The article discusses the mechanisms of the influence of fashion trends on the design of the educational process. The author considers the following questions. What are the possibilities of educational process design? What mechanisms ensure the influence of fashion trends on the design of the educational process? Under the influence of fashion trends, a number of changes have a momentary character. Being a fact of pedagogical reality, these changes should not fall out of the field of view of pedagogical science. The question of the mechanisms of the appearance of the momentary and transient interests pedagogical science in essence. In this article, fashion is considered as a form of mass behavior, which is influenced by the moods existing in society, and hobbies, and tastes of people. Initially, design was associated directly with the creation of the appearance of things, the subject environment as a whole. Subsequently, the concept of design began to be applied in relation to the educational process. Design concerns not only the external attributes of education, but also its internal organization. The classical design of the educational process involves designing, using a systematic approach. Non-classical design can be based on other grounds. These reasons are not always connected with science. The article discusses the possibilities of educational design. Among the mechanisms that ensure the influence of fashion trends on the educational process and its design, such as the interaction of education and business, public involvement in solving management issues in education, integration into the global educational space and others are noted.
fashion trends; design; types of design; educational process design; educational design opportunities
Videohosting as a demanded innovative tool of learning in the world digitalization of education The article is devoted to video hosting as an innovative learning tool, identifying the causes of its occurrence (sociocultural and technological), a working definition of this phenomenon is given, the main ontological characteristics of this digital resource are established, the basic sociocultural and educational functions of video hosting are defined, their classification is proposed, examples of use in teaching practice are given. Russian as a foreign language. The main world, Russian and Chinese video hosting sites are presented.
education; digitalization; video hosting; types of video hosting; main characteristics of video hosting; socio-cultural and educational functions of video hosting
Considering the issue of cooperation between the two countries from a historical point of view, we can say that Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of higher education already has a good base, scale, structure and system. Due to the new situation in the world, cooperation between universities of the two countries should become even closer. Despite the fact that there are a number of problems, such as the weakness of professional student unions, the need to create mechanisms for joint training and deepening the scope of cooperation. However, from the point of view of the development of further trends, higher educational institutions in China and Russia in the future plan to switch to online and offline training, to begin the integration use of teaching methods and research. Ultimately, it is planned to create real cooperation relations in the field of higher education, as well as in the cultural environment between the two countries in order to contribute to the modernization of the education system of the two countries and to their management capabilities.
cooperation in the fi eld of higher education in China and Russia; existing issues; development trends
The article is devoted to understanding the educational ecosystem as a new trend in the development of modern world education. An educational ecosystem is a special case of ecosystems that characterize the organizational structures of modern business in the era of globalization, built on the principles of integration and cooperation. The first researchers of educational ecosystems interpret them as one of the tools for transforming the existing educational paradigm and the traditional education model, with the help of which traditional education models corresponding to the sustainability of the SPOD world can be transformed into new education models demanded by the instability of the VUCA world. The article considers the educational ecosystem as a theoretical concept and real practice. A working defi nition of the educational ecosystem is given, its roots are established that go back to natural science, later management, the social nature of educational ecosystems is determined, based on the social needs of modern society, a brief description of the main most universal qualities is given, based on existing research, their sociocultural functions are highlighted. In addition, the universal archetypes of the sociocultural functions of educational ecosystems («Weaving», «Gardening», «Storyteller», «Thinker», «Developer- designer or architect»). highlighted by previous researchers for the first time are considered in the mirror of the concept of I. Azides about «4 vitamins of successful management». Along with this, the article provides examples of Russian experiences in the implementation of educational ecosystems, which mainly arise on the basis of the creative industries of capital centers or large cities.
The article is about some special ways of teaching English in the Military University of Russian Ministry of Defence. This article deals with the ideas of being a master of English and how to teach English, to make student’s skills in the language perfect. What is that “skills” or “habits” in spoken language? The author shares the experience of teaching the language at the additional courses in the Military University. That is the problem, because the students are the adult people, who are blocked, pressed for time, very ambitious, easily being hurt, but having poor competence in the language, and at that very time they have a high social position. The author gives the diff erent views of Russian scientists on this point. The author points out, that the professors of the Military University act with the understanding that the chain: “knowledge, abilities, skills” is the chain having the end “competition”, through “readiness” (the feelings of a student the ability to the communication in Foreign Language). The technology of such education is the so-called “immersion”, which diff ers very much from those in secondary school. The teachers and professors of the Military University create their own program and use in the work the text-books of their own too. This kind of teaching is very eff ective. The adult students can have a great step forward in the education and are able to use the English in their work when they need, when it is necessary.
