Background. In 2018, China published the State Standard for the subject “Russian Language” for senior high school, developed by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Consideration of the concept underlying the new standard and its comprehensive analysis in comparison with the previous generation standard is essential for determining directions for improving the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language in Chinese school education. Objectives. The problem field of the study suggested that currently there is a noticeable gap between the new state requirements for the study of the Russian language as a school subject and the traditional system of its teaching in Chinese schools. Results. The analysis showed that, in comparison with the regulatory requirements of the previous generation, the new State Standard for senior secondary schools of the People’s Republic of China in the subject “Russian Language” is distinguished by a fundamentally new conceptual framework based on a communicative-activity approach to teaching a foreign (Russian) language. This is reflected in the learning objectives; characteristics of the subject of study; structure and content of the curriculum; a new methodological system for teaching Russian as a foreign language; methods of assessing learning outcomes. The “Standard 2017” for the first time defines four key competencies: “linguistic competence”, “cultural awareness”, “mental abilities”, “learning ability”, the development of which in students occurs as part of their mastery of the subject “Russian language” in high schools in Chinese schools. The corresponding structural components of the curriculum and tools for comprehensive assessment of the quality of education are proposed. Taking into account the principles of the new educational policy of China and the state requirements for a modern specialist, the Standard is aimed at ensuring a close connection between communicatively oriented teaching of the Russian language and the formation of a comprehensively developed student’s personality, establishing the role of studying the Russian language as a favorable factor in the student’s personal growth.
state standard; teaching Russian as a foreign language; Chinese secondary school; key competencies; assessment system; curriculum structure; Russian language teaching reform; combining teaching and education
The article provides an overview of the history of the development of Russian language teaching in the PRC, highlighting the main stages and their features. It is noted that teaching the Russian language in the PRC has always been associated with the national strategy for training personnel for the socio-economic development of the country, that is, setting educational goals and developing curricula are always carried out taking into account the immediate future and long-term plans for the modernization of the country. Analysis of the changes that took place in the field of Russian-language education in China at different stages made it possible to rethink and generalize the accumulated positive experience and at the same time highlight the shortcomings and bottlenecks in the process of organizing the teaching of the Russian language, outline steps to overcome them and improve the Russian-language education system as a whole. Using the example of Harbin Polytechnic University (HPU), the main characteristics of a comprehensive model for teaching the Russian language to students of engineering and technical specialties have been identified.
Background. In the current situation, in terms of state policy priorities for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, the need to increase and realize the potential of a classical university in the development of the civil and patriotic identity of future teachers increases.
Objectives. The goal is to identify the conditions for the development of civil-patriotic identity of future teachers, in which the environment of a classical university acts as a generator of students’ value-semantic consciousness.
Study Participants. The study is based on an analysis of the work experience of more than two dozen universities for the period from 2020 to the present and an analysis of modern research in the field of patriotic education (more than 50 dissertations) over the past decade.
Methods. Theoretical modeling, analysis of teaching experience and modern research were applied.
Results. Based on the analysis of teaching experience and modern research, the resources of university education that contribute to the civic and professional socialization of students have been identified. The result of theoretical modeling was a model for implementing a situational-event approach to the development of civic activity and professional orientation of students of pedagogical specialties. The conditions for the development of civil-patriotic identity of future teachers have been identified, in which the environment of a classical university acts as a generator of students’ value-semantic consciousness.
Conclusions. The educational environment of the university has significant potential for shaping the personality of the future teacher, including civic and patriotic identity. The personal development resources of the university are associated with the real involvement of its scientific and educational process in the technological progress of the country, which allows students to feel their involvement in the development of the scientific, technological and cultural potential of the Fatherland. The university environment actualizes the conditions for the development of the individual as a subject of social and professional creativity. The assimilation of values significant for Russian society, civil-patriotic and professional identification proceed in unity, which represents one of the specific educational resources of the university. The development of the personality of the future teacher, his civic and professional qualities is implemented on the basis of a situational-event mechanism, the essence of which is to saturate student life with the events in personal development
civil-patriotic identity; conditions of development; modeling of situations; event; educational environment
Background. In modern society, the training of teachers who are able to use the opportunities of the unified educational space of Russia in the educational process is in demand. The development of teacher education in this context requires, first of all, the development of methodological foundations for the training of teaching staff in modern conditions.
