ISSN: 2073-2635
eISSN: 2949-270X
eISSN: 2949-270X
Background. The article is based on the analysis of the role of education in preserving the national and economic security of the state in modern society. The study is aimed at establishing the scientific and practical possibilities for strengthening the base of the future well-being of the nation and the security of the country on the substantiation basis of interdependence between the national security of the state and the development of education.
Objectives. The main goals include identifying the factors and features that outline the influence of educational quality on the formation of national security, as well as identifying ways of developing the scientific and educational potential of the country.
Methods. During the research, various methods such as logical reasoning, deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, formalization, abstraction, observation, as well as the monographic approach were used.
Results. A number of conclusions drawn from the study emphasize the role of the education sector in the improvement of national and economic security of the Russian Federation in the context of innovative development. In addition, a set of practical recommendations are presented on the development of education and the formation of the state's technological sovereignty.
Conclusions. Education plays a key role in strengthening the national security of the state. It forms qualified personnel capable of ensuring technological progress, economic stability and defense against external threats. The development of the education system should become a priority task of State policy, as it is through the education of literate, responsible and patriotic citizens that the long-term well-being and sustainable development of the country can be achieved.