skills; education; making skills perfect; to be a master of English; to adopt some methods; to be blocked in something
The article describes the author’s personal pedagogical experience in working with students of the educational program 7M01101-Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. The author cites the program of the author’s course «Pedagogical design in higher education». This course was introduced in connection with the transition to online training in the educational program in the specialty 7M01101-Pedagogy and psychology of KazNPU Abai, where the author is one of the developers of the educational program. The article reveals the experience of organizing online training, using all the features of the online platforms Zoom (session rooms), Google, Microsoft Teams. The author shares the experience of implementing innovative methods, such as the project method, Brainstorming, Bloom’s chamomile, Cinquain, DEJ, Onboard magazine, the Five Hats Method, PRES formula, Fishbone, and in particular gives an example of using Case-study. The table shows the calculation of the hours of classes and the scores of independent works, where students can familiarize themselves with the syllabus of this course, posted on the information system for automating the educational process «Univer 2.0». The author tried to reveal the use of digital platforms and resources in the pedagogical process of the university: online boards Padlet, Jamboard, intelligence maps in the online service, Google.forms results assessment tools, a service for creating exercises or tasks Learning.apps. The article provides examples of individual independent work of students attached to the online Padlet board. At the end, a questionnaire was conducted to assess the eff ectiveness of the course «Pedagogical design in higher education» and the results were shown-the answers of the students
The article poses the problems of planning remote interaction of subjects of foreign language training for professional intercultural communication. The author of the article presents a theoretical and methodological analysis of the essence and traditional types of planning. The article proposes concept transformation directions for planning remote interaction of teachers and students during the process of teaching professional intercultural communication at the university
planning; remote interaction; subjects of foreign language training; professional intercultural communication
The article is explored the problem of cognitive independence theoretical foundations, characterizes the features of the organization of independent cognitive activity of students. The analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of the «cognitive independence» and «cognitive activity» concepts essence of is carried out, their defi nition is clarified. The authors of the article, summing up the views of prominent domestic and foreign scientists on the stated problem, come to the conclusion that the phenomenon of cognitive independence is an integrative quality of the personality of higher school students. The student’s cognitive independence structure is considered as a combination of complementary components: motivational- volitional, practiceoriented, content- methodical and reflective in the students’ cognitive independence development model.
cognitive independence; formation of cognitive independence; independent cognitive activity; a didactic model; ability to study; student
In the context of the global environmental crisis, the task of greening school education is relevant in any country. The formation of ecological behavior is an integral part of the ecological training of students, which is especially effective at primary school age, when the child, due to his psycho-emotional characteristics, is extremely susceptible to psychological and pedagogical influence, malleable, prone to imitate and actively learns the norms of behavior in the natural environment under conditions variety of environmental practices. The purpose of the article is to identify and compare the specifics of environmental education in primary schools in Russia and China. Responsible environmental behavior is one of the key components of the ecological culture of the population, along with the development of environmental consciousness, environmental thinking and environmental literacy. Meanwhile, the problems of the formation of ecological behavior in elementary school were almost not touched upon by researchers both in Russia and abroad. Environmental behavior, which was discussed only in the early 2000s, is the object of a systematic study of psychology, sociology, and economic sciences, which consider environmental education mainly as a component of the global concept of sustainable development. Western psychology has developed various ways of interpreting environmental behavior, as well as diagnostic tools for identifying environmental attitudes of a person, including in adolescence. Pedagogical science has by now accumulated rich empirical material and practical experience sufficient to analyze the models of formation of ecological behavior of children and adolescents in the future. The theoretical significance of this article lies in identifying the possibility of using the well-known theory of “values — beliefs — norms” as a methodological basis for identifying stereotypes of environmental behavior of younger students. Content analysis of modern scientific and pedagogical sources in Russian and Chinese made it possible to identify key environmental attitudes, moral beliefs, norms and means of shaping the environmental behavior of primary school students in schools in Russia and China. In practical terms, the publication is of interest to primary school teachers, teachers of ecology, teachers- researchers, as well as students and graduate students in pedagogical areas of training.
ecologization; ecological behavior; ecological consciousness; ecological culture; primary school
Research in the fi eld of continuing pedagogical education is mainly based on a structural and functional approach that identifi es the continuity of education with the continuity of various stages of professional development of the subject. The continuity of pedagogical education requires its scientifi c rethinking in accordance with the challenges of the time, with the transformation of the economic foundations of social development. To solve these problems, the problem is considered as a culturological phenomenon, a humanitarian analysis of continuous pedagogical education is made as a nonlinear process that has a proactive nature and develops individually signifi cant competencies.