Objectives. In the course of the study, the tasks were set to determine the conditions for the training of a teacher who is ready and able to use the potential of the unified educational space of the country in his professional activity, as well as to determine the components of the system of professional training for teaching staff in modern Russia.
Methods. The methodological basis of the research is the conceptual idea about the educational space, the importance of teacher education in the transformation of life in modern society, as well as approaches to understanding the quality of education. The empirical sources of the research are the works of modern authors on multiculturalism, humanism, the systemic nature of the educational space, and its informatization. The research methods include analysis, synthesis, content analysis, interpretation, and generalization.
Results. Conceptual provisions concerning the preparation of teachers for professional activity in the unified educational space of Russia are formulated. It is shown that the effectiveness and quality of training of a modern teacher is ensured at the condition that the educational process is aimed at developing professional competence and a civil-professional position among teaching staff, ensuring the unity of subject and meta-subject competence is realized, and the prospects for the development of society in the training of teachers. The key components of an optimized system of professional training of teaching staff capable of fruitful work in the unified educational space of the country have been identified.
Conclusions. The key factors and conditions for the effective development of the teacher education system in the unified educational space of Russia are identified.
professional training of teachers; quality of teacher training; educational process; professional development of a teacher; unified educational space; educational environment
Background. The article discusses the issue of the psychological foundations of the content and methods of school teaching on the example of a mathematics course at primary school. Objectives. The study focuses on the pedagogical and psychological analysis of Ya.I. Abramson’s programme in mathematics, based on the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions and concepts by P.Ya. Galperin.
Methods. Theoretical analysis of publications reflecting the results of using the author’s mathematics programme in school practice.
Results. Based on L.S. Vygotsky’s ideas about the relationship between learning and mental development and the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions and concepts by P.Ya. Galperin, a scientific and psychological substantiation of Ya.I. Abramson’s original programme in mathematics for teaching primary schoolchildren is provided. The research also provides a brief description of the programme followed by a psychological analysis of the results of testing in Moscow schools. This educational programme has been shown to be highly effective.
Conclusions. The data obtained serve as practical confirmation of the effectiveness of training based on the third type of orientation and learning in the theory of P.Ya. Galperin. In addition, they clearly demonstrate the correctness of P.Ya. Galperin’s position on the need to highlight the subject matter of the area being studied from the first steps of school education, which, in turn, once again illustrates the heuristic potential of P.Ya. Galperin’s general psychological theory and the possibility of its application to various areas of social practice, primarily in solving educational problems.
activity theory of learning; action; learning; concept formation; formative method; mental development; educational psychology; didactics; education; Faculty of Psychology; Lomonosov Moscow State University
Background. The study of the psychological aspects of the introduction of older preschoolers into mathematics is relevant due to the widespread early teaching of elementary mathematical concepts. This practice often not only does not help, but may even harm the further development of the child, since the methods used for this do not take into account the specifics of both the age-psychological characteristics of the preschooler, and the results of psychological research in the field of content, methods and means applied to formation of initial mathematical representations.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to analyze the comparative effectiveness of different types of sign-symbolic mediation in the formation of initial mathematical representations in older preschoolers with different levels of development of regulatory functions.
Study Participants. The study sample included 133 older preschoolers (6–7 years old).
Methods. To assess the level of development of regulatory functions, the NEPSY-II subtests, the “The Dimensional Change Card Sort” technique and L.A.Wenger’s “Schematization” technique were used. To assess the level of development of methodological concepts, a set of tasks was used for each of the three values — length, area, and volume.
Results. Significant differences were found between the increase in mathematical skills of children who studied using both sign and symbolic means as compared to the children fr om the control group. There were no significant differences in this increase between children who were trained with the help of model tools and the control group. In groups wh ere symbolic means or sign means were used, children with different levels of regulation learned with equal efficiency, but the level of regulation turned out to be critical when learning according to the most complex programme — using model tools.
Conclusions. The effectiveness of mastering the initial mathematical concepts in older preschoolers is primarily due to the nature of the learning content, which should ensure the rationality of children’s actions. However, the more complex this content is and the more complex symbolic means are used in teaching, the more requirements are placed on the level of development of children’s regulatory functions.
