ISSN: 2073-2635
eISSN: 2949-270X
eISSN: 2949-270X
Background. Currently, the issues of religion and the attitude of society towards it occupy an important place in scientific discourse. The principles of implementing the axiological approach in the modern educational process are based on intercultural interaction, dialogical forms of communication, and giving meaning to various value aspects. In the context of globalization of higher education, the issue of preserving and developing national educational systems arises. In this regard, the process of forming students' value-semantic attitude to the problems of studying national culture and preserving the cultural and religious heritage of the country is becoming relevant.
Objectives. The goal is to consider the scientific and pedagogical experience in studying the issue of forming students’ value-meaningful attitude of to the socio-cultural heritage of religion in the educational process and public life.
Methods. The methodological basis is the analysis of normative documents in the field of education, scientific, pedagogical, historical and philosophical works of Russian and foreign authors. In addition to general scientific methods, comparative analysis is used to compare approaches to the study of the presented issues.
Results. The key notions of the concept of “value-meaningful attitude of students to the socio-cultural heritage of religion” are identified and defined. Based on the reviewed scientific and pedagogical works and materials, the author offers an original interpretation of this concept.
Conclusions. It is noted that the value-meaningful attitude of students to the socio-cultural heritage of religion is expressed in the active, selective position of the student, manifested in the need for getting familiarized with culture, knowledge and understanding of religion, a positively colored emotional response to religious and cultural values, the ability to comprehend and realize spiritual needs.