ISSN: 2073-2635
eISSN: 2949-270X
eISSN: 2949-270X
Teacher-psychologist of the Municipal Autonomous preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 30 “Korablik” of a general developing type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of children of the Korsakov city district of the Sakhalin Region, Korsakov, Russia
The research draws attention to the need to develop the pedagogical competence of parents in the purposeful formation and correction of self-esteem in a child in a family.
The research aims to analyze the features of organizing online webinars for parents in the process of forming the self-esteem of a child of senior preschool age in a family setting.
A cycle of information and educational pedagogically directed online webinars for parents under the general title “Harmony in my family” is proposed, the purpose of which is to form the pedagogical competence of parents. The principle of interaction has become its core, which is reflected in the tasks and content of online webinars and in the style of leading a group when the teacher acts as a real model of communication for the participants.
The developed cycle of online webinars provides for various areas and forms of activities with parents of children of senior preschool age at risk of self-esteem formation: information messages, discussions, and doing homework for independent study of theoretical and practical material after each online webinar. The content of the course of online webinars is based on the theoretical basis of research into the influence of the nature of the relationship between parents and the child on the personal formation of the child’s self-esteem, as well as empirically identified patterns and relationships of the studied phenomena.
The online webinars were based on the principles of emotional sincerity and openness, awareness and confidentiality, and balance of comfort and discomfort. The content of the online course included questions and exercises designed for the self-disclosure of parents, their awareness of personal qualities, and their level of self-esteem.