ISSN: 2073-2635
eISSN: 2949-270X
eISSN: 2949-270X
Background. The presented study analyses modern approaches to teaching history in the system of higher education. The scientific search is due to the demand of the state and society to improve the quality of historical education, which acts as a resource for solving the problems of forming patriotic and civic consciousness among the younger generation.
Objective. The study analyses the didactic potential of applying the principle of historicism in the process of constructing the content of historical material and in the course of teaching historical knowledge. In its applied aspect, the study involved the development and experimental implementation of maps for constructing the content of historical material based on the leading imperatives of historicism, as well as the analysis of the implementation results.
Sample. The empirical study involved 207 first-year undergraduate students of full-time and part-time education aged 17 to 43 years.
Methods. The study was conducted in the context of the introduction of the updated academic discipline “History of Russia” in accordance with the Concept of Teaching the History of Russia for Non-Historical Specialties and Areas of Education. Research activities were carried out based on systemic, activity-based, and personal approaches. The methods of theoretical analysis, observation, pedagogical experiment, measurement, comparison, and analytical description of the data obtained were used.
Results. The results obtained made it possible to establish the didactic potential of maps for constructing the content of historical material developed taking into account the leading imperatives of historicism. The use of the developed maps had a positive effect on the results of students' mastering of the historical material, and showed a dynamic increase in the levels of knowledge quality in respondents by 4.7%. A significant increase in the indicators of such characteristics of historical knowledge in subjects as efficiency, strength, and concreteness was established.
Conclusions. The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of the maps for constructing the content of historical material. The positive impact on the quality of students' acquisition of historical knowledge was achieved through the systematic implementation of the principle of historicism both in constructing educational material and in the process of teaching historical knowledge. The main scientific provisions of the study, didactic developments can be used in the practice of teaching history.