ISSN: 2073-2635
eISSN: 2949-270X
eISSN: 2949-270X
The problem of lack of competitiveness in state-of-the-art education is getting a substantial problem for Russian education development. The phenomenon of competitiveness, applied to the system of education, provides an overview of different rating scales, allowing us to evaluate different aspects of competitiveness and quality of Russian education. According to the set of criteria, Russia demonstrates consistent indicators in many ways: results of education, internal unity, effectiveness of resource utilization. In that time, the most problematic results are related to indicators of economic effectiveness of education, development of scientific-educational sets and collaborations, practical effect of education. In these conditions, the digital transformation is based on one of the most important systemic solutions to all the problems, which means that it is especially important in connection with pandemics. The main result of the articles is the annotations of the six major projects of modernization and the increase of competitiveness of the Russian system of vocational education in the context of digital transformations of educational means.
Background. The article analyses the individual problems of transformation in higher education in Russia in the first quarter of the 21st century from the standpoint of a sociological approach. It assesses the trends in the modernization of the system of higher education in the period preceding Russia’s withdrawal from the Bologna process. It also evaluates the potential for reforming higher education in the post-Bologna perspective (2022–2026).
Objectives. The study is aimed at conceptualizing the concept of “education transformation” in the problematic field of sociology of education. The author’s task is to identify contemporary issues and areas of transformation of higher education in Russia, in the study of which it is possible to apply the method of world-system analysis.
Methods. The leading logic of the study is the world-system analysis of I. Wallerstein as a sociological approach and tool for assessing the mechanisms of modernization of higher education. Content analysis of scientific literature texts and elements of bibliometric analysis are used.
Results. The implementation of the principles of world-system analysis allows us to consider various aspects of the modern transformation of higher education in Russia from the standpoint of the macro-sociological theory of I. Wallerstein (the “core-periphery” relationship), including issues of global education, the development of the internationalization of higher education, the distribution of academic capital, issues of educational migration, the transition to a new form of specialist education, etc.
Conclusions. The relationship between the transformation of higher education in Russia and changes in the global world-system, redistribution of fixed capital, spheres and types of educational activity is revealed. The use of world-system analysis allows us to understand the unique path of development of Russian higher education in order to achieve a stable position in the world arena and high indicators of the quality of specialists training.