ISSN: 2073-2635
eISSN: 2949-270X
eISSN: 2949-270X
The research identifies the problems related to the lack of pedagogical resources for Russian schools in the foreign language and second foreign language, as well as their linguodidactic training in the context of implementing the norms of the new Federal State Educational Standards of Basic General Education (FGOS LLC). The author analyzes the main professional educational programs (OPOP) of the leading Russian pedagogical universities and draws conclusions about the lack of unity and systematization in the names and content. Inconsistency of curricula and disciplines in the curricula, as well as the lack of interdisciplinary orientation of them, leads to inconsistency in the training of future teachers of foreign languages to contemporary requirements. Many programs are designed to train not future teachers of foreign languages, but specialists who are not related to pedagogy. In implementing some provisions of the new FGOS LLC, regulatory contradictions have been revealed to the legislatively fixed principle of accessibility and free basic general education for schoolchildren and their parents. The author identifies the key trends and prospects for developing Russian language educational policy. Moreover, the author proposes some options for designing Russian basic general education in terms of linguodidactic multilingual training of teachers in implementing of FGOS LLC. The author focuses on the problems identical to the teaching of the languages of the peoples of Russia and the lack of normative mechanisms of interaction “pedagogical university-school-student” as well as guarantees of the implementation of this form of cooperation. This situation deprives Russian schools of the opportunity to ensure the legally enshrined right of schoolchildren and their parents to affordable and free education. Moreover, every year, it removes schoolchildren from a real opportunity to learn foreign languages, pass them as a subject of the Unified State Exam and use foreign languages in real professional activities in the future. In the process of scientific research of the designated problems the author used general pedagogical methods (study, and generalization), theoretical (analysis and synthesis) and private (observation) were used.