Background. Present-day challenges necessitate the shaping of a sovereign education system that would provide Russia with highly qualified professionals capable of fulfilling the assigned tasks in ensuring the country’s sustainable economic development and technological sovereignty. In this regard, the activities of universities and the analysis of students’ requests for the education they receive are of importance and require multidimensional studies, the search for new formats in organizing work, updating the content of educational programmes and the shaping of contemporary competencies for future professionals.
Study Participants. The sample of the study included 52,919 people. A flow-line sample was applied. Full-time students of Russia’s state and private universities took part in the survey. The sample represents the general population, covering all full-time students at universities in the Russian Federation and amounts to 2%. Statistical adjustments were used based on four criteria: the federal district in which the university is located, level of study, year of study, and gender.
Methods. The methodological basis of the study was determined by the complexity and multifaceted nature of the research object, which required the use of an interdisciplinary approach and the use of pedagogical, general sociological, cultural, statistical, demographic concepts and techniques.
Results. The analysis of the Russian students’ opinion showed that the organization of the educational process is somewhat lagging behind today’s expectations. This is especially true for a practice-oriented learning model, focusing on the demands of specific sectors in the economy and the preparation of professionals with balanced soft and hard skills and competencies. Based on the analysis and the results obtained, the authors propose practical measures to change approaches to the organization of learning.
Background. Modern challenges facing the informatization of education are being solved in the context of digital transformation of a significant part of human activity. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop a set of theoretical and methodological foundations and solutions within the framework of the systemic convergence of teacher training and digital technologies. In this regard, it becomes important to understand the problems of informatization of education related to the still limited access of teachers and students to hardware and software, to network educational resources; to an insufficiently high level of didactic and consumer characteristics of digital educational resources used in the field of education; to a low level of teachers’ readiness to carry out teaching activities in the context of informatization of education.
Methods. The method of analysis of scientific and methodological sources and regulatory documents related to the problem of teacher training in the context of digital transformation of the education system is used. Methods of comparison and generalization of the obtained results are used in order to identify the prerequisites for the emergence of the above mentioned problems of informatization in education.
Results. In the course of this study, the authors come to the conclusion that the origins of a significant part of the problems of informatization in education are associated with the insufficient quality of teacher training for professional activities in the context of the digital transformation of the education system. Based on the analysis, the authors propose ways to solve these problems and list current directions for teacher training in assessing the quality of digital educational resources, their development and application in the educational process.
informatization of education; digital transformation of the education system; training of educational staff; digital educational resource
Background. The article discusses the problems of didactic knowledge in the current conditions of transformation of Russian education system in the first quarter of the 21st century. Objectives. Three circles of problems are considered, including: the place and role of didactic knowledge in the system of educational sciences; sources and essence of transformations of didactic ideas in the modern world; promising directions for the development of didactic knowledge.
Methods. The leading logic of the study is the comparison of the paradigmatic and traditional historical approaches to the analysis of didactic phenomena, the result of the synthesis of which include the concepts of “modernity” as an attitude and of “regimes of historicity” of knowledge.
Results. As a result of the article, two typical “regimes of historicity” are presented, characteristic of didactic research and reconstruction, as well as a system of “spheres”, each of which includes a set of problems, interpretations and strategies for the development of didactic knowledge. Conclusions. Didactics is multidimensional and multifunctional, it combines three time plans into a single whole — past, present and future, responding to the current challenges of contemporary reality.
didactics of higher education; teacher education; didactic studies; modernity; modes of historicity; spheres of education
Background. The revival of the best Russian traditions of children’s reading is recognized by the pedagogical community as the most important way to counter the crisis in the field of intellectual development of children at the levels of preschool, primary and general education. This formulation of the question is based on global sociocultural shifts that have entailed rapid and significant changes in the child’s general outlook, his reading range, and his set of key reading skills. The high artistic level and enormous educational potential of Russian literature are prerequisites for the revival of Russian traditions of children’s reading. The path to understanding literature lies through learning to read. It is this skill that is considered as a fundamental and no alternative condition for the development of all other various aspects of education and spirituality.