continuing pedagogical education; pedagogical culture; postmodernism; pre-professional pedagogical training
The article examines the specifics of the development of a model of civic education in the training curriculum for junior schoolchildren. The blocks are specified and described within the framework of a comprehensive model for the development of children’s civic identity. Within the framework of the target block, an analysis of documentary sources was carried out, the regulatory framework was identified as guidelines for civic education in primary school. In the content block, the structure of civic identity and indicators of its formation in a junior schoolchild are considered. Particular attention is paid to the methodological ideas underlying the concepts of pedagogical influence and the principles of education for citizenship. The essence of the principles of civic education is described and the conditions for their integration into a holistic educational process are shown, the main ones of which include: the choice of directions and technologies of educational and educational work, the value basis of the educational process, the creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model of the development of civic identity.
civic education; integration; junior schoolchildren; primary education; civic identity; model of educational activity
In this article, the author attempts to compare the features of training specialists in the secondary vocational education system in Finland and Russia and to identify the key differences, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of vocational training in both countries, based on the historical retrospective of the development of vocational education in both countries. As the results of various international studies show, Finland is one of the world leaders in preparing young people for life and work in the modern world, the principle of humanization of education is widely applied in this country, great attention is paid to the development of the personality of students and the creation of a favorable psychological microclimate in educational institutions. At the same time, Finland and Russia have common historical roots, are neighbors, and that is why the Finnish educational experience is especially interesting to study.
secondary vocational education; on-the-job training; apprenticeship; teacher training for secondary vocational education; curriculum
Currently, due to the development of digital technologies and the accelerated pace of digitalization of all spheres of human activity, STEM education is an important and urgent issue that requires special attention at all levels of the education system. New conditions for the development of education require a change in priorities in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for higher education. The lack of a unified approach to the training of teachers at the university in STEM technology and the gap between the content of university pedagogical training and the reality of school education also requires a comprehensive solution in the educational process. In this regard, it is necessary to study and analyze the best practices of the introduction of STEM education abroad, adopt the best world practices of the introduction of STEM technology in Kazakhstan, identify the necessary conditions for the introduction of STEM education are an open question of today. This article provides an overview of the international experience in the development of STEM education and provides a general overview of the advantages of implementation and the difficulties identified in the implementation of STEM education in our country. The comparative analysis presented in this article is based on the strategy for the development of STEM education in countries such as Malaysia, Australia, which, like Kazakhstan, are actively looking for optimal solutions to the introduction of STEM education in their country. In addition, the directions and contents of the events of the best projects, such as the projects «INSTEM», «Mindthegap!», «ER4STEM» abroad, which provide a comprehensive source of educational materials and methods of teaching STEM subjects, the usage of educational robotics to serve the interest of schoolchildren in the scientific and technical industry, have been identified. Comparative aspects of the advantages of implementation and difficulties are given, the main features of the introduction of STEM technology both abroad and in Kazakhstan are noted. Optimal conditions for the introduction of STEM education are described.
The article shows how a well-thought-out multi-vector language policy of France contributes to the spread of the French language and a sustained interest in its study in almost all regions of the planet. The figures showing the number of students in various countries are indicated, special attention is paid to the study of the French language in Africa, its prospects on the continent, factors that will help maintain interest in its study and further development in this region. The article shows the study situation of the French language in North and South America, Western and Central Europe, Asia and Oceania. The article identifies the difficulties that are encountered in the organization of teaching French as both the first and the second language. The special role of teachers in the popularization of the French language is emphasized. The article demonstrates worldwide achievements in its study, names specific measures, whose implementation will increase interest in the study and spread of the French language in the world.
language policy; French; Francophonie; learning; French teacher
The article introduces the great achievements of China’s rural education development: the investment in rural education has been continuously increased, the construction of the teaching team has been developed, the conditions for running schools have been continuously improved, the education level of the people has been improved, and the integration of urban and rural education has been continuously enhanced. Through literature review and field research, the current huge challenges facing the development of rural education in China have been tested. The dynamics of rural school-age population are changing greatly, the allocation of educational resources is difficult, the scale of educational resources is low, and rural schools are facing the risk of being closed. There are more disadvantaged children, and education equity is difficult to achieve; the level of teacher construction needs to be improved, and the professional quality of teachers is worrying; the quality of rural education is not high, and it is out of the reality of rural development. Put forward the future development trend of China’s rural education: facing the future, China’s rural education development will face new situations and tasks. China must adapt to the requirements of national modernization and the needs of the people, and promote the development of rural education to a higher level.
education modernization; rural education; China