ISSN: 2073-2635
eISSN: 2949-270X
eISSN: 2949-270X
Senior lecturer, Pedagogy and psychology department
The research discusses the possibilities and risks of digital transformation of education for a regional pedagogical university. The authors cite several authors’ inter pretations of the concept of digital transformation of education, including M. V. Boguslavsky and V. M. Rozin. The authors describe the positive experience of the Glazov State University of Engineering and Pedagogigs named after V. G. Korolenko in the implementation of the tasks of the digitalization process: the implementation of higher and additional education, the implementation of the activities of the Quantorium pedagogical technopark, the technopark of universal pedagogical competencies, and the technopark of preschool and primary education. The university’s experience in implementing partner network educational programs is described. A multidimensional picture of the risks for pedagogical universities brought about by the digitalization of education is disclosed. These risks include the psychological unwillingness of high school teachers to global change; a decrease in the level of critical thinking of students; reduced interactivity of training at the university; reduced motivation of students and teachers; increased competition between metropolitan and regional universities; reduced quality of communication between students and high school teachers, which has special potential in forming value orientations of future teachers; and the presence of constant information noise. The authors propose methods for reducing the negative impact of some of the indicated risks. Reversible mentoring can solve the problem of teachers’ unwillingness to master new digital learning tools. The formation of a positive information agenda of the university makes it possible to reduce the intensity of the impact of negative information noise from different sources. The authors see the main solution to most humanitarian problems of the digitalization of education in establishing a harmonious balance between the use of digital technologies and the preservation of traditional forms, methods, and means of education