Methods. The article, based on extensive historical material, presents the development of ideas of education through the artistic word, reflected in the works of N.I. Novikov, I.F. Timkovsky, I.I. Sreznevsky, I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, F.I. Buslaev, P.G. Redkin, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Modzalevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, Kayum Nasyri, N.A. Rubakin, G.G. Shpet, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Lunacharsky, M. Gorky, K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, E.N. Ilyina.
Results. It is shown that Russian pedagogical tradition, from the moment of its inception, is based on a solid foundation of the unity of teaching and upbringing of the younger generation on national values and traditions of Russian literature, with respect for the child’s personality and characteristics. Particular attention is paid to the role of children’s literature in the spiritual and moral development of a person, the education of a devoted citizen of his Fatherland.
Russian traditions of teaching and upbringing; teaching Russian literature; spiritual and moral development of a child; national values; love for the Fatherland
Background. The development of psychological science in the context of educational practice stimulates researchers to seek for a scientific explanation of phenomena that are often used without proper justification. The article is devoted to the analysis of “math anxiety” in an interdisciplinary context.
In 2000, the All-Russian conference “Mathematics and Society. Mathematics education at the turn of the century”, organized by academician V.A. Sadovnichy took place in Dubna. At the conference V.A. Sadovnichy convincingly substantiated the growing role of mathematics in the 21st century and the importance of its results and applications not only for specialists, but also in all spheres of society — from theoretical physics and computer technology to the humanities and art history. In this regard, V.A. Sadovnichy pointed out the danger and inadmissibility of pseudo-scientific sophistications and pseudo-pedagogical speculations in the field of the meaning and difficulty of mathematics as a subject of teaching and problems related to it. We will look at one of these pseudoscientific concepts, the so-called “math anxiety,” in this article. Objective. The purpose of this article is to systematize and analyze data on “math anxiety” and critically comprehend this phenomenon. Method. The methodological basis of the article is the cultural-historical, as well as activity-based approaches, developed in line with leading Russian psychology schools of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, A.R. Luria, P. Ya. Galperin, and others. Results. Developing the ideas of cultural-historical psychology and activity theory in the context of education, Russian psychologists emphasized the special importance of research focused on practical problems related to learning. At the same time, referring to “math anxiety” can distract researchers from the real problems in teaching mathematics and other subjects. The joint efforts of psychologists, teachers, psychiatrists, neurologists and other specialists are important for the successful solution of educational problems. The development of issues of the content and methods of mathematics education, a psychological analysis of the difficulties experienced by both children and teachers, will contribute both to the development of psychological science and to the strengthening of its connections with educational practice.
math anxiety; math education; cultural-historical approach; general psychological theory of activity
Background. Given the contemporary realities, the need to improve the educa[1]tional system in Russia is becoming more and more acute. Such improvements are necessary in terms of implementation of national goals and strategic objectives for Russia’s development, of creation of a sovereign national education system and of strengthening the country’s unified educational space (including new regions). They also encompass compliance of students’ training with the requirements of contemporary information society and with the global trends in strategic academic development as well as the formation of knowledge and skills demanded by the labor market both in the near future and in the long-term prospect. In this regard, it is essential to comprehensively assess the challenges facing the educational system and to propose possible solutions on the part of the university community aimed at the achievement of the goals and objectives, both within the framework of existing national projects and programmes and for the medium-term prospects.
Methods. An interdisciplinary approach and structural-functional analysis of education issues in the context of Russia’s national projects and objectives of strategic development constitute the methodological basis of the article.
Results. The author outlines the main tasks to be solved and the directions in the work of the Russian university community. The article shows the directions for reforming mathematical, chemical, physical, and engineering education. It emphasizes the importance and significance of basic science training in higher education. It substantiates opportunities for strengthening the regional base of personnel training as well as gives recommendations for building a sovereign education system and forming a unified educational space. It also highlights the importance of educational work and patriotic education in universities. The directions in the work of the university corporation, proposed in the article, are in fact a programme document for the higher school for the current period and for the future.
Russian higher school; science; Priority-2030; Schools of Advanced Engineering Studies; strategic leadership; mathematical and natural sciences; Russian Rectors’ Union; competitiveness of education; Vernadsky Consortium