belt and Road Initiative; professional training standards; leading positions; strategic pla
The Value Bases for Choosing a Teaching Profession The research raises questions about the value-semantic foundations of the teaching profession in the context of professional choice. The mission of a teacher in contemporary society is to develop a person who has spiritual and moral values that make it possible to withstand global challenges. Simultaneously, the formation of a system of values by a teacher in a child is possible through the teacher’s value system of the teacher himself, which includes the values of the teaching profession. At the state level, the government recognized the need to implement the value-semantic approach in the training of teachers. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign psychological and pedagogical research, the authors determined the main functions of values as a regulator of personality activity and a source of life and professional goals of a person. The influence of values on the professional self-determination of the future teacher is considered. Various classifications of values of the teaching profession are given. The results of interviews with 90 first-year undergraduate students of Smolensk State University studying in the area of study 44.03.05 “Pedagogical Education (with two majors) are presented”. An analysis of the responses shows that the majority of respondents note the high importance of the teaching profession in today’s society. According to the respondents, the most important characteristics of teachers that have positively affected them are professionalism and moral qualities. The motives for choosing the direction of professional training include the motives of intrinsic value (desire to work with children and interest in the subject) and altruistic motives. More than half of the students declared their desire to work as a teacher, which indicates the acceptance of these values. The conclusions noted the positive aspects and the risks of students’ awareness and acceptance of professionally significant values of the teaching profession.
teaching profession; teacher training; teaching profession values; students; professional choice; intrinsic value; personal utility value; social utility value; teacher professional identity; ideal teacher model
The research presents the main provisions of the author’s concept of reproducing the educational text, analyzed from the standpoint of the theory of managing the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina. The research aims to show the similarity of the methodological foundations of the theory of managing the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina and the concept of arbitrary reproduction of educational material, implementing an activity approach to forming mental actions, particularly mnemonic actions that ensure the actualization of educational material. The proximity of the methodological foundations of N. F. Talyzina’s theory of learning process management and the concept of arbitrary reproduction as a reconstructive and reproductive activity is presented through the analysis of the main provisions of these approaches. The results of the authors’ research prove the importance of managing the processes of reproducing educational material through mnemonic actions, which are a set of associative-orienting, analytical-synthetic, and control-evaluative actions that serve as tools for updating the necessary information. It is shown that arbitrary reproduction demonstrates the features of the intellect of the subject of educational activity in a wide range: from the development of meta-regulation to the specifics of the representational picture. The absence of an orienting basis for random reproduction prevents the launch and deployment of multi-level intellectual operations and the regulation of recall, which manifests itself in planning, control, and anticipation of the necessary results. The understanding of mental actions as tools for updating and organizing educational material, which forms the basis of the reproduction concept, significantly expands the possibilities of the theory of managing the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina. It should become the theoretical and methodological basis for designing new school textbooks. It is shown that the concept of arbitrary reproduction of educational material, which, similar to the theory of gradual formation of mental actions, implements an activity-based approach to teaching and learning, can act as a methodologically and experimentally grounded continuation of the classical theory of P. Ya. Galperin and N. F. Talyzina.
theory of control over the process of mastering knowledge by N. F. Talyzina; memory; mnemonic actions; the concept of reproduction; educational material; reproduction; reconstruction; the structure of the educational action; orienting basis of action; reproduction control
The research describes the activity theory by N. F. Talyzina from the point of view of the most effective training of a modern teacher to professional activity. The urgent task of building a nationally oriented education system in Russia will be solved based on the experience and traditions of Russian pedagogy. The theory of the step-by-step formation of mental actions and concepts, created by P. Ya. Galperin and the development of this theory in the works of N. F. Talyzina give future teachers theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogical psychology and ensure their readiness to teach schoolchildren and students because this direction of the domestic activity approach is most fully developed in the practical aspect. This research describes the advantages of studying the activity theory of teaching by teachers as compared with traditional courses in pedagogical psychology. Activity theory of N. F. Talyzina gives future teachers the knowledge and guidelines necessary for designing the training session, such as the form, generality, deployment, and mastery of educational action; general and special cognitive actions; characteristics of the main stages of the process of learning mental actions and concepts; formation of methods of cognitive activity of students.
activity theory of N. F. Talyzina’s; managing conception acquisition; general and special cognitive actions; training a modern teacher
This research examines the features of the evolution of the national system of training researchers and scientific and pedagogical personnel during the Soviet and Russian periods. Nowadays, the issue of studying the organization and management of the system of training scientific and pedagogical personnel is in the focus of the Russian scientific community and the public administration bodies implementing scientific and educational policy in the country. The research aims to identify and characterize the features of the system of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the USSR and Russia. Based on a systemic approach combined with the historical method, the authors identify three major stages in the development of Russian postgraduate studies relied on the main regulatory legal documents. The authors also assess the results of decisions taken in the field of training scientific and pedagogical personnel. During the research, the authors came to several conclusions. First, it is quite possible to form an effective environment for training scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel in Russia. Second, the course for the country’s technological independence may be really implemented based on the Soviet heritage and the experience of modern Russia. Third, the goals of the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia may be achieved if outlined federal projects are implemented by all participants of the science and higher education system, the items of the “Concept of training teachers for the education system for the period up to 2030” are truly applied in practice, and the state administration bodies, responsible for the development and implementation of state policy in the field of higher professional education, provide comprehensive support to the younger generation in science.
postgraduate studies; training of scientific pedagogical personnel; scientific research; history of the development of the institute of postgraduate studies; tertiary education; quality of postgraduate training; concept of teacher training; concept of technological development; federal projects; USSR; Russia
This research considers the possibility and effectiveness of using information and communication technologies (ICT) in training Russian language teaching methodology to philology students at pedagogical universities. The types of information and communication technologies that are most often used in lectures and practical classes according to the methodology are distinguished and characterized: computer presentations, information, and training and testing (control) programs. Tactics for including ICT in the learning process are proposed. The forms of using various types of ICT developed by the authors are described, and used in classes on general and private methods of teaching the Russian language: intentionally incomplete computer presentations and incomplete educational information on slides, which requires partial restoration or transformation into another form — a table, a diagram, etc. As an innovative teaching method, the use of hypertext space, which effectively provides educational routes, is particularly considered. Based on hypertext, the basic didactic unit of the learning process, three levels of methodological tasks are distinguished. The first level is perceptual and reproductive. The second is productive. The third level is the task of receiving feedback from students in the form of a new utterance or methodological product. The research also offers a detailed sample of students’ preparatory academic work for a practical lesson using ICT on the topic “Methods of teaching the Russian language,” containing three modules: general didactic, private methodic, practice-oriented, and the development of a practical lesson “Features of the methodology of teaching spelling in primary school,” focused on the development of philology students of private methods teaching spelling.
professional education; information and communication technologies; ICT; types of ICT; linguistic and methodological training; methods of teaching the Russian language; information competence; incomplete computer presentation; hypertext links; methods of teaching the Russian language; levels of methodological tasks
In today’s conditions, medical control and control of the physical development and preparedness of young people, for the most part, are taken over by teachers teaching the discipline “Physical Education” in educational institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation. This statement is confirmed by many studies of employees of the teaching staff of Russian departments and institutes of physical education and sports. The author of this research is no exception. Based on the research of fellow practitioners who work with students in physical education and sports on a daily basis, it is possible to compile an approximate real table of criteria for monitoring the physical health, physical fitness, and physical development of students
The research clarifies the concept and components of the health care system for young people studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The author analyzed pedagogical research on health-saving activities in the educational environment, functional testing and monitoring of physical health, physical development, and physical fitness of Russian students. Moreover, the author analyzed the legal framework governing the monitoring and prevention of the health and functional state of the body of students and found a lack of solidarity between tests and monitoring indicators. Based on the analysis, the authors developed the Regulations on monitoring the physical health, physical fitness and physical development of children, adolescents and youth in the city of Sevastopol, which collected and described the main indicators of monitoring. The problems of introduction and implementation of the Regulations on the monitoring of physical health, physical fitness and physical development of children, adolescents and youth of the city of Sevastopol are noted, in the process of submitting it to the executive authority of the city of Sevastopol, ways to solve them are proposed.
monitoring; health saving; functional testing; students; physical culture and sports disciplines; health; pedagogical control; student health care system; pedagogical research; medical control
The presented research focuses on a relevant topic. Such problems as personality formation, upbringing, the system of interpersonal interactions, and adaptation to the environment have always been relevant and have become the object of research by psychologists and educators. Another feature that characterizes the topic’s relevance is that the developing personality is active when communicating with adults and peers; the personality, its features, and previously formed qualities and skills participate in this activity. The research aims to determine the place, role, and influence of pedagogical communication in preschool education, increase the effectiveness of educational work with preschoolers, and characterize pedagogical communication as an important factor in forming preschoolers’ personalities. Regardless of whether it is realized or not, a person realizes themselves and their potential in the manifested act of activity. Being aware of themselves, a person renews the object of activity and the relationships into which he or she enters, thereby ensuring movement in their development. Communication is a joint activity of people interacting with each other. This most important factor in pedagogy also illustrates the habits and certain behavioral qualities of a person. Additionally, there is the implementation of their own ideas in the practice of communication and the adaptation of their feelings and intentions towards the interlocutor. This is the most important for preschool children because there is a tendency to self-realize from a very early age. Compared with other similar types of communication, pedagogical communication has the undeniable advantage that the acquisition of knowledge is complemented by an organized system of education. Through pedagogical communication, children develop behavioral
abilities, a broad outlook, a culture of speech, observation, and other qualities.
The research draws attention to the need to develop the pedagogical competence of parents in the purposeful formation and correction of self-esteem in a child in a family.
The research aims to analyze the features of organizing online webinars for parents in the process of forming the self-esteem of a child of senior preschool age in a family setting.
A cycle of information and educational pedagogically directed online webinars for parents under the general title “Harmony in my family” is proposed, the purpose of which is to form the pedagogical competence of parents. The principle of interaction has become its core, which is reflected in the tasks and content of online webinars and in the style of leading a group when the teacher acts as a real model of communication for the participants.
The developed cycle of online webinars provides for various areas and forms of activities with parents of children of senior preschool age at risk of self-esteem formation: information messages, discussions, and doing homework for independent study of theoretical and practical material after each online webinar. The content of the course of online webinars is based on the theoretical basis of research into the influence of the nature of the relationship between parents and the child on the personal formation of the child’s self-esteem, as well as empirically identified patterns and relationships of the studied phenomena.
The online webinars were based on the principles of emotional sincerity and openness, awareness and confidentiality, and balance of comfort and discomfort. The content of the online course included questions and exercises designed for the self-disclosure of parents, their awareness of personal qualities, and their level of self-esteem.
self-esteem; self-esteem of preschool children; the adequacy of self-esteem; the formation of self-esteem; child-parent relationships; education of preschool children; pedagogical conditions; family relations; educational process; online webinar